4 results
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  • Title: Dementia and Subjectivity / Demenz und Subjektivität

    Dementia and Subjectivity / Demenz und Subjektivität

    Aesthetic, Literary and Philosophical Perspectives / Ästhetische, literarische und philosophische Perspektiven
    by Daniela Ringkamp (Volume editor) Sara Strauß (Volume editor) Leonie Süwolto (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Conference proceedings
  • Title: The Reality of Faith in Theology

    The Reality of Faith in Theology

    Studies on Karl Barth- Princeton-Kampen Consultation 2005
    by Bruce McCormack (Volume editor) Gerrit Neven (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Constructions of Women’s Age at the Workplace

    Constructions of Women’s Age at the Workplace

    by Margret Beisheim (Volume editor) Florentine Maier (Volume editor) Linda Maria Kreil (Volume editor) Bianca Gusenbauer (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Conference proceedings
  • Title: The Politics of Age

    The Politics of Age

    Basic Pension Systems in a Comparative and Historical Perspective
    by Jörn Henrik Petersen (Volume editor) Klaus Petersen (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Conference proceedings
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