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  • Research on Korea

    ISSN: 2196-0895

    The series Research on Korea responds to the fact that interest in Korea and the need for reliable information on the country's history and present have risen considerably during the last decades, both in- and outside of academia. The series offers an interdisciplinary platform for academic works engaging with Korea. Not being restricted to specific methodological or historiographical approaches, the series is open for studies of Korea in any field as long as they make use of Korean primary sources and systematically engage with Korean language secondary literature. Based on solid methodology, the studies assembled in this series aim to open up paths for new insights and new research questions on Korea and Korea's role in the regional and international context. In der Schriftenreihe Research on Korea werden neuere Ergebnisse der Koreaforschung veröffentlicht, um dem in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark gesteigerten Interesse der akademischen und allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit an verlässlichen Informationen zu Korea nachzukommen. Sie bietet ihr eine interdisziplinäre Plattform, ohne sich dabei methodisch oder historiographisch bestimmten Richtungen verpflichtet zu fühlen. Allerdings legen die Herausgeber großen Wert darauf, dass koreanische Primärquellen ebenso wie in koreanischer Sprache verfasste Sekundärliteratur umfassend und systematisch verwendet werden. Die Reihe ist offen für Korea-Studien jeder Art, die auf der Grundlage von Quellenarbeit und solider Methodologie den Weg zu neuen Erkenntnissen und Fragestellungen in der historischen, sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschung zu Korea und zu Koreas Rolle im regionalen wie internationalen Kontext ebnen.

    12 publications

  • Studies in East Asian Literatures and Cultures

    Until the publication of volume 6, the series was edited by prof. Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, and the title of the series was "Studies in Oriental Culture and Literature". The series aims to present contemporary research in the fields of Literary and Culture Studies encompassing the Chinese, Korean, Japanese cultural spheres, and the geographic area of Mainland China and Taiwan, Korean Peninsula, and Japan. Topics of interest include classical and contemporary literature, languages and writing systems, research on historical and modern East Asian cultures, as well as cross-cultural and comparative studies of the region. Of special interest are topics transgressing the traditional boundaries of Sinology, Korean, and Japanese Studies, presenting original, interdisciplinary perspectives. The series welcomes monographs and thematic collective volumes by scholars from around the world. The language of the series is English.

    8 publications

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