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Peter Lang hat Verlagsteams in Büros auf der ganzen Welt, die sich jeweils auf die lokale Sprache und Inhalte konzentrieren. Folgen Sie den untenstehenden Links, um mehr über die einzelnen Lektoren und ihre jeweiligen Fachgebiete zu erfahren:

Esra Bahşi
Senior Acquisitions Editor

Esra Bahşi
Senior Acquisitions Editor
Esra Bahşi has been working for Peter Lang Verlag since autumn 2014. She holds a degree in German language & literature from Hacettepe/Ankara and Ege/Izmir Universities, together with a double MA in European studies and international relations from Istanbul Bilgi University and European University Viadrina. She is responsible for publications by Turkish authors.

Dr. Kurt Wallat
Senior Acquisitions Editor (Law / Economics)

Dr. Kurt Wallat
Senior Acquisitions Editor (Law / Economics)
Kurt Wallat holds a PhD in humanities. After studying in Mainz and Freiburg, and working in an academic capacity at Freiburg University, he joined Peter Lang in 1996. As a senior acquisitions editor, he is responsible for publications and series focusing mainly on law and economics.

Lucy Melville
Group Publishing Director

Lucy Melville
Group Publishing Director
Lucy has been working in publishing since 1995 and as the UK and Irish Director of Peter Lang since 2011. With overall strategic and commissioning responsibility for the UK and Irish divisions, Lucy is also responsible for the History, Theology and Religious Studies, and Social Sciences lists. She acquires manuscripts in the areas of African development, ethics (including business ethics), religion and theology, media and communication, sport history, trade union history, and British Mesolithic and Neolithic studies, amongst others. She also commissions books in the history and culture of Scotland, aspects of British identity since 1707 and queer studies. She is always interested in receiving new series ideas.

Thierry Waser
Deputy Managing Director and Senior Acquisitions Editor

Thierry Waser
Deputy Managing Director and Senior Acquisitions Editor
Thierry Waser holds an MA in French literature and contemporary history from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He started working for Peter Lang in 2008, first in the Bern office, before joining the Brussels office in 2015, where he works as the deputy managing director and senior commissioning editor. He speaks French, German and English. Subject areas: History, sociology, linguistics, philosophy, law, ecology and environmental studies.

Ulrike Döring
Senior Acquisitions Editor

Ulrike Döring
Senior Acquisitions Editor
Ulrike Döring studied German Language and Literature and Pedagogy at the University of Stuttgart and graduated with a master’s degree. Before joining Peter Lang, she has worked as an editor for a German specialist book publisher for many years. Since December 2018, she is responsible for the German and Linguistics program at Peter Lang’s Bern office and looks forward to discussing book and series proposals, particularly on linguistic and literary topics.

Dr. Elizabeth Howard
Acquisitions Editor (Media and Communication)

Dr. Elizabeth Howard
Acquisitions Editor (Media and Communication)
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Howard is Acquisitions Editor for Media and Communication at Peter Lang. After obtaining degrees from Oxford University and Uppsala University (Sweden) she was awarded a PhD. from Cardiff University in 2020. She joined Peter Lang in 2023 and acquires titles in all areas of Communication, Journalism, Public Relations and Media Studies.

Indrani Dutta
Acquisitions Editor (Social Sciences)

Indrani Dutta
Acquisitions Editor (Social Sciences)
With around a decade of experience in publishing, Indrani Dutta joined Peter Lang in 2022 as Acquisitions Editor (Social Sciences). She is working for Peter Lang’s Indian list and her focus areas are Political Science and International Relations, Sociology, History, Economics, Management and Media and Communication. Prior to joining Peter Lang, she was associated with McGraw Hill Education, India and SAGE Publications, India as development and commissioning editors for higher education level textbooks. Based in Kolkata, India, Indrani holds master’s degree in International Relations. Apart from commissioning academic works, she enjoys reading historical fictions, horrors and mysteries.
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“Dear Esra, thank you very much for your help and guidance. Knowing the selling price of the book helps my decision. Our library will as well order my books. I am also happy to have known you.”
Dr. Ayseli Usluata. Dept. of Public Relations & Publicity, Yeditepe University Editor-in-chief, Global Media Journal and author of Social Responsibility as Academic Learning Course at the University