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Open Access
  • Title: A Critical Study on T. F. Torrance’s Theology of Incarnation
  • Title: Number, Word, and Spirit

    Number, Word, and Spirit

    Rethinking T. F. Torrance’s Theological Science From a Pneumatological Perspective
    by Aaron Yom (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Transcendence and Spatiality of the Triune Creator

    Transcendence and Spatiality of the Triune Creator

    by Chan Ho Park (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Title: The Relational Theology of James E. Loder

    The Relational Theology of James E. Loder

    Encounter and Conviction
    by Kenneth E. Kovacs (Author) 2012
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Contributions to Philosophical Theology

    The Contributions to Philosophical Theology is a series dedicated to publishing monographs and collected volumes that combine theology and philosophy. It deals with different topics such as dogmatics, science and religion, God’s transcendence, Christian tradition, and various personalities of philosophical theology. The series is edited by Gijsbert van den Brink, Joshua R. Furnal, and Marcel Sarot. Editors’ Homepages: Prof. Dr. Gijsbert van den Brink Dr. Joshua Furnal Prof. Dr. Marcel Sarot Advisory Board: David Brown Vincent Brümmer Oliver Crisp Paul Helm Werner Jeanrond Christoph Schwöbel Eleonore Stump Alan Torrance Nicholas Wolterstorff

    14 publications

  • Practical Theology

    The Practical Theology series aims to publish scholarly yet creative books in the field of practical theology by established and emerging scholars alike.T his area of study and its constituent disciplines address issues and problems of faith communit ies and in the wider public with rich interdisciplinary frameworks. Scholars in this métier tend to work at the dynamic intersections of lived and historical faith communities, of practices and doctrines, and of contexts and norms. Book proposals add ressing issues in the theory, history, and practice of practical theology as well as in such disciplines as homiletics, pastoral care, religious education, spirituality, and mission are particularly appropriate for this series. The Practical Theology series aims to publish scholarly yet creative books in the field of practical theology by established and emerging scholars alike.T his area of study and its constituent disciplines address issues and problems of faith communit ies and in the wider public with rich interdisciplinary frameworks. Scholars in this métier tend to work at the dynamic intersections of lived and historical faith communities, of practices and doctrines, and of contexts and norms. Book proposals add ressing issues in the theory, history, and practice of practical theology as well as in such disciplines as homiletics, pastoral care, religious education, spirituality, and mission are particularly appropriate for this series. The Practical Theology series aims to publish scholarly yet creative books in the field of practical theology by established and emerging scholars alike.T his area of study and its constituent disciplines address issues and problems of faith communit ies and in the wider public with rich interdisciplinary frameworks. Scholars in this métier tend to work at the dynamic intersections of lived and historical faith communities, of practices and doctrines, and of contexts and norms. Book proposals add ressing issues in the theory, history, and practice of practical theology as well as in such disciplines as homiletics, pastoral care, religious education, spirituality, and mission are particularly appropriate for this series.

    3 publications

  • Pastoral Theology

    This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it. This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it. This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it.

    3 publications

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Open Access