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  • Studies in Global Economic Law / Studien zum globalen Wirtschaftsrecht / Etudes en droit économique mondial

    Present and future economic, technological and societal changes and evolutions fundamentally affect traditional legal structures of the territorial state system. They increasingly call for global approaches and solutions, transgressing the tools of classical public international law. This trilingual series publishes monographs, studies and collected papers dedicated to these challenges. The contributions examine existing instruments, in particular within the framework of the international trading system. They explore new approaches and search for innovative solutions within the global process of legal integration. Research efforts are dedicated to different walks of life and areas of regulation, and to the quest for adequate constitutional structures of transnational and democratic processes. Les évolutions actuelles et futures sur le plan technique, économique et social ne cesseront d'influencer profondément les structures traditionnelles du droit de I'état territorial. Par conséquent, des approches et des solutions dépassant les instruments du droit international public classique deviennent de plus en plus nécessaires. Cette collection trilingue publie des monographies, études et actes de colloques qui analysent et font face à ces défis. Les contributions examinent les instruments existants, notamment dans la domaine du système commercial mondiale. Elles cherchent à développer des approches nouvelles et des solutions innovatrices dans le contexte du processus d'intégration globale en incluant des études de droit touchant aux différents secteurs et domaines de vie. De plus, les travaux de recherche seront également destinés à trouver les procédures constitutionnelles et décisionnelles les plus adéquates et démocratiques au niveau transnational. Wirtschaftliche, technologische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen der Gegenwart und Zukunft bewirken tiefgreifende Änderungen traditioneller Strukturen des Rechts des Territorialstaats und rufen zunehmend nach globalen Vorgehensweisen und Lösungen, die oftmals über das Instrumentarium des klassischen Völkerrechts hinaus weisen. Die dreisprachige Reihe publiziert Monographien, Studien und Tagungsbände, die sich vertieft mit diesen Herausforderungen auseinandersetzen. Die Beiträge untersuchen das bestehende Instrumentarium namentlich im Rahmen des Welthandelssystems und forschen nach neuen Ansätzen und Lösungen im Rahmen des globalen Integrationsprozesses. Dazu gehören Studien zu den Regelungen einzelner Sach- und Lebensbereiche wie auch zu Fragen adäquater transnationaler demokratischer Verfassungs- und Entscheidungsstrukturen.

    14 publications

  • Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations

    The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. Die Reihe "Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen" bietet ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Forschung zum Themengebiet der Vereinten Nationen, eingeschlossen UN-Sonderorganisationen und Regionalorganisationen, welche in rechts- und/oder politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Struktur sowie die Arbeitsweise der Weltorganisation abbildet. Im Rahmen der Reihe sollen Möglichkeiten untersucht werden, wie im Wege von Governance bzw. einer Verrechtlichung von globaler Ordnungspolitik das System der Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage eines "Weltfriedensrechts" gestärkt werden kann. Damit setzten sich die Dresdner Schriften auch zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des jungen Fachgebiets "UN-Studien" in Forschung und Lehre zu leisten.

    19 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored. Among the broad structural transformation processes at the global level, the international legal recognition of human rights occupies an exceptionally prominent position. The dimensions of this process include standard setting, the functioning of sophisticated machineries for the promotion and protection of human rights, the development of a specific international case-law as well as new priorities of the political agenda. The human rights paradigm is at the heart of a new set of interrelated principles, which are equally valid at both the domestic and the international levels – such as the rule of law, democratic principles and the responsibility to protect – and of great strategic visions, as human development and human security. New functions, such as human rights monitoring, election observation, fact-finding and inquiry have already been admitted to international practice. This series intends to foster the publication of volumes that investigate the multiple facets of a strongly evolving reality, and stimulate the production of new and innovative ideas. It offers to highlight how the human rights paradigm is at times used and at times disregarded or exploited in cases and situations that regard among others those belonging to vulnerable groups (immigrants, asylum seekers, persons with disabilities), NGOs and human rights defenders’ advocacy, intercultural dialogue, governance of world economy, bio-technologies and peace operations. Those studies which adopt inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches, in accordance with the fundamental principle of interdependence and indivisibility of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, will be favored.

    4 publications

  • L’Europe alimentaire / European Food Issues / Europa alimentaria / L’Europa alimentare

    ISSN: 2033-7892

    For several decades now, our attention has been drawn to expanding agricultural output and the proliferation of powerful food companies. At the same time, in the process of European integration, the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius (1963), the Food Law (2002), and the recognition of PGIs for many products have contributed to the creation of a common European "food space". Today, these systems of supply and distribution have between them given Europeans quite varied dietary possibilities. This situation stems from various developments, linking the economic to the technical and amounting to a long-term trend. Cultural issues bear upon this, whether culinary transmission from generation to generation or the increasingly diverse catering sector, and political decisions also contribute through the establishment of standards and regulations. Hence, traditions and ruptures, innovations and continuities are permanently unsettling the European diet. Using original sources, doctoral theses, conference papers, monographs and testimonies, this series examines historical developments at the national scale and also, more generally, in a transnational perspective. The series hopes to make a significant contribution to understanding the processes of food innovation, which are powerful factors of difference and identity in contemporary Europe. All volumes in this series passed a selection process that included double blind peer-review. Le développement des rendements agricoles et la croissance de puissantes industries agroalimentaires ont focalisé l’attention depuis plusieurs décennies. Dans le processus de construction européenne, l’adoption du Codex alimentarius (1963), la Food law (2002) et la reconnaissance des IGP sur de nombreux produits contribuent désormais à unifier un espace alimentaire communautaire. Les Européens disposent de moyens d’approvisionnement et de distribution variés pour constituer leur alimentation. Cette situation procède d’évolutions plurielles, liant l’économique et le technique, et s’inscrit en fait dans la longue durée. Des enjeux culturels y sont associés, qu’il s’agisse de transmissions culinaires générationnelles ou de l’offre de restauration très diversifiée. Des choix politiques y contribuent également, par la mise en place de normalisations et de règlements. Traditions et ruptures, nouveautés et continuités bouleversent en permanence l’alimentation des Européens. Par des recueils de sources, des thèses, des actes de colloques, des monographies érudites et des témoignages, cette collection interroge les évolutions historiques et sociétales, par pays ou plus globalement dans une perspective transnationale. Elle souhaite apporter une connaissance sur des processus d’innovations alimentaires qui constituent de puissants facteurs de différences et d’identités mêlées de l’Europe contemporaine. Tous les volumes de cette collection sont publiés après double révision à l'aveugle par des pairs.

    18 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Subseries: Italian Yearbook of Human Rights

    ISSN: 2294-8848

    The legal and political significance of human rights has increased enormously at the international and European levels. It has become increasingly clear that the respect and promotion of human rights must be at the centre of States and local communities' public policies and that human rights are the basis of civil society initiatives and movements. There is a large mechanism, at all levels of governance, monitoring the way in which States implement the obligations they have assumed towards each person under their sovereignty. The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights Series provides year by year, a dynamic and up-to date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies in line with international human rights law and to comply with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The book series thus intends to contribute to the continuous monitoring activity of the human rights situation in Italy undertaken at the local, national and international levels by the relevant intergovernmental and civil society actors. Each volume of this series surveys the activities carried out, during the year of reference, by the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, each Yearbook provides a selection of examples from international and national case law that cast light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. The Yearbook is edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace of the same university, and with the support of the Region of Veneto. The Centre, established in 1982, carries out research and education following a global and interdisciplinary approach. It hosts the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on intercultural dialogue, human rights and multi-level governance.

    11 publications

  • Changing Democracy and Systems of Differences and Adjustments

    "The series is intended as a collection of original and critical political-philosophicalworks as well as interdisciplinary studies on contemporary trends within democracy, its counter-actors, and transparent–global market players. Authors representing various backgrounds and standpoints are encouraged in order to engage in the political philosophy; theoretical and mathematical analyses on politics; cyber society; environments; economics; civil, constitutional, and international law (e.g. legal transplants); human rights; social psychology; and sociology. The series used to collect the best global achievements and standards. Accordingly, the series has been provided in Spanish, Japanese, [Modern] Greek, German, French, and English but all double-peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts should contain an English translation of its detailed contents and a résumé written in English. The world of the social has been rich enough to suggest no leading theoretical standpoint and no approaches of investigations are expected as imposed to the subject but normative studies on changing democracy and systems of differences and adjustments are not preferred because every non-changeable thing/idea disappears."

    1 publications

  • Pilgrimage Studies

    From the Islamic Hajj to journeys to an ancestral homeland, pilgrimages are growing global phenomena with far-reaching national, political, societal, economical, religious, and cultural impact. Globalization, which has led to increased possibilities of travel and interconnectivity, underpins the growth of pilgrimages, as does the contemporary notion that pilgrimages are framed as journeys of meaning constructed by pilgrims. Despite universal exemplars of pilgrimage, there is a dearth of multidisciplinary, and multilingual, literature on the topic. This series aims to fuse multiple streams of pilgrimage discourse and provide a forum for formerly disparate conversations on the pilgrimage phenomenon. Proposals are welcome for monographs and edited collections that explore the intersection of pilgrimage with topics such as identity, heritage, ethnicity and genealogy, political power, nationalism, gender and sexuality, architecture, law, technology, climate and geography, and health and wellbeing. Additionally, manuscripts that represent new perspectives on existing pilgrimage sites and historical narratives are welcome and contributions from non-Anglo authors will be considered. All inquiries should be directed to Heather A. Warfield, Series Editor: heather@heatherawarfield.com.

    6 publications

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