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  • International Bonhoeffer Interpretations

    ISSN: 1864-757X

    This series on the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) seeks to offer what its title promises by presenting interpretations of his thought from international perspectives. The term interpretation is meant to indicate both careful analysis of Bonhoeffer’'s texts and the creative exploration of his theological ideas in order to gauge their relevance for contemporary issues of interpretation, religion, politics, and culture. The editors hope that this series will promote greater awareness of Bonhoeffer’s international significance and facilitate research from a variety of cultural and disciplinary perspectives. The series IBI will include the conference proceedings of the annual International Bonhoeffer Colloquia (IBC) which are organized by the editors of the series. These colloquia concentrate on different aspects of Bonhoeffer’'s theology and try to coordinate the international network of Bonhoeffer projects. Their focus is the exchange and cooperation among younger research fellows dealing with the theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The new series will also include monographs and essay collections which reflect on the new perspectives Bonhoeffer’'s theology opens up for current challenges experienced by an increasingly international global community.

    7 publications

  • Film Cultures

    ISSN: 1663-8972

    The Film Cultures series publishes high quality academic research in the field of Film Studies with an emphasis on cinema as a medium for the representation and interpretation of cultural identities throughout the world. The editors seek to encourage diversity in the theoretical backgrounds represented in the series, and invite submissions of monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings covering a broad range of film-related research disciplines. The Film Cultures series publishes high quality academic research in the field of Film Studies with an emphasis on cinema as a medium for the representation and interpretation of cultural identities throughout the world. The editors seek to encourage diversity in the theoretical backgrounds represented in the series, and invite submissions of monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings covering a broad range of film-related research disciplines. The Film Cultures series publishes high quality academic research in the field of Film Studies with an emphasis on cinema as a medium for the representation and interpretation of cultural identities throughout the world. The editors seek to encourage diversity in the theoretical backgrounds represented in the series, and invite submissions of monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings covering a broad range of film-related research disciplines.

    13 publications

  • New Trends in Translation Studies

    ISSN: 1664-249X

    In today’'s globalised society, translation and interpreting are gaining visibility and relevance as a means to foster communication and dialogue in increasingly multicultural and multilingual environments. Practised since time immemorial, both activities have become more complex and multifaceted in recent decades, intersecting with many other disciplines. New Trends in Translation Studies is an international series with the main objectives of promoting the scholarly study of translation and interpreting and of functioning as a forum for the translation and interpreting research community. This series publishes research on subjects related to multimedia translation and interpreting, in their various social roles. It is primarily intended to engage with contemporary issues surrounding the new multidimensional environments in which translation is flourishing, such as audiovisual media, the internet and emerging new media and technologies. It sets out to reflect new trends in research and in the profession, to encourage flexible methodologies and to promote interdisciplinary research ranging from the theoretical to the practical and from the applied to the pedagogical. New Trends in Translation Studies publishes translation- and interpreting-oriented books that present high-quality scholarship in an accessible, reader-friendly manner. The series embraces a wide range of publications – monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings and translations of works in translation studies which do not exist in English. The editor, Professor Jorge Díaz-Cintas, welcomes proposals from all those interested in being involved with the series. The working language of the series is English, although in exceptional circumstances works in other languages can be considered for publication. Proposals dealing with specialised translation, translation tools and technology, audiovisual translation and the field of accessibility to the media are particularly welcomed. This series is based at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.

    44 publications

  • Studies in Theology, Society and Culture

    ISSN: 1662-9930

    Religious and theological reflection has often been confined to the realm of the private, the personal or the Church. In Europe this restriction of religion and theology can be traced back to the Enlightenment and has had long-lasting and pernicious consequences for the understanding of religious faith and society. On the one hand, there has been a rise in religious fundamentalisms around the globe, while, on the other hand, so-called advanced societies are constructed mainly along economic, pragmatic and rationalistic lines. Added to this is the reality that religious faith is increasingly lived out in pluralistic and multi-faith contexts with all the challenges and opportunities this offers to denominational religion. This series explores what it means to be religious in such contexts. It invites scholarly contributions to themes including patterns of secularisation, postmodern challenges to religion, and the relation of faith and culture. From a theological perspective it seeks constructive re-interpretations of traditional Christian topics – including God, creation, salvation, Christology, ecclesiology, etc. in a way that makes them more credible for today. It also welcomes studies on religion and science, and on theology and the arts. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. It attracts well-researched, especially interdisciplinary, studies which open new approaches to religion or focus on interesting case studies. The language of the series is English.

    22 publications

  • Victorian and Edwardian Studies

    ISSN: 1664-2104

    The series focuses primarily on subjects, works and authors of Victorian and Edwardian literature in light of an interpretation of the lines of epistemic continuities/discontinuities involved in the historical notion of “the long nineteenth-century” (1789–1914). While promoting new critical perspectives in the field of Victorian textual production (from literature to visual arts, from scientific works to popular press), the series also aims to publish interdisciplinary works which consider the ideological and sociocultural implications of the radical transformation in Victorian society. The publications in the series originate mainly from research work conducted at the CUSVE (Centre for Victorian and Edwardian Studies – University of Pescara, Italy) but the series is open to contributions originating outside the CUSVE. It publishes monographs, collections of essays, conference proceedings and doctoral dissertations. The language of publications is both English and Italian.

    9 publications

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