Experts and Expertise in Science and Technology in Europe since the 1960s
Organized civil Society, Democracy and Political Decision-making
This book analyses the interplay of these different actors in the political relations among States since the 1960s: this interaction capability becomes a key factor for the international accountability of a country, and above all for the democratic reliability of its decision-making process. Then we have to consider the role of the organized civil society.
In that way, expertise provides the basis for the mediation among the States, and then expertise goes for the legitimacy of power practices in all parties engaged, and in the decision-making process inside the democratic arenas.
Table des matières
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the editors
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Table of Contents
- Acronyms
- Archives
- Introduction (Christine Bouneau / David Burigana)
- Experts in International Arenas Between East and West
- The Nexus Between Resilience and Foreign Policy in its Historical Development. A Research Agenda (Federico Niglia)
- Expert Cultures and Infrastructural Globalism. Socialist Experts under Restricted Internationalism (Doubravka Olšáková)
- Economics, Financial and Techno-industrial Fields: Enlarging Constraints
- How British Corporate Interests and Their Views on Japan Were Transferred to Brussels. The Case of Nissan Sunderland Plant and the Single European Act (Hitoshi Suzuki)
- The Central Bank and the Governments in the Shaping of Italy’s International Financial Policies from the End of Bretton Woods Through the Start of the 1980s (Simone Selva)
- Economic Experts and International Economic Policy in the Late 1970s (Andi Shehu)
- Techno-political Expertise and Energy: the Interweaving Between French Stakeholdersand European Arenas
- L’expertise aux Parlements français et européen. La question de l’énergie durant les années 1970 (Christine Bouneau)
- Think tanks et participation à l’élaboration du politique. Enjeux européens et énergétiques pour un groupe particulier d’experts (Jordane Provost)
- À la recherche d’une société civile organisée. Le Comité économique et social européen et le projet d’une Union européenne de l’énergie (Christophe Bouneau)
- Air and Space: European Techno-political Perspectives
- Factors Contributing to the Italian Position in the Years of the Establishment of Airbus Industrie (Elena Cesca)
- Réalité et illusions d’un consensus. L’itinéraire décisionnel du programme Hermès (Anne de Floris)
- French People’s Representatives Talk Outer Space. Two Decades of European Cooperation in Space Seen Through the Lenses of the Parliament (1970s-1980s) (Catherine Radtka)
- ‘Europeanization’ of Technology. The Role of Trade Unions in the Aerospace Sector (Sara Venditti)
- Experts, Expertise, and Politicians in Science and Technology in Italy. The Case of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in Air and Space (1960s-1980s) (David Burigana)
- Authors
- Index
- Bibliography
- Series index
Christine Bouneau & David Burigana (eds.)
Vol. 101
L’ouvrage est publié avec le soutien financier de l’Università degli Studi di Padova (Programme de recherche ExPoSt-Italy) et de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine (Programme SCOR) ; les auteurs remercient pour leur soutien scientifique : le Département de Sciences Politiques Juridiques et études internationales (SPgI) de l’Università degli Studi di Padova, le Centre d’Activités et d’études Aérospatiales « giuseppe Colombo » (Università degli Studi di Padova), le programme HistCom3 sur l’histoire de la Commission européenne (1986-2000), le Alcide De gasperi Research Centre (European University Institute), et tout particulièrement les Archives Historique de l’Union européenne, et la Società Italiana di Storia Internazionale (SiSi).
This publication has been peer reviewed.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means, without prior written permission from the publisher.
All rights reserved.
© P.I.E. PETER LANG s.a.
Éditions scientifiques internationales
Brussels, 2018
1 avenue Maurice, B-1050 Brussels,
ISSN 0944-2294 |
ePDF 978-2-8076-0521-3 |
CIP available at the Library of Congress and the British Library.
Bibliographic information published by “Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek”.
“Die Deutsche National Bibliothek” lists this publication in the “Deutsche National-bibliografie”; detailed bibliographic data is available on the Internet at
About the book
Do the politicians actually take decisions, or rather the experts do it in their place? In other words, it is a matter of understanding whether the political stakeholders/representatives simply approve the final stage of a decision procedure led by the experts they have delegated, since they lack cognitive skills or because the experts do not try enough to explicit potentials and risks involved. Here lays the possible loss of democratic legitimacy in the decision-making process. This brings into question the responsibility of a ruling class to which the political representatives and secondarily the experts belong.
This book analyses the interplay of these different actors in the political relations among States since the 1960s: this interaction capability becomes a key factor for the international accountability of a country, and above all for the democratic reliability of its decision-making process. Then we have to consider the role of the organized civil society.
In that way, expertise provides the basis for the mediation among the States, and then expertise goes for the legitimacy of power practices in all parties engaged, and in the decision-making process inside the democratic arenas.
This eBook can be cited
This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.
Table of Contents
Christine Bouneau, David Burigana
Experts in International Arenas Between East and West
The Nexus Between Resilience and Foreign Policy in its Historical Development. A Research Agenda
Expert Cultures and Infrastructural Globalism. Socialist Experts under Restricted Internationalism
Economics, Financial and Techno-industrial Fields: Enlarging Constraints
How British Corporate Interests and Their Views on Japan Were Transferred to Brussels. The Case of Nissan Sunderland Plant and the Single European Act
The Central Bank and the Governments in the Shaping of Italy’s International Financial Policies from the End of Bretton Woods Through the Start of the 1980s
Economic Experts and International Economic Policy in the Late 1970s
Andi Shehu←7 | 8→
Techno-political Expertise and Energy: the Interweaving Between French Stakeholders and European Arenas
L’expertise aux Parlements français et européen. La question de l’énergie durant les années 1970
Think tanks et participation à l’élaboration du politique. Enjeux européens et énergétiques pour un groupe particulier d’experts
À la recherche d’une société civile organisée. Le Comité économique et social européen et le projet d’une Union européenne de l’énergie
Air and Space: European Techno-political Perspectives
Factors Contributing to the Italian Position in the Years of the Establishment of Airbus Industrie
Réalité et illusions d’un consensus. L’itinéraire décisionnel du programme Hermès
French People’s Representatives Talk Outer Space. Two Decades of European Cooperation in Space Seen Through the Lenses of the Parliament (1970s-1980s)
‘Europeanization’ of Technology. The Role of Trade Unions in the Aerospace Sector
Experts, Expertise, and Politicians in Science and Technology in Italy. The Case of Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in Air and Space (1960s-1980s)
Bibliography←8 | 9→
ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
ACX Avion de Combat Experimental
AEE Agence pour les économies d’énergie
AERFER Industrie Meccaniche Meridionali Aeronautiche e Ferrotranviarie S.p.A.
AFIRIT Association franco-italienne pour la recherche industrielle et technologique
AGARD NATO Agency for Aerospace Development
ANR Agence nationale de la recherche
AS Altiero Spinelli
ASE Agence spatiale européenne
ASI Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
ATR Avion de transport régional
AUEW Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers
BA Boeing Archives
BL British Leyland
CAB Cabinet Papers
CADN Centre des archives diplomatiques, Nantes
CBI Confederation of British Industry
CCR Centre commun de recherche/Joint Research Centre
CECA Communauté européenne du charbon et de l’acier
CECLES Conseil européen pour la mise au point et la construction de lanceurs d’engins spatiaux
CEDEFOP Centre européen pour le développement de la formation
CEE Communauté européenne de l’énergie
CEEA Communauté européenne de l’énergie atomique
CEER Council of European Energy Regulators
CERS Conseil européen de recherche spatiale←9 | 10→
CESE Comité économique et social européen
CETS Conférence européenne de télécommunications par satellites
CIPE Comitato interministeriale per la programmazione economica
CNES Centre national d’études spatiales
CNET Centre national d’études des télécommunications
CNR Centro Nazionale per le Ricerche
CNRS Centre national de la recherche scientifique
COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
CRC Communiste républicain et Citoyen
DEE Dialogue européen sur l’énergie
DoI/DTI Department of Industry
EC European Community
EEB European Environment Bureau
EEC Economic European Community
EFA European Fighter Aircraft
EFIM Ente partecipazioni e finanziamento industrie manifatturiere
ELDO European Launcher Development Organization
ENEA Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Atomica
ENI Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi
ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
ENTSO-G European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas
EP European Parliament
EREC The European Renewable Energy Council
ESA European Space Agency
ESRO European Space Research Organization
Résumé des informations
- Pages
- 298
- Année de publication
- 2018
- 9782807605213
- 9782807605220
- 9782807605237
- ISBN (Broché)
- 9782807605206
- 10.3726/b13115
- Langue
- français
- Date de parution
- 2017 (Décembre)
- Publié
- Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2018. 298 p.
- Sécurité des produits
- Peter Lang Group AG