Musicologue de réputation internationale connu pour ses éditions critiques de Girolamo Frescobaldi, Etienne Darbellay est aussi un homme de goût pour qui la peinture compte autant que la musique. Notre page de titre en rend compte. A fresco désigne une technique de peinture murale, et fait aussi allusion à Frescobaldi. Les contributions que l’on trouvera dans nos mélanges touchent à de nombreux domaines, en partant de l’auteur de prédilection de Darbellay : notation et édition musicales, organologie et histoire de l’interprétation, esthétique, rhétorique et perception. Cette diversité était nécessaire car la philologie constitue chez Darbellay le centre d’une œuvre foisonnante, guidée par une conception exigeante de l’acte critique. Selon celle-ci, la forme musicale, en tant qu’incarnation d’une pensée qui engage l’homme tout entier, est un vecteur de connaissance. Une réflexion musicologique complète se doit donc de conjuguer raison et sensation, examen scrupuleux des textes (voire des tableaux) et écoute attentive de leurs réalisations. L’hommage adressé à Darbellay par ses collègues et disciples prend donc la forme d’une fresque collective où l’on retrouvera en bien des endroits la présence de celui qu’elle honore.
Ce livre contient des articles en allemand, français, anglais et italien.
As an internationally renowned musicologist well-known for his critical editions of Girolamo Frescobaldi, Etienne Darbellay is also a man arbiter of taste who appreciates painting as much as he does music. This is reflected in our title page. A fresco is a mural painting technique but is also an allusion to Frescobaldi. The contributions we find in this collection of essays touch on a wide range of disciplines, beginning with Darbellay’s favourite composer: music notation and editions, organology and history of music performance practice, aesthetics, rhetoric and perception. Such diversity in the essays was important, since for Darbellay, philology is at the heart of a vast range of works guided by a highly rigorous approach to the critical act. This approach sees a musical work, the embodiment of thought that engages Man in his entirety, as a vector of knowledge. Advanced musicological thinking must encompass reason and perception, an in-depth analysis of the texts (or of the paintings) and careful attention to the resulting works. The present publication realised in honour of Darbellay by his colleagues and followers takes the form of a collective fresco in which his presence may be felt throughout.
This book contains essays in German, French, English and Italian.
Ce livre contient des articles en allemand, français, anglais et italien.
As an internationally renowned musicologist well-known for his critical editions of Girolamo Frescobaldi, Etienne Darbellay is also a man arbiter of taste who appreciates painting as much as he does music. This is reflected in our title page. A fresco is a mural painting technique but is also an allusion to Frescobaldi. The contributions we find in this collection of essays touch on a wide range of disciplines, beginning with Darbellay’s favourite composer: music notation and editions, organology and history of music performance practice, aesthetics, rhetoric and perception. Such diversity in the essays was important, since for Darbellay, philology is at the heart of a vast range of works guided by a highly rigorous approach to the critical act. This approach sees a musical work, the embodiment of thought that engages Man in his entirety, as a vector of knowledge. Advanced musicological thinking must encompass reason and perception, an in-depth analysis of the texts (or of the paintings) and careful attention to the resulting works. The present publication realised in honour of Darbellay by his colleagues and followers takes the form of a collective fresco in which his presence may be felt throughout.
This book contains essays in German, French, English and Italian.
Résumé des informations
- Pages
- X, 531
- Année de publication
- 2014
- 9783035202212
- ISBN (Broché)
- 9783034313971
- 10.3726/978-3-0352-0221-2
- Langue
- français
- Date de parution
- 2013 (Novembre)
- Mots clés
- peinture murale histoire de l¿interprétation musicologue organologie rhétorique
- Publié
- Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013. 531 p.
- Sécurité des produits
- Peter Lang Group AG