
Film, Politics & Education

Cinematic Pedagogy Across the Disciplines

by Kelvin Shawn Sealey (Volume editor)
©2008 Textbook XII, 166 Pages


Introducing the concept of cinematic education – defined as pedagogy infused by the moving image – this volume explores the historical, theoretical, and practical basis for using film in kindergarten through post-secondary classrooms. Its scholarly inquiry into the meaning film can bring to teaching and learning extends a vast literature on film theory. At the same time it broadens the scope of cultural studies in education to include a more thorough consideration of the day-to-day political dimensions of the cinematic in K-12 public and private classrooms.


XII, 166
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Cinema Movie USA Bildung Film Education Popular Culture Movies Teaching Pedagogy
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XII, 166 pp.

Biographical notes

Kelvin Shawn Sealey (Volume editor)

The Editor: Kelvin Shawn Sealey, an educational consultant and lecturer, is co-founder, with John Broughton, of the Film and Education Research Academy (FERA) at Teachers College, Columbia University. His scholarly pursuits embrace the field of cultural studies and education, and include research in and the teaching of courses on cinema and education; architecture and education; entrepreneurship and education; and the educational spectacular, the subject of his doctoral thesis at Teachers College. He is also the founder and director of the Design Lab for Learning Organizations at the Columbia Graduate School for Architecture, Planning and Preservation. Dr. Sealey has edited or co-edited four published volumes: A Reader in Social Enterprise (2000); Restoring Hope (1997); The Media Reader (1997); and The Question of New Orleans (2006).


Title: Film, Politics & Education