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Open Access
  • Title: Adoleszenz und Suizid in Schulromanen von Emil Strauß, Hermann Hesse, Bruno Wille und Friedrich Torberg
  • Title: L'isola dei baci: romanzo erotico-sociale Marinetti e Bruno Corra.

    L'isola dei baci: romanzo erotico-sociale Marinetti e Bruno Corra.

    by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Others
  • Title: From Cosmology to Ecology

    From Cosmology to Ecology

    The Monist World-View in Germany from 1770 to 1930
    by Eric Paul Jacobsen (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Title: Spuren des Sagens

    Spuren des Sagens

    Studien zur jüdischen Hermeneutik in der Literatur
    by Dorothee Gelhard (Author)
    ©2004 Monographs
  • Studies in Modern Polish Literature and Culture

    The main aim of these series of publications is to elucidate the best achievements of Polish literature and culture in 20th century as well as to bring closer to the Western readers the most prestigious works in Polish human sciences. Among others the series will present such major literary figures as Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Czes?aw Mi?osz, Wis?awa Szymborska, Bruno Schulz, Zbigniew Herbert. The vision of the historical meanders of literature will be paralleled by transformations of methodological concepts. The main aim of these series of publications is to elucidate the best achievements of Polish literature and culture in 20th century as well as to bring closer to the Western readers the most prestigious works in Polish human sciences. Among others the series will present such major literary figures as Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Czes?aw Mi?osz, Wis?awa Szymborska, Bruno Schulz, Zbigniew Herbert. The vision of the historical meanders of literature will be paralleled by transformations of methodological concepts. The main aim of these series of publications is to elucidate the best achievements of Polish literature and culture in 20th century as well as to bring closer to the Western readers the most prestigious works in Polish human sciences. Among others the series will present such major literary figures as Stanis?aw Ignacy Witkiewicz, Czes?aw Mi?osz, Wis?awa Szymborska, Bruno Schulz, Zbigniew Herbert. The vision of the historical meanders of literature will be paralleled by transformations of methodological concepts.

    1 publications

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