
The «Ancrene Wisse-» A Four-Manuscript Parallel Text

Parts 5-8 with Wordlists

by Tadao Kubouchi (Volume editor) Keiko Ikegami (Volume editor)
©2005 Edited Collection XX, 364 Pages


The Ancrene Wisse is perhaps the most notable monument of Middle English prose, its influence evident from the time of its composition in the early thirteenth century until at least the Reformation. As the only Early Middle English work of considerable length to survive in more than two copies, it is a unique resource for the study of textual variation according to dialect, date, milieu and stylistic preferences. This edition presents four versions – those of the early Corpus, Cleopatra and Nero manuscripts, and the late and substantially modernised version of the Vernon manuscript. To facilitate comparison, they are printed in parallel form, line by line, and supplied with extensive notes. This volume, containing the latter portion of the text and wordlists, complements Vol. 7 in this series.


XX, 364
ISBN (Softcover)
religiöse Prosa Frühmittelenglisch Quelle Textgeschichte Mittelenglisch Ancrene Wisse Paleographie Dialektologie historische Sprachwissenschaft Ancren riwle
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2005. XX, 364 pp.

Biographical notes

Tadao Kubouchi (Volume editor) Keiko Ikegami (Volume editor)

The Editors: Tadao Kubouchi (Komazawa University, Tokyo, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Tokyo) and Keiko Ikegami (Seijo University, Tokyo) represent the Tokyo Medieval Manuscript Reading Group, which consists of eight medievalists from various universities in the Tokyo region. It has already produced a collection of studies of the Peterborough Chronicle, and in 1996 launched a project for a corpus of diplomatic parallel texts as a tool for historical studies of English.


Title: The «Ancrene Wisse-» A Four-Manuscript Parallel Text