8 results
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  • Title: Cli-Fi


    A Companion
    by Axel Goodbody (Volume editor) Adeline Johns-Putra (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Others
  • Title: The Works of James Melville

    The Works of James Melville

    by David W. Atkinson (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Others
  • Title: The Trauma Novel

    The Trauma Novel

    Contemporary Symbolic Depictions of Collective Disaster
    by Ronald Granofsky (Author) 2012
    ©1996 Others
  • Title: Reading without Maps?

    Reading without Maps?

    Cultural Landmarks in a Post-Canonical Age- A Tribute to Gilbert Debusscher
    by Christophe Den Tandt (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Others
  • Title: Enigmatic Bliss

    Enigmatic Bliss

    The Paradise Motif in Literature
    by Ingrid Daemmrich (Author)
    ©1997 Others
  • Title: Language and Civilization

    Language and Civilization

    Essays in honour of Otto Hietsch
    by Otto Hietsch (Volume editor)
    ©1992 Others
  • Title: Language and Civilization

    Language and Civilization

    Essays in honour of Otto Hietsch
    by Otto Hietsch (Volume editor)
    ©1992 Others
  • Title: Language and Civilization

    Language and Civilization

    Essays in honour of Otto Hietsch
    by Otto Hietsch (Volume editor)
    ©1992 Others
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