We’re proud to share the positive feedback our books have received. These reviews validate the time and effort our authors put into their work, and we hope they encourage you to explore our titles.
Congratulations to all our reviewed authors and thank you to those who read and reviewed our titles.
Review Highlights
Title: Swan’s Nest, Swaffham, Norfolk, Excavating the Prehistory of the Breckland Clays by Joshua White
Review by: Andrew J. Lawson
“As a final report, it is logically structured, clearly written and well-illustrated: it summarises the background to the excavations and, with the help of specialist contributions, it details the archaeological features, sediments, artefacts and samples retrieved, primarily during the ‘harsh winter’ of 2018–19.”
Featured in: Norfolk Archaeology 2 (2023), 222–233
Link: https://www.nnas.info/publications/
Title: The Apocalypse in Ireland. Prophecy and Politics in the 1820s by Thomas P. Power
Review by: Denis G. Marnane
“One of the strengths of this book is that the author knows both the religious/philosophical background to such an extraordinary sweep of opinion and how at local regional and state level politics worked during those years.”
Featured in: Tipperary Historical Journal 2024
Link: https://tipperarystudies.ie/tipperaryhistoricaljournal/
Title: Psicopatografie. Il racconto della malattia mentale nella narrativa italiana del XXI secolo by Stefano Redaelli
Review by: Marina Guglielmi
“Partendo da tali obiettivi il libro rielabora e approfondisce una serie di scritti sul tema della malattia mentale che Redaelli sta articolando da alcuni anni.”
Featured in: Between, XIV.27 (2024): 772-777, www.betweenjournal.it
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/6269
Title: The Asturian Language. Distinctiveness, Identity, and Officiality edited by Avelino Corral Esteban
Review by: Matthew J. Burner, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“El libro Distinctiveness, Identity and Officiality of the Asturian Language es una celebración de la lengua asturiana y un testimonio vivo de su riqueza lingüística y cultural. A través de una serie de capítulos meticulosamente organizados, el libro explora en profundidad los tres temas centrales que se reflejan en su título: la distintividad, la identidad y la oficialidad del asturiano.”
Featured in: International Journal of Ibero-American Linguistics, 43
Link: – Ibero-American (iberoamericana-vervuert.es)

Title: Le Phenix Poëte et les Alouëtes by Riccardo Raimondo
Review by: Sandro-Angelo de Thomasis, The Juilliard School
“In sum, Raimondo’s book should adorn the shelves of anybody interested in transnational and translingual research in literature or translation studies. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that throughout the book, Raimondo’s writing is gender-inclusive, a refreshing sight.”
Featured in: Annali D’Italianistica, Volume 41 (2023), Italian Bookshelf