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  • Klinische Ethik. Biomedizin in Forschung und Praxis / Clinical Ethics. Biomedicine in Research and Practice

    ISSN: 1617-920X

    Die Reihe Klinische Ethik. Biomedizin in Forschung und Praxis befasst sich interdisziplinär mit Studien zur Medizin, Philosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Im Mittelpunkt der Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe stehen Fragestellungen zur Ethik der Medizin. Die Beiträge widmen sich dabei sowohl dem Aufzeigen historischer Entwicklungen und der kritischen Hinterfragung von theoretischen Aspekten als auch der empirischen Untersuchung des Themas in Forschungsstudien. Homepage des Herausgebers Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Frewer, M.A.

    7 publications

  • Pastoral Theology

    This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it. This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it. This series encourages the theological exploration of Christianity's commitment to action, the relationship between ecclesiology and ethics, and between doctrine and practice. The discussion of the Christian acceptance or rejection of scientific innovation is welcomed, as is the examination of the emerging issues of the twenty-first century, such as genetic screening, gene therapy, insurance and genetics, genetic stigmatisation, cloning, health care and rationing, the reformulation of the just war arguments, and non-lethal weapons. Studies may focus on the reapplication of the Christian tradition to new issues, or may address the contemporary discussion of historical theology but should not be primarily contributions to it.

    3 publications

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