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Open Access
  • Challenges in Public Health

    ISSN: 1863-768X

    Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung lässt sich Public Health nicht mehr allein innerhalb von nationalen Grenzen betreiben: Migration, soziale Ungleichheit, Pandemien, abnehmende Trinkwasservorräte und steigender Tabakkonsum sind nur einige Beispiele für eine Vielzahl von neuen Herausforderungen, die einen weiter reichenden, internationalen Blick erfordern. Kernpunkte für Public Health sind dabei die international vergleichende Analyse von Gesundheitsproblemen und möglichen Lösungsansätzen sowie die wissenschaftlich basierte und gerechte Ausgestaltung von Gesundheitssystemen. Die Bände 1 bis 50 erschienen unter dem Reihentitel Medizin in Entwicklungsländern

    18 publications

  • Health Communication

    ISSN: 2153-1277

    This series examines the powerful influences of human and mediated communication in delivering care and promoting health. Books analyze the ways that strategic communication humanizes and increases access to quality care as well as examining the use of communication to encourage proactive health promotion. The books describe strategies for addressing major health issues, such as reducing health disparities, minimizing health risks, responding to health crises, encouraging early detection and care, facilitating informed health decision making, promoting coordination within and across health teams, overcoming health literacy challenges, designing responsive health information technologies, and delivering sensitive end-of-life care.

    32 publications

  • Islamic Psychology and Biopsychological Basics of Life in Education and Health

    ISSN: 2750-3968

    This book series can be seen as a bridge that brings different worlds and directions of psychology together. The essence of the work proposed in this book series concerns mainly the biopsychological foundations of life in educational and health related fields. The world of the psychology of the Islamic cultural area, for example, is largely unknown for the western readers up to now. Therefore, concepts and research methods from „western" psychology, which are taught and researched around the world, are transferred and applied to questions, to contexts of the Islamic cultural area and to the related Islamic Psychology. Through the contributions in this book series, the content-related concepts, the research approaches and the ways of thinking of the Islamic psychology in educational and health related psychological fields become visible and known for all the western psychologists and researchers. In this way it is possible to create a substantial exchange in which all directions of psychology can contribute to the further development of the discipline of psychology as a whole. This creation of connections is the basic idea of the biocentric approach on which the series is based. This approach promotes and aims to give space to various fundamental orientations in all cultural areas in all directions and allows them to be expressed in order to be described scientifically. The psychology of the 4 directions is described in this biocentric approach: the Islamic psychology is called the psychology of the „east", then the psychology of the „west", the „south" and the „north".This book series is open to welcome similar works, monographies and collective volumes. This book series can be seen as a bridge that brings different worlds and directions of psychology together. The essence of the work proposed in this book series concerns mainly the biopsychological foundations of life in educational and health related fields. The world of the psychology of the Islamic cultural area, for example, is largely unknown for the western readers up to now. Therefore, concepts and research methods from „western" psychology, which are taught and researched around the world, are transferred and applied to questions, to contexts of the Islamic cultural area and to the related Islamic Psychology. Through the contributions in this book series, the content-related concepts, the research approaches and the ways of thinking of the Islamic psychology in educational and health related psychological fields become visible and known for all the western psychologists and researchers. In this way it is possible to create a substantial exchange in which all directions of psychology can contribute to the further development of the discipline of psychology as a whole. This creation of connections is the basic idea of the biocentric approach on which the series is based. This approach promotes and aims to give space to various fundamental orientations in all cultural areas in all directions and allows them to be expressed in order to be described scientifically. The psychology of the 4 directions is described in this biocentric approach: the Islamic psychology is called the psychology of the „east", then the psychology of the „west", the „south" and the „north".This book series is open to welcome similar works, monographies and collective volumes. This book series can be seen as a bridge that brings different worlds and directions of psychology together. The essence of the work proposed in this book series concerns mainly the biopsychological foundations of life in educational and health related fields. The world of the psychology of the Islamic cultural area, for example, is largely unknown for the western readers up to now. Therefore, concepts and research methods from „western" psychology, which are taught and researched around the world, are transferred and applied to questions, to contexts of the Islamic cultural area and to the related Islamic Psychology. Through the contributions in this book series, the content-related concepts, the research approaches and the ways of thinking of the Islamic psychology in educational and health related psychological fields become visible and known for all the western psychologists and researchers. In this way it is possible to create a substantial exchange in which all directions of psychology can contribute to the further development of the discipline of psychology as a whole. This creation of connections is the basic idea of the biocentric approach on which the series is based. This approach promotes and aims to give space to various fundamental orientations in all cultural areas in all directions and allows them to be expressed in order to be described scientifically. The psychology of the 4 directions is described in this biocentric approach: the Islamic psychology is called the psychology of the „east", then the psychology of the „west", the „south" and the „north".This book series is open to welcome similar works, monographies and collective volumes.

    4 publications

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