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  • Travail et Société / Work and Society

    ISSN: 1376-0955

    The series «Work & Society» analyses the development of employment and social policies, as well as the strategies of the different social actors, both at national and European levels. It puts forward a multi-disciplinary approach – political, sociological, economic, legal and historical – in a bid for dialogue and complementarity. The series is not confined to the social field stricto sensu, but also aims to illustrate the indirect social impacts of economic and monetary policies. It endeavours to clarify social developments, from a comparative and a historical perspective, thus portraying the process of convergence and divergence in the diverse national societal contexts. The manner in which European integration impacts on employment and social policies constitutes the backbone of the analyses. La collection « Travail & Société » analyse les évolutions de la sphère du travail et des politiques sociales à travers l’étude des stratégies menées par les acteurs sociaux, tant sur le plan national qu’européen. Elle propose une approche pluridisciplinaire – politique, sociologique, économique, juridique et historique – dans un souci de dialogue et de complémentarité. La collection ne se limite pas à des études du champ social stricto sensu mais vise également à illustrer les impacts sociaux indirects des politiques économiques et monétaires. Elle s’attache à mettre en perspective les évolutions sociales, tant du point de vue historique que de manière comparative, en illustrant la convergence et la divergence dans les différents parcours nationaux. La dimension européenne, et plus particulièrement l’impact de l’intégration européenne, constitue un axe d’analyse privilégié.

    86 publications

  • Action publique / Public Action

    ISSN: 1783-6077

    La collection « Action publique » étudie le fonctionnement de l’État sous des angles multiples. Elle privilégie l’analyse des politiques publiques (environnement, santé, emploi, culture, etc.) et l’étude institutionnelle et organisationnelle des administrations publiques. Les mutations qui caractérisent aujourd’hui l’action publique (déréglementation, externalisation, contractualisation, action en réseaux...) sont au cœur de ses préoccupations. Ainsi la collection « Action publique » accorde-t-elle également une place importante aux rapports que l’État entretient avec son environnement, l’appareil politique et la société civile bien sûr, mais aussi avec les évolutions sociétales plus larges (individualisme, globalisation, etc.). La pluridisciplinarité est une caractéristique essentielle des travaux contemporains dans le domaine. C’est pourquoi cette collection encourage les approches économiques, historiques, juridiques, politologiques, sociologiques et philosophiques. The series « Public Action » studies the State and how it works from a variety of perspectives. It focuses on public policy analysis (environment, health, employment culture, etc.) as well as the institutional and organizational study of public administrations. The mutations that characterize nowadays public action (deregulation, externalisation, contractualisation and networking) are at the heart of these preoccupations. Consequently, the series « Public Action » also places further emphasis on the relationship the State maintains with its environment; – not only the political apparatus and, of course, civil society, but also with broader social changes such as individualism and globalization. Multidisciplinary work is an essential characteristic of contemporary research in the field. Given the essential need for such approaches to the topic, this series encourages economic, historical, judicial, politological, sociological and philosophical perspectives. La collection « Action publique » étudie le fonctionnement de l’État sous des angles multiples. Elle privilégie l’analyse des politiques publiques (environnement, santé, emploi, culture, etc.) et l’étude institutionnelle et organisationnelle des administrations publiques. Les mutations qui caractérisent aujourd’hui l’action publique (déréglementation, externalisation, contractualisation, action en réseaux...) sont au cœur de ses préoccupations. Ainsi la collection « Action publique » accorde-t-elle également une place importante aux rapports que l’État entretient avec son environnement, l’appareil politique et la société civile bien sûr, mais aussi avec les évolutions sociétales plus larges (individualisme, globalisation, etc.). La pluridisciplinarité est une caractéristique essentielle des travaux contemporains dans le domaine. C’est pourquoi cette collection encourage les approches économiques, historiques, juridiques, politologiques, sociologiques et philosophiques. The series « Public Action » studies the State and how it works from a variety of perspectives. It focuses on public policy analysis (environment, health, employment culture, etc.) as well as the institutional and organizational study of public administrations. The mutations that characterize nowadays public action (deregulation, externalisation, contractualisation and networking) are at the heart of these preoccupations. Consequently, the series « Public Action » also places further emphasis on the relationship the State maintains with its environment; – not only the political apparatus and, of course, civil society, but also with broader social changes such as individualism and globalization. Multidisciplinary work is an essential characteristic of contemporary research in the field. Given the essential need for such approaches to the topic, this series encourages economic, historical, judicial, politological, sociological and philosophical perspectives. La collection « Action publique » étudie le fonctionnement de l’État sous des angles multiples. Elle privilégie l’analyse des politiques publiques (environnement, santé, emploi, culture, etc.) et l’étude institutionnelle et organisationnelle des administrations publiques. Les mutations qui caractérisent aujourd’hui l’action publique (déréglementation, externalisation, contractualisation, action en réseaux...) sont au cœur de ses préoccupations. Ainsi la collection « Action publique » accorde-t-elle également une place importante aux rapports que l’État entretient avec son environnement, l’appareil politique et la société civile bien sûr, mais aussi avec les évolutions sociétales plus larges (individualisme, globalisation, etc.). La pluridisciplinarité est une caractéristique essentielle des travaux contemporains dans le domaine. C’est pourquoi cette collection encourage les approches économiques, historiques, juridiques, politologiques, sociologiques et philosophiques. The series « Public Action » studies the State and how it works from a variety of perspectives. It focuses on public policy analysis (environment, health, employment culture, etc.) as well as the institutional and organizational study of public administrations. The mutations that characterize nowadays public action (deregulation, externalisation, contractualisation and networking) are at the heart of these preoccupations. Consequently, the series « Public Action » also places further emphasis on the relationship the State maintains with its environment; – not only the political apparatus and, of course, civil society, but also with broader social changes such as individualism and globalization. Multidisciplinary work is an essential characteristic of contemporary research in the field. Given the essential need for such approaches to the topic, this series encourages economic, historical, judicial, politological, sociological and philosophical perspectives.

    27 publications

  • Warsaw Studies in Contemporary History

    Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History . Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History . Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History .

    3 publications

  • Popular Politics and Governance in America

    ISSN: 1529-241X

    Popular Politics and Governance in America, a new series of books on contemporary political science, secks to publish scholarly and teaching materials about the proeesses of populär politics and die operations of governmental institutions at both the national and state levels. Although niany tilles in. this series will appeal to gradmite and professional andiences, the will employ qualitative and quantitative analysis ira fashions primarily appropriale for undergraduate classroonis. 'Popics will include studies of partics, interest groups, elections, public opinion, chief executives, legislatures, and the bureaueracy, Peter Lang views this new series es a flagship among their several on-going series that have published numerous well-received and useful volumes in political science. Popular Politics and Governance in America, a new series of books on contemporary political science, secks to publish scholarly and teaching materials about the proeesses of populär politics and die operations of governmental institutions at both the national and state levels. Although niany tilles in. this series will appeal to gradmite and professional andiences, the will employ qualitative and quantitative analysis ira fashions primarily appropriale for undergraduate classroonis. 'Popics will include studies of partics, interest groups, elections, public opinion, chief executives, legislatures, and the bureaueracy, Peter Lang views this new series es a flagship among their several on-going series that have published numerous well-received and useful volumes in political science. Popular Politics and Governance in America, a new series of books on contemporary political science, secks to publish scholarly and teaching materials about the proeesses of populär politics and die operations of governmental institutions at both the national and state levels. Although niany tilles in. this series will appeal to gradmite and professional andiences, the will employ qualitative and quantitative analysis ira fashions primarily appropriale for undergraduate classroonis. 'Popics will include studies of partics, interest groups, elections, public opinion, chief executives, legislatures, and the bureaueracy, Peter Lang views this new series es a flagship among their several on-going series that have published numerous well-received and useful volumes in political science.

    7 publications

  • Économie et histoire

    De 2007 à 2011, le Comité pour l’Histoire Économique et Financière de la France du ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Emploi et du ministère du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique, a entretenu la collection « Économie et Histoire », dont la direction est à présent vacante. La collection contribue à la diffusion des savoirs en histoire économique et en économie. Les ouvrages concernent toutes les périodes depuis le Moyen Âge jusqu’à nos jours. Cette collection a pour vocation d’accueillir les travaux d’auteurs français mais aussi étrangers, de chercheurs reconnus ou de jeunes universitaires ainsi que d’acteurs de la vie économique et financière, sous forme de monographies ou d’actes de colloques. De 2007 à 2011, le Comité pour l’Histoire Économique et Financière de la France du ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de l’Emploi et du ministère du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique, a entretenu la collection « Économie et Histoire », dont la direction est à présent vacante. La collection contribue à la diffusion des savoirs en histoire économique et en économie. Les ouvrages concernent toutes les périodes depuis le Moyen Âge jusqu’à nos jours. Cette collection a pour vocation d’accueillir les travaux d’auteurs français mais aussi étrangers, de chercheurs reconnus ou de jeunes universitaires ainsi que d’acteurs de la vie économique et financière, sous forme de monographies ou d’actes de colloques.

    5 publications

  • Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus

    Humanism, which is characterized by the special status of human beings within the world, i.e. human beings do not differ gradually but categorically from other natural beings, is in a crisis. It gets attacked from various directions. Basically, it is possible to distinguish two main movements which try to transcend Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism. In the book series Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus, monographs and essay collections will be published which discuss aspects of this range of topics historically or systematically. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Editor’s Homepage: www.sorgner.de. From 1st January 2016 employed as an associate professor of philosophy at the John Cabot University in Rome. Editorial Board Members: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece Der Humanismus, der durch die Sonderstellung des Menschen in der Welt gekennzeichnet ist, d.h. der Mensch unterscheidet sich nicht graduell, sondern kategorisch von anderen natürlichen Wesen, befindet sich in einer Krise. Er wird aus verschiedenen Richtungen attackiert. Grundsätzlich kann man zwei Hauptströmungen feststellen, die sich darum bemühen, den Humanismus zu überwinden, den Trans- und den Posthumanismus. Im Rahmen der Buchreihe Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus sollen Monographien und Sammelbände erscheinen, die Aspekte dieses Themenspektrums entweder historisch oder systematisch erörtern. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Homepage des Herausgebers: www.sorgner.de. Ab 1. Januar 2016 als Associate Professor für Philosophie an der John Cabot University in Rom angestellt. Editorial Board Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece

    9 publications

  • Studies in Contemporary History

    Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. The series was formerly known as Warsaw Studies in Contemporary History .

    8 publications

  • Global Intersectionality of Education, Sports, Race, and Gender

    ISSN: 2578-7713

    This series responds to the interesting dialogue and unique social phenomena in the global context produced by the intersections of race, sport, gender, and culture. Global Intersectionality explores these intersections and expands the literature on how each inform our thinking around certain dominant ideologies. This series examines how sporting practices in the U.S. are becoming the global norm in defining what is sport, thus our understanding of race, gender, and culture. The purpose is to inform sport enthusiasts, college students— undergraduate or graduate— educators, researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders—who are social justice oriented— about the role sport has in contributing to informing cultural ideology, reproducing and reinforcing race and gender ideologies. It also seeks to foster an understanding of how this social phenomenon, that is often situated as merely entertainment or a recreational activity for leisure, has shifted into a cultural practice that can engender global socio-political relations. The topics will include critical moments in sport, as well as broader social movements in sporting context. In addition, this series will dis- cuss topics ranging from youth to professional sporting experiences with attention given to the socialization and educational processes inherent in these experiences as it relates to race, gender, and culture—one title might explore the global sporting practices of Black women, another book topic will examine the sporting practices and the academic and athletic excellence achieved at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Or, for example, another topic might be examining the athletic migration patterns of African athletes to Europe and the U.S. The uniqueness of the titles in this series is that they will employ a variety of methodologies, including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods methodological approaches, non- empirical and socio-historical approaches that incorporate primary and secondary data sources.

    4 publications

  • Beiträge zur Gesellschaftsforschung. Contributions to Social Research

    ISSN: 0175-8098

    The series Contributions to Social Research publishes works in sociology and related disciplines, both theoretical works and empirical research. Its focus is on explaining social phenomena and processes by employing assumptions on the micro- as well as the macro-level and the interplay between these levels. Founded in 1984 by Günter Büschges and Hansjürgen Daheim, the series covers a broad range of topics and research questions. Publications can be in German as well as English.

    19 publications

  • Seventeenth-Century Texts and Studies

    ISSN: 0893-6900

    This series is primarily concerned with English non-dramatic writings, prose and poetry, from the time of Donne and Jonson to the death of Milton. It includes monographs on individual writers, wider studies employing a variety of critical and historical methods, collections of original essays on special topics, and editions of texts from the period.

    5 publications

  • Imagining Black Europe

    ISSN: 2633-108X

    This series seeks to publish critical and nuanced scholarship in the field of Black European Studies. Moving beyond and building on the Black Atlantic approach, books in this series will underscore the existence, diversity and evolution of Black Europe. They will provide historical, intersectional and interdisciplinary perspectives on how Black diasporic peoples have reconfigured the boundaries of Black identity making, claim making and politics; created counterdiscourses and counterpublics on race, colonialism, postcolonialism and racism; and forged transnational connections and solidarities across Europe and the globe. The series will also illustrate the ways that Black European diasporic peoples have employed intellectual, socio-political, artistic/cultural, affective, digital and pedagogical work to aid their communities and causes, challenge their exclusion and cultivate ties with their allies, thus gaining recognition in their societies and beyond. Representing the field’s dynamic growth methodologically, geographically and culturally, the series will also collectively interrogate notions of Blackness, Black diasporic culture and Europeanness while also challenging the boundaries of Europe. Books in the series will critically examine how race and ethnicity intersect with the themes of gender, nationality, class, religion, politics, kinship, sexuality, affect and the transnational, offering comparative and international perspectives. One of the main goals of the series is to introduce and produce rigorous academic research that connects not only with individuals in academia but also with a broader public. Areas of interest: Social movements Racial discourses and politics Empire, slavery and colonialism Decolonialization and postcolonialism Gender, sexuality and intersectionality Black activism (in all its forms) Racial and political violence and surveillance Racial constructions Diasporic practices Race and racialization in the ancient, medieval, modern and contemporary eras Identity, representation and cultural productions (music, art, literature, etc.) Memory Migration and immigration Citizenship State building and diplomacy Nations and nationalisms All proposals and manuscripts will be rigorously peer reviewed. The language of publication is English. We welcome new proposals for monographs and edited collections. Advisory Board: Hakim Adi (Chichester), Robbie Aitken (Sheffield Hallam), Catherine Baker (Hull), Eddie Bruce-Jones (Birkbeck), Alessandra Di Maio (Palermo), Akwugo Emejulu (Warwick), Philomena Essed (Antioch), Crystal Fleming (Stony-Brook), David Theo Goldberg (UC Irvine), Silke Hackenesch (Cologne), Elahe Haschemi Yekani (Humboldt), Nicholas R. Jones (Yale), Silyane Larcher (CNRS), Olivette Otele (SOAS, London), Sue Peabody (Washington State), Kennetta Hammond Perry (Northwestern), Cassander L. Smith (Alabama), S. A. Smythe (Toronto)

    7 publications

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