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  • Title: Somalis in the Neo-South

    Somalis in the Neo-South

    African Immigration, Politics and Race
    by Dorian Brown Crosby (Author) 2021
    ©2020 Textbook
  • Title: «By Our Own Strength»

    «By Our Own Strength»

    William Sherrill, the UNIA, and the Fight for African American Self-Determination in Detroit
    by Kenneth S. Jolly (Author)
    ©2013 Textbook
  • Title: Lost Intimacies

    Lost Intimacies

    Rethinking Homosexuality under National Socialism
    by William J. Spurlin (Author) 2011
    ©2009 Textbook
  • Title: Race Riots and Resistance

    Race Riots and Resistance

    The Red Summer of 1919
    by Jan Voogd (Author)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Eugenics and Education in America

    Eugenics and Education in America

    Institutionalized Racism and the Implications of History, Ideology, and Memory
    by Ann Winfield (Author)
    ©2007 Textbook
  • Title: Judicial Politics in Texas

    Judicial Politics in Texas

    Partisanship, Money, and Politics in State Courts
    by Kyle Cheek (Author) Anthony Champagne (Author)
    ©2005 Textbook
  • Title: American History and Culture

    American History and Culture

    From the Explorers to Cable TV
    by Donald Ross (Author)
    ©2001 Textbook
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