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1005 Lausanne


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Irische Studien

Wirtschafts-, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie

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Please find below the company details for all Peter Lang entities for your reference.

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 Company name  Peter Lang Group AG
 Address  Avenue du Théâtre 7, 1005 Lausanne
 Country  Switzerland
 Telephone Number  +41 43 216 13 63
 Company registration number  CHE-112.675.033
 VAT Number  CHE-112.675.033 MWST

Sub entities

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 Company name Peter Lang GmbH – Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
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 Telephone Number  +44 1865 502124
 Company registration number  05861291
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 Company name  Peter Lang Publishing Inc.
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Information about how COVID-19 has affected Peter Lang

Updated: September 2020

Peter Lang has, like every other business, been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Like all businesses we have had to learn and adjust our business to meet the new circumstances that we find ourselves in.

For Peter Lang these changes have included moving to more home/virtual working, and a move of technology from on-site or on-premise locations to the cloud.

We have also taken the opportunity to listen to our customers, authors and other business partners to clarify and simplify our business and communication processes.

These changes are necessarily disruptive and so please accept our apologies in advance if any of this work has inconvenienced you – we are working hard to put the new Peter Lang in place and believe that the short-term pain is worthwhile.

In particular, many of the communication channels have changed, our group has new email addresses, telephone numbers and office locations. You can find out how to contact us.

We wish you all the best at this time and look forward to working with you in the future.

Arnaud Béglé
Chief Executive Officer
Peter Lang Group AG

Telephone Numbers:

Our system currently operates in English, we will be adding French & German support very soon.

Country Telephone Number
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Germany +49 30 80098667‬
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Company Registrations:

Location Registration Details
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VAT-ID. No. DE 114225574

Tax-ID. 047 241 17420

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