
Insights into Specialized Translation

by Maurizio Gotti (Volume editor) Susan Sarcevic (Volume editor)
©2006 Edited Collection 406 Pages
Series: Linguistic Insights, Volume 46


This volume focuses on specialist translation – one of the areas of translation in greatest demand in our age of globalization. The 16 chapters deal not only with the classical domains of science and technology, law, socio-politics and medicine but also with lesser researched areas such as archeology, geography, nutrigenomics and others. As a whole, the book achieves a blend of theory and practice. It addresses a variety of issues such as translation strategy based on text type and purpose, intercultural transfer and quality assessment, as well as textual and terminological issues in bilingual and multilingual settings, including international organizations and the European Union. Today translation competence presupposes multidisciplinary skills. Whereas some chapters analyze the linguistic features of special-purpose texts and their function in specialized communication, others show how specialized translation has changed as a result of globalization and how advances in technology have altered terminology research and translation processing.


Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2012 (May)
Übersetzung Fachsprache Aufsatzsammlung Linguistic American Language American Literature English Literature Romance Literature English Language Romance Language
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2006. 406 pp.

Biographical notes

Maurizio Gotti (Volume editor) Susan Sarcevic (Volume editor)

The Editors: Maurizio Gotti is Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Bergamo, Italy. He is currently President of the Italian Association of University Language Centres and Director of CERLIS, the research centre on specialized languages based at the University of Bergamo. His main research areas are the features and origins of specialized discourse, English syntax, and English lexicology and lexicography. Susan Šarčević is Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rijeka (Croatia) where she teaches Legal English, Legal German and EU Terminology. She has published extensively on legal translation, legal lexicography and multilingual communication in the law (in English, German and Croatian) and has been invited to lecture on legal translation worldwide. She is a translator of legal texts and reviser of legal texts in English.


Title: Insights into Specialized Translation