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  • Indigenous Cultures of Latin America

    Past and Present

    ISSN: 2689-8217

    Indigenous Cultures of Latin America: Past and Present is a new bilingual series that welcomes book proposals, in English or Spanish, focused on the fields of anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, ethnohistory, and art history, among others. We encourage original proposals for projects that use a conjunctive approach to understanding beliefs and lifeways of prehispanic, colonial period, and contemporary indigenous peoples inhabiting Latin America, broadly defined (i.e. extending into parts of the U.S. Southeast and Southwest), relying on a combination of methodologies and data sets to interpret the subject matter. We further encourage projects that utilize decolonizing methodologies and seek to promote research and fieldwork undertaken in collaboration with local indigenous communities and/or indigenous consultants. The series will publish academic monographs, edited collections, and readers. All book proposals and manuscripts will be subject to a rigorous single-blind peer review process, conducted by experts in the respective field(s) of study. Proposals and author/volume editor CVs should be sent to the Series Editor, Dr. Gabrielle Vail, at vailg@email.unc.edu.

    3 publications

  • Latin America

    Interdisciplinary Studies

    The Latin America: Interdisciplinary Studies series serves as a forum for scholars in the field of Latin American Studies as well as an educational resource for anyone interested in this region of the world. Themes and topics that are covered encompass social, political, historical, and economic issues, as well as literature, music, art, and architecture.

    38 publications

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