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  • The Modernist Revolution in World Literature

    ISSN: 1528-9672

    In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series

    3 publications

  • Studies in Contemporary Women’s Writing

    ISSN: 2235-4123

    A series founded by Gill Rye This book series supports the work of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London, by publishing high-quality critical studies in the field. Studies in Contemporary Women’s Writing provides a forum for innovative research exploring new trends and issues in the work of new, hitherto neglected or established authors who write primarily, but not exclusively, in the languages covered by the Centre: French, German, Italian, Portuguese and the Hispanic languages. The series has redefined its remit in light of current scholarship. ‘Contemporary’ is still defined as ‘after 1968’, with a preference for studies of post-1990 texts in any genre. While the series initially focused on writing, it now welcomes research that crosses disciplinary boundaries and defines creativity in the broadest sense, including intersections between literature and the arts, cinema and music. Scholarship that embraces gender and sexuality more broadly, including the work of non-binary and queer authors, is also welcome. We encourage studies that connect texts with the social, cultural, linguistic and political contexts in which they are created, taking into account the transnational and postcolonial configuration of the contemporary world and its impact on lives and experiences. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited collections. The series welcomes single-author studies, thematic analyses across languages and cross-cultural discussions that rely on a variety of approaches and theoretical frameworks, as well as studies that showcase the application of new methodologies to primary texts. Manuscripts should be written in English. Editorial Board: Claudia Bernardi (Victoria University of Wellington), Francesca Calamita (University of Virginia), Emily Jeremiah (Royal Holloway, University of London), Shirley Jordan (Newcastle University), Catriona MacLeod (University of London Institute in Paris), Lorraine Ryan (University of Birmingham), Godela Weiss-Sussex (School of Advanced Study, University of London), Caragh Wells (University of Bristol), Claire Williams (St Peter’s College, University of Oxford)

    15 publications

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