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  • Das Alte Testament im Dialog / An Outline of an Old Testament Dialogue

    ISSN: 1662-1689

    This series intends to promote and stimulate the scientific dialogue between the Old Testament and its interrelated subjects. The interest is focused on the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament and on its relationship with the human sciences. In addition to theology, anthropology and ethics and aside from areas relating to psychology, pedagogy, sociology, economics, historiography, music and linguistics, there are some important points of reference to scientific questions, including medicine. This international series will publish not only monographs and conference volumes but also theses and dissertations in German, English, Italian and Romanian. Of vital importance is the desire that these volumes address themselves not exclusively to specialists, but to the general interested reader. Diese Reihe will den wissenschaftlichen Dialog zwischen dem Alten Testament und benachbarten Fächern fördern. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen der weit verzweigte Dialog zum Neuen Testament sowie die wechselseitige Beziehung mit den Humanwissenschaften, die durch die Vielschichtigkeit des Alten Testaments hervorgerufen wird. Dazu gehören neben der Theologie, Anthropologie und Ethik auch Gebiete wie Psychologie, Pädagogik, Soziologie, Ökonomie, Geschichtsschreibung, Musikwissenschaften und Sprachforschung. Aber auch zu naturwissenschaftlichen Fragen wie beispielsweise in der Medizin gibt es einige wichtige Bezugspunkte. In diese international ausgerichtete Reihe werden sowohl Monographien und Tagungsbände als auch Dissertationen und Habilitationen in deutscher, englischer, italienischer und rumänischer Sprache aufgenommen. Ein wichtiges Anliegen ist es, dass sich die Bände nicht ausschliesslich an Fachleute richten, sondern eine breitere wissenschaftlich interessierte Leserschaft ansprechen.

    12 publications

  • Studies in Education and Spirituality

    ISSN: 1527-8247

    Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens?

    8 publications

  • Christianismes anciens

    ISSN: 2235-5901

    La collection Christianismes anciens a pour objet la publication et la promotion de recherches originales - monographies, manuels, ouvrages collectifs, actes de colloques - qui révèlent la diversité et les différents aspects de l'histoire du christianisme dans l'Antiquité. Dans ce sens, elle privilégie la perspective historique et met un accent particulier sur l'histoire sociale et institutionnelle. En se proposant de présenter les christianismes anciens, la collection désire promouvoir l'étude de toutes les formes et sensibilités d'une religion souvent perçue comme monolithique. Ouverte à l'histoire de la théologie, elle se garde de tout jugement de valeur doctrinal. Christianismes anciens accueille des ouvrages en langues française et italienne. La collection Christianismes anciens a pour objet la publication et la promotion de recherches originales - monographies, manuels, ouvrages collectifs, actes de colloques - qui révèlent la diversité et les différents aspects de l'histoire du christianisme dans l'Antiquité. Dans ce sens, elle privilégie la perspective historique et met un accent particulier sur l'histoire sociale et institutionnelle. En se proposant de présenter les christianismes anciens, la collection désire promouvoir l'étude de toutes les formes et sensibilités d'une religion souvent perçue comme monolithique. Ouverte à l'histoire de la théologie, elle se garde de tout jugement de valeur doctrinal. Christianismes anciens accueille des ouvrages en langues française et italienne.

    3 publications

  • Critical Studies in Democracy and Political Literacy

    ISSN: 2166-5036

    Why do so few people vote? What is political engagement? How does education intersect with democracy and political literacy? What can be learned from interdisciplinary studies on democracy? How do we cultivate political literacy? What is the relevance of elections in light of war, poverty, discrimination, social inequalities, etc.? What are the alternatives to the traditional electoral, representative, party-politics models that have characterized our societies? Is the mainstream media holding government to account, disseminating propaganda or fuelling the need to pacify the population? How do international systems, approaches and realities related to democracy compare, and what can we learn from others? These are some of the questions that are addressed through this book series. Seeking to fill an important gap in the literature, this book series takes on the theme of democracy in a multi-/inter-disciplinary, comprehensive, and critical way. Some books have democracy in the title but do not make it the focus, and often books that address more directly, for example, multiculturalism, media studies, or school reform may delve into the area of democracy without fully deconstructing what it is, how it functions, how people can shape and intersect with it, and how it is used (or misused) to distort power relations, which is at the base of teaching, learning and action. Thus, a broader range of materials specifically tailored to teacher-education and scholars within the education field is desirable. Similarly, the overlapping and interdisciplinary nature of the study of democracy bleeds naturally into the areas of media studies, sociology, political science, peace studies, multiculturalism, feminist studies, and cultural studies, etc., all of which have a natural and inextricable relationship to and within education.

    6 publications

  • German Visual Culture

    German Visual Culture invites research on German art across different periods, geographical locations, and political contexts. Books in the series engage with aesthetic and ideological continuities as well as ruptures and divergences between individual artists, movements, systems of art education, art institutions, and cultures of display. Challenging scholarship that interrogates and updates existing orthodoxies in the field is desirable. A guiding question of the series is the impact of German art on critical and public spheres, both inside and outside the German-speaking world. Reception is thus conceived in the broadest possible terms, including both the ways in which art has been perceived and defined as well as the ways in which modern and contemporary German artists have undertaken visual dialogues with their predecessors or contemporaries. Issues of cultural transfer, critical race theory and related postcolonial analysis, feminism, queer theory, and other interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, as are studies on production and consumption, especially the art market, pioneering publishing houses, and the ‘little magazines’ of the avant-garde. All proposals for monographs and edited collections in the history of German visual culture will be considered, although English will be the language of all contributions. Submissions are subject to rigorous peer review. The series will be promoted through the series editor’s Research Forum for German Visual Culture (https://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/research/research-forum-german-visual-culture), which he founded at the University of Edinburgh in 2011, and which has involved various symposia and related publications, all connected to an international network of Germanist scholars.

    20 publications

  • The Belt and Road Initiative

    Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    ISSN: 2689-7989

    The Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) is perhaps the largest global project of both domestic significance and global import proposed by China in the history of its interactions with the world. Since its unveiling in 2013, BRI has not only been embraced by more than 120 countries spanning across all the continents and endorsed by several dozen international NGOs including UN on one hand; it has been drawing an outcry or resistance by some big powers such as the US and India on the other hand. Why is all this occurring? What are the real intentions, real results, real potential and possible risks, and future fate of BRI? Despite the growingly enormous amount of discourse both mediated and nonmediated including thousands of think tank reports about it both in Chinese and other languages such as English, Russian, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and so on, relatively little scholarship has been produced on BRI so far. However, the BRI studies could be arguably the newest China/Chinese studies and the newest area/regional/global/globalization studies all in one. Therefore, it is the goal of the present book series to advance knowledge about both China and the world from perspectives of various disciplines such as political science and economics, sociology and anthropology, communication, and so on. While proposed volumes from specific disciplines are desirable, proposed volumes on multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary perspectives are especially welcome in the vetting process. This book series aim to produce both monographs and edited volumes from a variety of disciplinary perspectives such as economic science, political science, communication, sociology and anthropology, and so on and interdisciplinary/trans-disciplinary lenses such as area studies, international/intercultural, and global/globalization studies. The titles of the first few volumes include The United States Involvement in the South China Sea Dispute by MA Jianying, Ph. D. from Fudan University & Associate Professor of International Relations, Shandong Normal University, The Economics of the Belt and Road Initiative by CHEN Yongjun, Distinguished Professor of Economics, School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, and the Belt & Road Initiative: Index Report on its Five-Dimensions Connectivity by ZHAI Kun, Professor of International Studies and Associate Dean of the Institute of Area Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China.

    5 publications

  • Lawrence Krader’s Legacy in Science, History and Philosophy

    Lawrence Krader (1920-1998) was an American philosopher and anthropologist best known for his empirical work among the various indigenous peoples of Central Asia; his transcription, editing and publication of Karl Marx’s ethnological notebooks; his work on the formation of the state; and his theory of labor and value, in which he critically traced the history of objective value theory from Aristotle to Marx and the Marxists, and attempted to bring it into line with the subjective value theory from Böhm-Bawerk, to von Mises and von Hayek. Just prior to his death Krader expressed his desire to establish a research project in conjunction with Cyril Levitt at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The Lawrence Krader Research Project was officially established in April 2008 to edit, introduce and publish Krader's many unpublished works. The first years of the series will focus on these unpublished manuscripts. Subsequnetly the series will include works by others who have taken up Krader’s ideas critically in their own work. The editors particularly welcome manuscripts that develop a serious critical appraisal of Krader’s works. At the same time, they also welcome the work of those newly minted or seasoned scholars who take up some of the questions raised by Krader in his various works.

    2 publications

  • Reimagining Canada

    Canada, in all its messy manifestations, is in transition, but where is it going? With foundational myths eroded, identities fragmented, allegiances contested, the idea of Canada in the hearts and minds of those who live there is under intense scrutiny and careful criticism. Canada’s place in the wider world is just as uncertain. Against a backdrop of COVID, Indigenization, decolonization, inflation, immigration, and shifting global politics, what might Canada mean in five, ten or fifty years’ time? Reimagining Canada seeks to understand the forces at work, and to ask what comes next. Taking a broad and inclusive approach to the study of Canadian culture, history and society, the series interrogates Canada’s past and present in order to suggest possibilities for the future. Relevant issues might include, but are not limited to: arts and culture; Indigenization; decolonization; digital spaces and media; the future of the Canadian constitution; globalization; healthcare and social services; immigration and multiculturalism; memory and memorialisation; and sovereignty. The series is open to scholars and public intellectuals working in all areas of the humanities and social sciences, and aims to be interdisciplinary or even post-disciplinary in its approach. The editors are committed to equity, diversity and inclusion and welcome contributions from scholars of marginalized groups and communities that tend to be disproportionately underrepresented within public discourses in Canada. As such, they strongly encourage scholars from these groups and communities to contribute to the series. Contributors are free to self-identify as desired. Books in the series are aimed at a more general audience than the traditional academic monograph. Readers might include undergraduate students, academics working in other fields, practitioners, policymakers, and the public. The series provides a platform for authors to reach a larger audience than usual, or to speak to new audiences; to deliver bold new arguments; to write unencumbered by the usual obligations for referencing; and to be exciting, provocative and even polemical.

    0 publications

  • Anthropologie et philosophie sociale

    ISSN: 2033-1266

    Cette collection a pour objectif de promouvoir des recherches philosophiques se situant au croisement de l’anthropologie et de la philosophie sociale. L’hypothèse fondamentale est qu’une philosophie sociale soucieuse d’interroger de façon à la fois descriptive et critique les modes contemporains de constitution du lien social ne peut manquer de questionner les présupposés anthropologiques qui sous-tendent son interrogation. Inversement, toute recherche sur les dimensions essentielles de la condition humaine se doit d’interroger la façon dont celles-ci sont chaque fois mises en jeu et recomposées par le contexte social-historique au sein duquel les individus se trouvent. Attentive à la vulnérabilité radicale de la vie individuelle et collective tout autant qu’à sa puissance de création, cette collection vise à faire de l’anthropologie et de la philosophie sociale l’envers et l’endroit d’un même mouvement de recherche portant sur la vie subjective et sa socialité originaire. Dans cette perspective, il s’agit, pour une part, de favoriser la reprise de concepts anthropologiques récents ou provenant de l’épaisseur de l’histoire de façon à les rendre opératoires pour une philosophie sociale questionnant ses propres présupposés anthropologiques. Il s’agit, pour une seconde part, de permettre aux recherches effectuées en anthropologie de questionner leurs présupposés normatifs. Une telle collection désire ainsi ouvrir un espace de réflexion informé par un double mouvement, celui de l’anthropologie vers la philosophie sociale, celui de la philosophie sociale vers l’anthropologie.

    9 publications

  • Kontraste/Contrastes

    Studien zum deutsch-französischen Sprach- und Diskursvergleich

    Cette collection est conçue comme un forum à destination des germanistes francophones et des francoromanistes germanophones travaillant en linguistique contrastive et désireux de publier des résultats de recherche innovants. Les objets de recherche peuvent concerner tous les niveaux d’’analyse traditionnels en linguistique, du mot à la phrase et du texte au discours. Dépourvue d’’apriori méthodologiques, cette collection attache une grande importance au fondement empirique des travaux présentés, par exemple à travers une définition rigoureuse du tertium comparationis et le recours à des corpus pertinents qu’’il s’’agisse de textes parallèles (traduits) ou de textes comparables. Des travaux d’’inspiration traductologique autour du couple de langues francais-allemand sont également les bienvenus. Peuvent être acceptés, en français et en allemand, aussi bien les monographies (y compris les thèses de doctorats et les habilitations) que les ouvrages collectifs (y compris les actes de colloques à la condition sine qua non d’’avoir fait l’’objet d’’un travail éditorial approfondi garantissant une cohérence à l’’ensemble). Tous les manuscrits feront l’’objet d’’une expertise en aveugle par le comité scientifique. Comité scientifique : Colette Cortès (Paris-Diderot) Martine Dalmas (Sorbonne Université) Eva Martha Eckkrammer (Mannheim) Jacques François (Caen) Daniel Jacob (Freiburg im Breisgau) Eva Lavric (Innsbruck) Antje Lobin (Mainz) Michael Schreiber (Germersheim) Die Reihe bietet deutschsprachigen Frankoromanisten bzw. französischsprachigen Germanisten, die kontrastiv arbeiten, ein Forum zur Verbreitung hochwertiger Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich des deutsch-französischen Sprach- und Diskursvergleiches. Die jeweiligen Untersuchungsgegenstände können auf allen traditionellen linguistischen Beschreibungsebenen angesiedelt sein: Wort, Satz, Äußerung, Text und Diskurs. Methodologisch offen legt die Reihe eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit auf die empirische Fundierung der angebotenen Arbeiten, etwa durch ein genau definiertes tertium comparationis und durch den Rückgriff auf aussagekräftige parallele (d.h. übersetzte) bzw. vergleichbare Korpora. Übersetzungswissenschaftlich angelegte Studien zum Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Französisch sind auch willkommen. Aufgenommen werden können Manuskripte auf Deutsch bzw. Französisch, in Form von Monographien (auch Qualifikationsarbeiten) und Sammelbänden (Tagungsakten werden nur berücksichtigt, wenn eine editorische Nachbearbeitung seitens des Bandherausgebers vorliegt und der Band als kohärentes Ganzes erscheint). Alle Manuskripte werden vom wissenschaftlichen Beirat anonym begutachtet. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Colette Cortès (Paris-Diderot) Martine Dalmas (Sorbonne Université) Eva Martha Eckkrammer (Mannheim) Jacques François (Caen) Daniel Jacob (Freiburg im Breisgau) Eva Lavric (Innsbruck) Antje Lobin (Mainz) Michael Schreiber (Germersheim)

    8 publications

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