5 results
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  • Title: Umberto Eco's Alternative

    Umberto Eco's Alternative

    The Politics of Culture and the Ambiguities of Interpretation- With an Essay by Umberto Eco
    by Norma Bouchard (Volume editor) Veronica Pravadelli (Volume editor)
    ©1999 Textbook
  • Title: What Does It Mean to be Human?

    What Does It Mean to be Human?

    A New Interpretation of Freedom in World History
    by Alan T. Wood (Author)
    ©2001 Textbook
  • Title: Conversations of Curriculum Reform

    Conversations of Curriculum Reform

    Students’ and Teachers’ Voices Interpreted Through Autobiographical and Phenomenological Texts
    by Kathryn M. Benson (Author)
    ©2006 Textbook
  • Title: The Joy of Rehearsal

    The Joy of Rehearsal

    Reflections on Interpretation and Practice- Translated by James Thomas
    by James Thomas (Author)
    ©2011 Textbook
  • Title: English Teaching and New Literacies Pedagogy

    English Teaching and New Literacies Pedagogy

    Interpreting and Authoring Digital Multimedia Narratives
    by Len Unsworth (Volume editor) Angela Thomas (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Textbook
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