
Studies in European Archaeology

ISSN: 2754-2440

This series will primarily focus on the publication of excavations which have occurred in Britain over the last twenty years, particularly those that have been developer-funded, which are of equal weight and significance as research excavations.
This series is a broad-church archaeological series, primarily focussing on excavation reports of regionally or nationally significant sites (sometimes compiled with other sites sharing a common thread), but also a home for edited collections of academic papers, and individual academic theses. It is not limited to particular periods, as this is not the reality with many archaeological sites.
The publication of «commercial» excavations is often inhibited for one reason or another. In some instances, this has primarily arisen through a lack of contact between commercial archaeologist and academic publishers. Local journals and regional publishers are often inundated with submission and are not able to accept new papers or have long waiting list. This series is unique, attractive in its flexibility and diversity, but also appealing in its mission and focus to bring to light nationally and internationally important excavations.
