
Eugenics and Education in America

Institutionalized Racism and the Implications of History, Ideology, and Memory

by Ann Winfield (Author)
©2007 Textbook XIV, 195 Pages
Series: Complicated Conversation, Volume 18


Education in America was designed to organize, classify, and sort students according to a definition of ability and human worth provided by a racialized scientism known as eugenics – an ideology whose ultimate goal was the establishment of a superior White race. Eugenicists targeted entire ethnic groups, the urban poor, rural «White trash,» the sexually «deviant,» Blacks, Jews, Native Americans, Asians, Latino/as, and anyone who did not fit with the pseudo-scientifically established «superior» Nordic race. Education leaders, complaining of children of «worm-eaten stock,» established an enduring system to organize and sort students according to perceived societal worth. In exposing and addressing eugenics’ place in our educational system, this book provides a groundbreaking addition to, and exceptional correction of, the history of curriculum in America.


XIV, 195
ISBN (Softcover)
USA Bildung Rassismus Eugenic Race Racism Memory Collective memory History Historiography
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2007. XIV, 195 pp.

Biographical notes

Ann Winfield (Author)

The Author: Ann Gibson Winfield is Assistant Professor of Historical and Philosophical Foundations at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island. She received her Ph.D. in educational foundations, research, and leadership, with a concentration in curriculum studies from North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina.


Title: Eugenics and Education in America