
Nationalism and the State

Welfare and Identity in Scotland and Quebec

by Nicola McEwen (Author)
©2006 Monographs 212 Pages


Since the mid-1970s, many developed states have reduced the size and scope of their welfare systems. At the same time, states have faced growing demands for self-government from national minorities. These twin processes have had a substantial impact upon the structure, power and legitimacy of the state, yet few have considered their inter-relationship.
This book aims to fill this gap by conducting a focused comparison of nationalism and welfare development in Scotland and Quebec. The recent emergence of Scottish and Québécois nationalism took place against a backdrop of welfare retrenchment. Did the post-war welfare state contain these territorial identities and strengthen attachment to the state among Scots and Quebecers? Did the retrenchment of state welfare lead to demands for greater self-government?
Demands for Scottish self-government led to the creation of the Scottish Parliament and the devolution of power over wide areas of social policy. The book examines the complexities of welfare development in multi-level states, drawing upon the Quebec-Canada experience to explore the relationship between nationalism and welfare development in post-devolution Scotland.


ISBN (Softcover)
Schottland Nationalstaat Wohlfahrtsstaat Minority nationalism Social policy Territorial impact Social democracy Québec (Provinz) Scottish devolution Nationalismus
Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2006. 212 pp., 16 tables and graphs

Biographical notes

Nicola McEwen (Author)

The Author: Nicola McEwen is a Lecturer in Politics at the University of Edinburgh. She obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Sheffield in 2001. Her research on welfare state nationalism was developed while holding an ESRC post-doctoral fellowship in 2002-2003 and has come to fruition in this book. Nicola McEwen’s main research interests are in comparative territorial politics, nationalism and UK devolution.


Title: Nationalism and the State