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  • Early American Literature and Culture Through the American Renaissance

    The Early American Literature and Culture series aims at providing a forum for discussions of interdisciplinary approaches to American literary culture in the broadest sense of the term. Scholars examine the formation, encoding, and transformation of value systems in literature and history, by analyzing the forces of the market place, gender politics, conquest and colonization, ethnicity, racialism, and genocide during the period of 1580-1880.

    5 publications

  • The Modernist Revolution in World Literature

    ISSN: 1528-9672

    In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series

    3 publications

  • Studies in Education and Spirituality

    ISSN: 1527-8247

    Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens?

    8 publications

  • Lawrence Krader’s Legacy in Science, History and Philosophy

    Lawrence Krader (1920-1998) was an American philosopher and anthropologist best known for his empirical work among the various indigenous peoples of Central Asia; his transcription, editing and publication of Karl Marx’s ethnological notebooks; his work on the formation of the state; and his theory of labor and value, in which he critically traced the history of objective value theory from Aristotle to Marx and the Marxists, and attempted to bring it into line with the subjective value theory from Böhm-Bawerk, to von Mises and von Hayek. Just prior to his death Krader expressed his desire to establish a research project in conjunction with Cyril Levitt at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Lawrence Krader Research Project was officially established in April 2008 to edit, introduce and publish Krader's many unpublished works. The first years of the series will focus on these unpublished manuscripts. Subsequnetly the series will include works by others who have taken up Krader’s ideas critically in their own work. The editors particularly welcome manuscripts that develop a serious critical appraisal of Krader’s works. At the same time, they also welcome the work of those newly minted or seasoned scholars who take up some of the questions raised by Krader in his various works.

    2 publications

  • Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas

    ISSN: 2372-6830

    The Latinx presence continues to grow and intersect with every aspect of life in the 21st century. This is evident when one considers the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor as Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court. As well as the prominence of distinct Latinx individuals in various spheres of social, cultural, and political life such as Mario J. Molina, Nobel Prize winner and recipient of the Medal of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013; and Jorge Maria Bergoglio (Pope Francis) who has revolutionized the Catholic church since he became the highest ecclesiastical authority of the Catholic world in 2013. Latino Studies, as an academic field of inquiry, began to emerge during the early 1990s surfacing from the more recognized field of Chicano Studies. As such, the major contributions to the field first emerged from Mexican/Chicano scholarship—publications such as Aztlán, the most important journal in the field of Chicano Studies since 1970; Gloria Anzaldúa’’s groundbreaking memoir/essay, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987); George J. Sanchez’s historical account, Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 (1995); and the two volumes of The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlan, 1970-2010. These are a few examples of the consolidation and the continuing development of Chicano Studies in the United States. In the past two decades, Latino Studies have grown and expanded significantly. There have been a large number of publications about Latinxs in the Midwest and North East; in addition, due to the fast-growing population of Latinxs in the area, new scholarship has emerged about the Latinxs in the New South. Some examples of the emerging field of Latino Studies are the Latinos on the East Coast (2015) edited by Yolanda Medina and Ángeles Donoso Macaya, Global Cities and Immigrants (2015) by Francisco Velasco Caballero and María de los Angeles Torres; the Handbook of Latinos and Education (2010) edited by Enrique Murillo, et al.; Angela Anselmo’s and Alma Rubal-Lopez’s 2004 On Becoming Nuyoricans; David Carey Jr. and Robert Atkinson (2009) Latino Voices in New England; Yolanda Prieto’s case study entitled, The Cubans of Union City: Immigrants and Exiles in a New Jersey Community (2009); and Lawrence La Fontaine-Stokes’ Queer Ricans Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora (2009). Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas will become the counterpart of the aforementioned research about the Latinx diaspora that deserve equal scholarly attention and will add to the academic field of inquiry that highlights the lived experience, consequential progress and contributions, as well as the issues and concerns that all Latinxs face in present times. This provocative series will offer a critical space for reflection and questioning of what it means to be Latinx living in the Americas, extending the dialogue to include the North and South hemispheric relations that are prevalent in other fields of global studies such as Post-Colonial Theory, Post-Colonial Feminism, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Critical Race Theory, and others. This broader scope can contribute to prolific interdisciplinary research and can also promote changes in policies and practices that will enable today’s leaders to deal with the overall issues that affect us all. Topics that explore contemporary inequalities and social exclusions associated with processes of racialization, economic exploitation, health, education, transnationalism, immigration, identity politics, and abilities that are not commonly highlighted in the current literature as well as the multitude of socio-economic, and cultural commonalities and differences among the Latinxs in the Americas will be at the center of the series. As the Latinx population continues to grow and change, and universities enhance their Latino Studies programs to be inclusive of all types of Latinx identities, a series dedicated to the lived experience of Latinxs in the Americas and a consideration of their progress and concerns in the social, cultural, political, economic, and artistic arenas is of incredible value in the quest for pedagogical practices and understandings that apply a critical perspective to the issues facing scholars in this area of study. Scholars, faculties, and students alike will benefit from this series. Expressions of interest for authored or edited books will be considered on a first come basis. A Book Proposal Guideline is available on request. For individual or group inquiries please contact the Series Editors at ymedina@bmcc.cuny.edu & Margarita.MachadoCasas@UTSA.edu.

    50 publications

  • Studies in Religion, Politics and Public Life

    ISSN: 1087-8459

    "Both at home and abroad religion is recognized as an important factor in many aspects of life-political, cultural, and economic. To assist an informed public debate, this series publishes innovative studies of unquestionably high standards of scholarship an the role of religion and religiously motivated convictions in politics and public life. Preference is given to interdisciplinary and comparative approaches that explore the historical, conceptual, and normative issues that come to bear an the political and public rote of religion, as well as the nature of values and structures of arguments relevant to general policy concerns. The books in this series include monographs, anthologies, and textbooks. They are of particular lnterest to political scientists, historians, philosophers, theologians, and legal and social analysts. Three ideas guide this series: (1) The role of religion in the making of public policy has become and is likely to remain a subject of considerable debate in American society; (2) Despite a political and constitutional tradition that separates religion and government, there is neither conceptual clarity nor political consensus an how to resolve the many dilemmas created by the presence of religion in the public sphere; (3) There is an urgent need to develop interdisciplinary models for understanding the rote, if any, that religion ought to play in our political and public lives. "

    1 publications

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