
Challenges to European Education

Cultural Values, National Identities, and Global Responsibilities

by Thyge Winther-Jensen (Volume editor)
©1997 Edited Collection X, 543 Pages


A multi-faceted overview of current trends, Challenges to European Education is a product of the 16th Congress of the Comparative Education Society in Europe. Bringing together authoritative studies related to teacher training issues, the redefinition of European curricula, dramatic changes in European education systems, and the elaboration of educational policies at the European level, the volume makes an important step toward broadening the scope of existing Comparative Education literature. Above all, its 25 chapters, grouped into five thematic sections, show the advantages of employing both the historical dimension and the macro-comparative, cross-civilizational perspective. Challenges to European Education brings into focus the vital elements which - transcending national differences - are common to the educational systems of Europe.


X, 543
ISBN (Softcover)
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien, 1996. X, 543 pp.

Biographical notes

Thyge Winther-Jensen (Volume editor)

The Editor: Thyge Winther-Jensen, University of Copenhagen, is docent of Comparative Education, History of Educational Ideas and Adult Education. He also serves as Vice-President of the Comparative Education Society in Europe. The Contributors: Per Ohrgaard, António Nóvoa, Willy Wielemans, Steven Borish, Hartmut Kaelble, Marie Eliou, Nigel Grant, Jagdish Gundara, Wim Jan Th. Renkema, David Coulby, Wilfried Bos, Jean-Jacques Paul, Sigrid Luchtenberg, Wolfgang Mitter, Rejio Raivola, Maria Slowey, Hanneke Braaksma, Patricia Broadfoot, Gijs Rupert/Martinus Santema, Birte Ravn, Elisabeth Buk-Berge, Shin'ichi Suzuki, Suzanne Majhanovich/Ljubo Majhanovich, Stephen S. Winter, Jerzy J. Smolicz.


Title: Challenges to European Education