
From Protest to Surveillance – The Political Rationality of Mobile Media

Modalities of Neoliberalism

by Oliver Leistert (Author)
©2013 Thesis IX, 280 Pages


The book won the Surveillance Studies Network Book Prize 2014.
The book argues that the mobile as a political technology in a broad sense facilitates the global export of the Western concept of individuality. This empowers those subjectivities and mindsets which can adapt to the communication regime of ubiquitous connectivity. Exemplifying two focal points – the use in protests and the surveillance of mobile phones – the book traces political trajectories of mobile phones, just as it provides deep insights into the actual practice of mobile phone use by activists and their surveillance. 50 semi-structured interviews with activists from countries including Brazil, India, Pakistan and Mexico offer a detailed and profound discussion of mobile phone success and failures in different struggles for justice. By situating mobile phone mass dissemination within a political rationality of neoliberalism and its political technology of governmentality, it shows how sovereign rule updates to catch up with the subject’s empowerment through mobile phones. The limits of mobile phone impact on activism are examined, and how it compromises its users when new sovereign means such as data retention or silent SMS surveillance are invoked.


IX, 280
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2013 (November)
Governmentality mobile phones modalities of neoliberalism SMS sovereignty data retention pre paid mobile phones secure communication encryption
Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2013. IX, 280 pp., 9 b/w fig.,8 tables

Biographical notes

Oliver Leistert (Author)

Oliver Leistert, Dr. phil., has been researching media activism and surveillance for many years. His research interests include governmentality studies, media theory, digital methods, surveillance studies, social media and empirical research.


Title: From Protest to Surveillance – The Political Rationality of Mobile Media