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  • Studies in Theoretical and Applied Ethics

    This series invites book manuscripts and proposals in English on either theoretical or applied ethics. Books submitted on traditional moral philosophers or on one or more ethical problems from a philosophical perspective are welcome. Preference will be given to works which deal with perennial philosophical issues in ethics in an original, clear and scholarly manner rather than to manuscripts which have historical significance alone. Books which approach applied ethics from a philosophical perspective, especially those in the areas of business ethics and globalization and ethics, are also welcome. Manuscripts should display expertise in both philosophy and the areas illuminated by the philosophical insights. This series invites book manuscripts and proposals in English on either theoretical or applied ethics. Books submitted on traditional moral philosophers or on one or more ethical problems from a philosophical perspective are welcome. Preference will be given to works which deal with perennial philosophical issues in ethics in an original, clear and scholarly manner rather than to manuscripts which have historical significance alone. Books which approach applied ethics from a philosophical perspective, especially those in the areas of business ethics and globalization and ethics, are also welcome. Manuscripts should display expertise in both philosophy and the areas illuminated by the philosophical insights. This series invites book manuscripts and proposals in English on either theoretical or applied ethics. Books submitted on traditional moral philosophers or on one or more ethical problems from a philosophical perspective are welcome. Preference will be given to works which deal with perennial philosophical issues in ethics in an original, clear and scholarly manner rather than to manuscripts which have historical significance alone. Books which approach applied ethics from a philosophical perspective, especially those in the areas of business ethics and globalization and ethics, are also welcome. Manuscripts should display expertise in both philosophy and the areas illuminated by the philosophical insights.

    10 publications

  • New International Studies in Applied Ethics

    New International Studies in Applied Ethics is a series based at Leeds Metropolitan University and associated with Virginia Theological Seminary. The series examines the ethical implications of selected areas of public life and concern. Subjects considered will include, but are not limited to, medicine, peace studies, international sport and higher education. The series aims to publish volumes which are clearly written with a general academic readership in mind. Individual volumes may also be useful to those confronted with the issues discussed in their daily lives. A consistent emphasis is on recent developments in the subjects discussed and this is achieved by publishing volumes by writers who are foremost in their fields, as well as those with emerging reputations. Both secular and religious ethical views may be discussed as appropriate. No point of view is considered off-limits and controversy is not avoided. The series includes both edited volumes and single-authored monographs. Submissions are welcome from all scholars in the field and should be addressed to either the series editor or the publisher. New International Studies in Applied Ethics is a series based at Leeds Metropolitan University and associated with Virginia Theological Seminary. The series examines the ethical implications of selected areas of public life and concern. Subjects considered will include, but are not limited to, medicine, peace studies, international sport and higher education. The series aims to publish volumes which are clearly written with a general academic readership in mind. Individual volumes may also be useful to those confronted with the issues discussed in their daily lives. A consistent emphasis is on recent developments in the subjects discussed and this is achieved by publishing volumes by writers who are foremost in their fields, as well as those with emerging reputations. Both secular and religious ethical views may be discussed as appropriate. No point of view is considered off-limits and controversy is not avoided. The series includes both edited volumes and single-authored monographs. Submissions are welcome from all scholars in the field and should be addressed to either the series editor or the publisher. New International Studies in Applied Ethics is a series based at Leeds Metropolitan University and associated with Virginia Theological Seminary. The series examines the ethical implications of selected areas of public life and concern. Subjects considered will include, but are not limited to, medicine, peace studies, international sport and higher education. The series aims to publish volumes which are clearly written with a general academic readership in mind. Individual volumes may also be useful to those confronted with the issues discussed in their daily lives. A consistent emphasis is on recent developments in the subjects discussed and this is achieved by publishing volumes by writers who are foremost in their fields, as well as those with emerging reputations. Both secular and religious ethical views may be discussed as appropriate. No point of view is considered off-limits and controversy is not avoided. The series includes both edited volumes and single-authored monographs. Submissions are welcome from all scholars in the field and should be addressed to either the series editor or the publisher.

    8 publications

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