
National Production Regimes in Post-Socialist Countries

The Case of the Czech Republic

by Mirka C. Wilderer (Author)
©2002 Thesis 202 Pages


Detailed research has been undertaken depicting the dominant models of national production regimes in the Western hemisphere. In the core of these debates on ‘varieties of capitalism’ the role of institutions and the path-dependent nature of socio-economic changes are discussed. Few attempts, however, have been made to classify the newly evolving market economies in Central Eastern Europe, where new economic and political institutions were created after the revolutions in 1989. In this study the author takes up the challenge to answer the question what type of capitalism is evolving in the course of the transformation processes in post-socialist countries, namely the Czech Republic? Which model has influenced political choices and what is the final outcome?


ISBN (Softcover)
east europe belarus jugoslavia
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2002. 202 pp., num. fig. and graphs

Biographical notes

Mirka C. Wilderer (Author)

The Author: Mirka Wilderer is a master student of sociology at the University of Bamberg, Germany, specializing in «European Integration and Global Society». Additionally, she is a student of the Bavarian Elite Academy. Due to her German-Czech heritage she was exposed to the political and economical developments in the Czech Republic already from early age on. This book is the result of research she conducted in the course of a student exchange programme at the Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic, in the academic year 2000-2001.


Title: National Production Regimes in Post-Socialist Countries