21 results
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  • Title: Le Clézio’s Spiritual Quest

    Le Clézio’s Spiritual Quest

    by Thomas Trzyna (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs
  • Title: Strange Adventures

    Strange Adventures

    Women’s Individuation in the Works of Pierrette Fleutiaux
    by Elizabeth Sercombe (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Monographs
  • Title: Visions of Apocalypse

    Visions of Apocalypse

    Representations of the End in French Literature and Culture
    by Leona Archer (Volume editor) Alex Stuart (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Migrant Imaginaries

    Migrant Imaginaries

    Figures in Italian Migration Literature
    by Jennifer Burns (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: A Dante Of Our Time

    A Dante Of Our Time

    Primo Levi and Auschwitz
    by Risa B. Sodi (Author) 2012
    ©1990 Others
  • Title: Hispanic Ecocriticism

    Hispanic Ecocriticism

    by José Manuel Marrero Henríquez (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Parasites


    Exploitation and Interference in French Thought and Culture
    by Matt Phillips (Author) Tomas Weber (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Voices of Dissent

    Voices of Dissent

    Interdisciplinary Approaches to New Italian Popular and Political Music
    by Giovanni Pietro Vitali (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: The Humanities Still Matter

    The Humanities Still Matter

    Identity, Gender and Space in Twenty-First-Century Europe
    by Rubén Jarazo-Álvarez (Volume editor) José Igor Prieto-Arranz (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Dante’s «Commedia» and the Liturgical Imagination

    Dante’s «Commedia» and the Liturgical Imagination

    by Matthew Treherne (Author) 2021
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Affective Landscapes

    Affective Landscapes

    Representations of Terrorism and Violence by Basque Female Authors
    by Cristina Ortiz Ceberio (Author) María Pilar Rodríguez (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Contrappunti / Counterpoints

    Contrappunti / Counterpoints

    Selected Prose of Giovanni Cecchetti
    by Raymond Petrillo (Author)
    ©1997 Textbook
  • Title: Spaces of Representation

    Spaces of Representation

    The Struggle for Social Justice in Postwar Guatemala
    by Michael T. Millar (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Title: Laughter and Power

    Laughter and Power

    by John Parkin (Volume editor) John Philllips (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Canada from the Outside In / Le Canada vu d’ailleurs

    Canada from the Outside In / Le Canada vu d’ailleurs

    New Trends in Canadian Studies / Nouvelles tendances en études canadiennes
    by Pierre Anctil (Volume editor) Zilá Bernd (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: 360º Diary

    360º Diary

    Translated by Pamela J. DeWeese
    by Pamela J. DeWeese (Author)
    ©2008 Monographs
  • Title: Geo-epistemology


    Latin America and the Location of Knowledge
    by Claudio Canaparo (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: The Beautiful and the Monstrous

    The Beautiful and the Monstrous

    Essays in French Literature, Thought and Culture
    by Amaleena Damlé (Volume editor) Aurélie L'Hostis (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Bastards at Work

    Bastards at Work

    Universal Lessons on Bullying from Contemporary French Storytelling
    by Martin Goodman (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: The Migrant’s Corner

    The Migrant’s Corner

    Paradoxes of Representing Mediterranean Crossings in Italian and French Contemporary Culture
    by Caterina Scarabicchi (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Monographs
  • Title: The Power of the Image in the Work of Lídia Jorge

    The Power of the Image in the Work of Lídia Jorge

    by Nazaré Torrão (Volume editor) José Cândido de Oliveira Martins (Volume editor) 2023
    ©2023 Edited Collection
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