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  • Warsaw Studies in Jewish History and Memory

    The series Warsaw Studies in Jewish History and Memory covers a wide range of approaches to the history of sciences, ethnology and cultural studies, as well as philosophy. The editors aim to provide a forum for interdisciplinary studies regarding historical and cultural aspects of Jewish life. Their academic focus includes anti-Semitism, Polish-Jewish relations, nationalism, ethnicity and identity as well as the Europeanization of memory and Holocaust representation. From Vol. 7 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Jewish History and Memory .

    6 publications

  • Studies in Jewish History and Memory

    ISSN: 2364-1975

    The series Studies in Jewish History and Memory covers a wide range of approaches to the history of sciences, ethnology and cultural studies, as well as philosophy. The editors aim to provide a forum for interdisciplinary studies regarding historical and cultural aspects of Jewish life. Their academic focus includes anti-Semitism, Polish-Jewish relations, nationalism, ethnicity and identity as well as the Europeanization of memory and Holocaust representation. The series was formerly known as Warsaw Studies in Jewish History and Memory .

    10 publications

  • Studies in Judaism

    Studies in Judaism draws together scholarly works in Jewish philosophy, constructive theology, and intellectual history. The series includes all historic periods, with a particular focus on modern and postmodern interpretive perspectives and practices. Studies in Judaism draws together scholarly works in Jewish philosophy, constructive theology, and intellectual history. The series includes all historic periods, with a particular focus on modern and postmodern interpretive perspectives and practices. Studies in Judaism draws together scholarly works in Jewish philosophy, constructive theology, and intellectual history. The series includes all historic periods, with a particular focus on modern and postmodern interpretive perspectives and practices.

    8 publications

  • Pegisha – Begegnung / Pegisha – Encounters

    Jüdische Studien / Jewish Studies

    The series Pegisha Encounters. Jewish Studies is a forum for connecting inquiries on literary theory and philosophy with studies of Jewish culture. Its editor is the comparatist Dorothee Gelhard. Special emphasis will be placed on experiences of European modernity. Volumes concerning topics such as cultural remembrance, assimilation or secularization will also be included. Manuscript proposals may be sent directly to the editor. Die Reihe Pegisha Begegnung. Jüdische Studien ist ein Forum, um Studien über jüdische Kultur mit literaturtheoretischen und philosophischen Fragestellungen zu verbinden. Sie wird von der Komparatistin Dorothee Gelhard herausgegeben. Die Erfahrungen mit der europäischen Moderne stehen dabei im Vordergrund. Aufgenommen werden auch Bände, die sich mit Themen wie kultureller Erinnerung, Assimilation oder Säkularisation beschäftigen. Manuskriptvorschläge direkt an die Herausgeberin sind möglich.

    12 publications

  • Judentum und Umwelt / Realms of Judaism

    In the series Realms of Judaism, founded in 1979, research studies from the fields of Jewish history, culture, religion, literature, philosophy and philology are published. Although the research areas cover the times from Antiquity to Early Modernity, Pre-modern Judaism constitutes the main focus of the series. The geographical space encompasses the Near and Middle East and European Judaism likewise. The editors of the series are scholars with various specialisations within the area of Jewish studies. In der seit 1979 erscheinenden Reihe Judentum und Umwelt werden aktuelle Studien aus den Teilbereichen Geschichte, Kultur, Religion, Literatur, Philosophie und Philologie des Judentums publiziert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Judentum der Vormoderne; die Forschungsgegenstände umfassen im Wesentlichen die Zeitbereiche von der Antike bis zur Frühen Neuzeit. Der geographische Raum umspannt den Nahen und Mittleren Osten sowie das Judentum in Europa. Die Herausgeber sind Judaisten mit fachlich unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten.

    78 publications

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