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  • Title: Teaching <I>Daughters of the Dust</I> as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash

    Teaching <I>Daughters of the Dust</I> as a Womanist Film and the Black Arts Aesthetic of Filmmaker Julie Dash

    by Patricia Williams Lessane (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Contemporary German Writers and Filmmakers

    Contemporary German Writers and Filmmakers aims to reflect the continuing and dynamic developments in German culture since the reunification of Germany in 1990. The fall of communism, the forging of the new Berlin Republic and increasing ethnic diversity have coincided with growing international acclaim for writers of German (such as Nobel Laureates Günter Grass, Elfriede Jelinek and Herta Müller) and renewed interest in German cinema (such as the award-winning film Das Leben der Anderen / The Lives of Others). Each volume is devoted to the work of a contemporary German-speaking novelist, poet, playwright or filmmaker, containing an interview with its subject and, in the case of writers, an original piece of previously unpublished writing presented in parallel English translation. The other chapters on key aspects of the emerging oeuvre and its international significance are by scholars in the field. As the volumes are intended for readers with little or no knowledge of German, all quotations are translated into English. The volumes are designed as a resource for specialists and students alike and to stimulate debate within and beyond the academy. Proposals for new volumes on significant contemporary practitioners in the literary and cinematic fields are welcomed. The language of the series is English.

    8 publications

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