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Open Access
  • Studies in Biblical Literature

    This series invites manuscripts from scholars in any area of Biblical literature. Both established and innovative methodologies, covering general and particular areas in biblical study, are welcome. The series seeks to make available studies which will make a significant contribution to the ongoing biblical discourse. Scholars who have interests in gender and sociocultural hermeneutics are particularly encouraged to consider this series. This series invites manuscripts from scholars in any area of Biblical literature. Both established and innovative methodologies, covering general and particular areas in biblical study, are welcome. The series seeks to make available studies which will make a significant contribution to the ongoing biblical discourse. Scholars who have interests in gender and sociocultural hermeneutics are particularly encouraged to consider this series. This series invites manuscripts from scholars in any area of Biblical literature. Both established and innovative methodologies, covering general and particular areas in biblical study, are welcome. The series seeks to make available studies which will make a significant contribution to the ongoing biblical discourse. Scholars who have interests in gender and sociocultural hermeneutics are particularly encouraged to consider this series.

    180 publications

  • Studies in Biblical Hebrew

    Studies in Biblical Hebrew is series of monographs designed to promote and publish topical research into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The series does not assume that Biblical Hebrew is a form of the Aramaic languages (Canaanite) spoken from c. 1200 B.C. to c. 200 B.C., given standardized form only later and then perpetuated as a fixed literary medium. The focus of the series is specifically the corpus of the Old Testament, since the composition and compilation of these writings continue to generate major interest worldwide for reasons historical and academic, as well as religious. The series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, and linguistic study of the language of the Hebrew canon, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to informed and accurate exegesis. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including inscriptional materials, is welcome, provided the results are cast in terms of their particular bearing upon Biblical (classical) Hebrew. Studies in Biblical Hebrew is series of monographs designed to promote and publish topical research into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The series does not assume that Biblical Hebrew is a form of the Aramaic languages (Canaanite) spoken from c. 1200 B.C. to c. 200 B.C., given standardized form only later and then perpetuated as a fixed literary medium. The focus of the series is specifically the corpus of the Old Testament, since the composition and compilation of these writings continue to generate major interest worldwide for reasons historical and academic, as well as religious. The series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, and linguistic study of the language of the Hebrew canon, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to informed and accurate exegesis. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including inscriptional materials, is welcome, provided the results are cast in terms of their particular bearing upon Biblical (classical) Hebrew. Studies in Biblical Hebrew is series of monographs designed to promote and publish topical research into the Hebrew of the Old Testament. The series does not assume that Biblical Hebrew is a form of the Aramaic languages (Canaanite) spoken from c. 1200 B.C. to c. 200 B.C., given standardized form only later and then perpetuated as a fixed literary medium. The focus of the series is specifically the corpus of the Old Testament, since the composition and compilation of these writings continue to generate major interest worldwide for reasons historical and academic, as well as religious. The series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, and linguistic study of the language of the Hebrew canon, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to informed and accurate exegesis. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including inscriptional materials, is welcome, provided the results are cast in terms of their particular bearing upon Biblical (classical) Hebrew.

    1 publications

  • Studies in Biblical Greek

    This occasional series of monographs is designed to promote and publish the latest research into biblical Greek (Old and New Testaments). The series does not assume that biblical Greek is a distinct dialect within the larger world of koine, but focuses on these corpora because it recognizes the particular interest they generate. Research into the broader evidence of the period, including epigraphical and inscriptional materials, is welcome in the series, provided the results are cast in terms of their bearing on biblical Greek. Primarily, however, the series is devoted to fresh philological, syntactical, text-critical, and linguistic study of the Greek of the biblical books, with the subsidiary aim of displaying the contribution of such study to accurate exegesis.

    20 publications

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