

Revolution and Evolution

by John Strachan (Volume editor) Alison O'Malley-Younger (Volume editor)
©2010 Edited Collection X, 238 Pages
Series: Reimagining Ireland, Volume 12


The essays in this collection all revolve around the notion of change in Ireland, whether by revolution or by evolution. Developments in the shared histories of Ireland and Great Britain are an important theme throughout the book. The volume begins by examining two remarkable Irishmen on the make in Georgian London: the boxing historian Pierce Egan and the extraordinary Charles Macklin, eighteenth-century actor, playwright and manslaughterer. The focus then moves to aspects of Hibernian influence and the presence of the Irish Diaspora in Great Britain from the medieval period up to the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century celebrations of St Patrick’s Day in Manchester. The book also considers the very different attitudes to the British Empire evident in the career of the 1916 rebel Sir Roger Casement and the Victorian philologist and colonial servant Whitley Stokes. Further essays look at writings by Scottish Marxists on the state of Ireland in the 1920s and the pronouncements on the Troubles by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
The book also examines change in the culture of the island of Ireland, from the development of the Irish historical novel in the nineteenth century, to ecology in contemporary Irish women’s poetry, to the present state of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. Contemporary Irish authors examined include Roddy Doyle, Joseph O’Connor and Martin McDonagh.


X, 238
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2011 (March)
Irish Diaspora Pierce Egan Charles Macklin Irish authors
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2010. X, 238 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

John Strachan (Volume editor) Alison O'Malley-Younger (Volume editor)

The Editors: John Strachan is Professor of English at the University of Sunderland. He is co-director of the North East Irish Culture Network (NEICN) and author of Advertising and Satirical Culture in the Romantic Period (2007). He has written and edited another ten books, including Essays on Modern Irish Literature (2007). Alison O’Malley-Younger is Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Sunderland. She is co-director of the North East Irish Culture Network (NEICN) and co-edited the collections Essays on Modern Irish Literature (2007) and No Country for Old Men: Fresh Perspectives on Irish Literature (2009).


Title: Ireland