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Hoffmann’s Signature Doodles

von Polly Dickson (Autor:in)
15 Seiten
Open Access
Journal: literatur für leser:innen Band 45 Ausgabe 1-2 Jahr 2022 pp. 77 - 91


As scholars familiar with his manuscripts and drawings will know, E.T.A. Hoffmann had the idiosyncratic and rather charming habit of signing off some of his informal letters not with a signature in the conventional sense, but with a spontaneous self-portrait: a doodle. The aim of this article is to examine such forms by framing them within the context of a broader question about Hoffmann’s doodles and drawings. Specifically, it places his ‘signature doodles’ at the centre of a graphic conversation between the contingencies of the medium and an impulse towards meaningful form. It is in that sense that they open up a space for new reflections on the author’s relationship to writing and drawing, registering a vision of the author not as an authorizing or authoritative entity, held above and separate from the work, but rather as a peculiar entanglement of self and work, whose identity is defined and confirmed from within the act of composition.


Open Access
E. T. A. Hoffmann doodles signature accident inkblot

Biographische Angaben

Polly Dickson (Autor:in)


Titel: Hoffmann’s Signature Doodles