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  • Enjeux internationaux / International Issues

    ISSN: 2030-3688

    Studies in international relations, particularly historical, stem from the changing face of diplomacy over time, where the deeper forces at play, such as those once defined by Pierre Renouvin, are taken into account. Individual states, and those who define and implement their policies, are placed at the heart of global life. According to this concept, countries pursue a course of action by taking advantage of the most diverse range of tools they can rely on, such as economic or cultural resources, which act alone or interact with others. The study of international relations grew into different fields of analysis during the 20th century, but it is now subject to a new scrutiny in this era of globalisation. This concept, which coincides with the development of neo-liberal analysis since the 1980s, reveals a new awareness about the increased number of actors NGOs and multinational companies, for example but also the large autonomy they enjoy when it comes to action. This series aims to portray these new perspectives and their impact on current research. Without casting aside studies in international relations that focus on states, it tries to better understand the diverse range of factors that play out on the world stage and how they relate to each other from the high stakes in sport to the use of colonial memory. This series targets academics and analysts who wish to apply 20th century history to contemporary thought. L’étude des relations internationales, tout particulièrement dans le champ historique, est issue d’une histoire diplomatique largement rénovée à travers la prise en compte des forces profondes telles que les a jadis définies Pierre Renouvin. Elle place les États et ceux qui sont chargés de définir et de mettre en œuvre leur politique au cœur de la vie internationale. Selon cette conception, les États conduisent leur action en jouant sur la palette des moyens les plus divers sur lesquels ils peuvent s’appuyer, tels que l’économie ou la culture, et qui agissent ou interagissent les uns par rapport aux autres. La démultiplication des champs d’analyse de la vie internationale se développe ainsi tout au long du XXe siècle, mais est l’objet d’un nouveau regard en ces temps de mondialisation. Cette dernière, contemporaine du développement des analyses néo-libérales depuis les années 1980, témoigne tout à la fois de la prise de conscience de la démultiplication des acteurs en présence – ONG, entreprises multinationales par exemple – et de la large autonomie d’action de ces multiples acteurs. La collection « enjeux internationaux » se veut représentative de ces perspectives renouvelées et de leur impact sur les recherches actuelles. Sans abandonner l’étude des relations internationales centrées sur les États, elle cherche à mieux appréhender la diversité des segments qui composent le champ international et le mode de relations entre ces derniers : de l’enjeu que constitue le sport à celui de l’usage de la mémoire coloniale. Elle s’adresse ainsi aux universitaires et analystes souhaitant interroger les grandes thématiques du siècle dernier au service d’une réflexion sur le présent.

    56 publications

  • Feuchtwanger Studies

    This series focuses on the life and work of the internationally celebrated German writer Lion Feuchtwanger (1884–1958), whose works have been translated into many languages. Of particular interest are topics such as Feuchtwanger’s role as a critic of Weimar Germany and the rise of Nazism, his years of exile in France (1933–40) and in the United States (1940–58), his achievements as a proponent of the historical novel, and his reception both in Germany and in the wider world. The series presents Feuchtwanger in the context of his times, paying special attention to his years in Southern California and his relationships with other leading cultural figures of the era. With Feuchtwanger at its core, the series explores the multinational literary and intellectual network that resulted from German and Austrian exile under Nationalism Socialism: from Paris to Vienna, Los Angeles to London, Buenos Aires to Tel Aviv, and New York to Moscow. Contributions present cutting-edge research elaborating on the intricate relations of literary locations, emotional spaces and biographies characteristic of these important writers, artists and filmmakers. Books in the series will be of interest to those working in German studies, exile studies, Jewish studies, gender studies and film studies. Volumes in the series include selections of refereed and reworked papers from the biennial conferences of the International Feuchtwanger Society as well as specially commissioned monographs relating to Martha and Lion Feuchtwanger, their circle and contemporaries.

    9 publications

  • British Identities since 1707

    ISSN: 1664-0284

    The historiography of British identities has flourished since the mid-1970s, spurred on by increasing national consciousness in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and since 1997 by devolution. Historians and other academics have become increasingly aware that identities in the British Isles have been fluid and that interactions between the different parts of the British Isles have been central to historical developments since, and indeed before, the Act of Union between England and Scotland in 1707. This series seeks to encourage exploration of identities of place in the British Isles since the early eighteenth century, including intersections between competing and complementary identities such as region and nation. The series also advances discussion of other identities such as class, gender, religion, politics, ethnicity and culture when these are geographically located and positioned. While the series is historical, it welcomes cross- and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of British identities. British Identities since 1707 examines the unity and diversity of the British Isles, developing consideration of the multiplicity of negotiations that have taken place in such a multinational and multi-ethnic group of Islands. lt will include discussions of nationalism(s), of Britishness, Englishness, Scattishness, Welshness and Irishness, as well as 'regional' identities including, for example, those associated with Cornwall, the Gäidhealtachd region in Scotland and Gaeltacht areas in Ireland. The series will encompass discussions of relations with continental Europe and the United States, with ethnic and immigrant identities and with other forms of identity associated with the British Isles as place. The editors are interested in publishing books relating to the wider British world, including current and former parts of the British Empire and the Commonwealth, and places such as Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands and the smaller islands of the British archipelago. British Identities since 1707 reinforces the consideration of history, culture and politics as richly diverse across and within the borders of the British Isles.

    10 publications

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