
Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014

Part 1

by Lew N. Zybatow (Volume editor) Andy Stauder (Volume editor) Michael Ustaszewski (Volume editor)
©2017 Edited Collection XXII, 383 Pages
Series: Forum Translationswissenschaft, Volume 19


TRANSLATA II was the second in a series of triennial conferences on Translation and Interpreting Studies, held at the University of Innsbruck. The series is conceptualized as a forum for Translation Studies research. The contributions to this volume focus on humo(u)r translation, legal translation, and human-machine interaction in translation. The contributors also regard computer-aided translation, specialised translation, terminology as well as audiovisual translation and professional aspects in translation and interpreting.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Inhaltsverzeichnis – Table of Contents
  • Vorwort der Herausgeber
  • Grußwort des Rektors der Universität Innsbruck (Tilmann Märk)
  • Welcome Address by the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Humanities 2 of the University of Innsbruck (Gerhard Pisek)
  • Opening and Welcome Address (Lew Zybatow)
  • Plenarvorträge / Plenary Lectures
  • Komparative Linguistik als interdisziplinäre Verbündete der Translation (Gyde Hansen)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Verba volant, translatores manent
  • 3. Qualität bei der Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Maschine
  • 3.1. Qualitätssicherung durch Textvorbereitung: gezieltes Pre-editing
  • 3.2. Qualitätssicherung durch Post-editing
  • 4. Komparative linguistische Analyse als interdisziplinäre Verbündete
  • 4.1. Versuche zu den Schwachstellen und Fehlern der MÜ
  • 4.2. Welche Qualifikationen erfordert das Post-editing?
  • 5. Konklusion: Googli – unsere neue Studienkameradin
  • Literatur
  • Translation, Theory, and the History of Machine Translation (Pius ten Hacken)
  • 1. The Origins: The Engineers in Charge
  • 2. The Linguists Take Over
  • 3. The Engineers Strike Back
  • 4. A Field in Crisis
  • 5. Finding a Way Out of the Crisis
  • 6. Translators and MT after the revolution
  • References
  • Towards an Optimality Theory of Translation (Lew Zybatow)
  • 1. Introductory remarks
  • 2. Towards special theories for different kinds of translation and interpreting
  • 3. Towards an Optimality Theory of Translation
  • 4. Concluding remarks
  • References
  • Workshop on Humo(u)r Translation
  • Camilleri’s Humour Travels to the UK and the USA (Margherita Dore)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Montalbano on the Screen
  • 3. Andrea Camilleri’s Humour
  • 4. Data Analysis
  • 5. Conclusions
  • References
  • American Sitcoms and Their Wordy Scripts as a Challenge for the Translator (Kwiryna Proczkowska)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Subject
  • 2.1. Sitcom as a genre
  • 2.2. The characteristics of the shows
  • 3. The corpus
  • 3.1. The analysis of the material
  • 3.1.1. The division of the dialogues into translation units
  • 3.1.2. The necessity of consistency in translating recurring elements
  • 3.1.3. The necessity of knowing and considering the context of the entire show
  • 3.1.4. The incorporation of the visual channel into the linguistic joke
  • 3.1.5. The lack of possibility of preserving both the denotative and connotative equivalency
  • 4. Conclusion
  • References
  • ‘Nicht-Fry-Sein’ Ulrich Blumenbach’s German Translations of Stephen Fry’s Works (Marjolijn Storm)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Stephen Fry’s Humour Translated
  • 3. Blumenbach’s Visibility in Stephen Fry’s Works
  • References
  • A Tale of Two Lolitas. A Story of Taboo and Point of View (Patrick Zabalbeascoa)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Films, Styles, Themes
  • 3. Sex, Crime, Humour and Taboo
  • 4. The Targets of Kubrick’s Jokes. Examples of Verbal and Audiovisual Humour
  • References
  • Workshop on Legal Translation
  • Qualitätssicherung von Übersetzungsleistungen durch Integrierung des Fachwissens in die Ausbildung (Gerhard Edelmann)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Fachwissen in Theorie und Praxis
  • 3. Forderung: Sachfach in der Ausbildung
  • 4. Schlussfolgerungen
  • Literatur
  • The transposition of Directive 2010/64/EU and Legal, Institutional and Actual Deficiencies of Court Interpreting in Greece (Anastasios Ioannidis / Zoi Resta)
  • 1. Directive 2010/64/EU and its transposition into Greek Law
  • 2. Professionalisation
  • 3. Conclusion
  • References
  • L’interprete traduttore nel procedimento penale ungherese alla luce delle direttive europee (Barnabás Novák / Tímea Drinóczi)
  • Introduzione
  • 1. Le direttive e le loro implementazioni (in Ungheria)
  • 1.1. Direttive – indagato e imputato
  • 2. Direttiva – vittima
  • Bibliografia
  • Tying Quality and Training: an Ariadne’s Thread out of the Legal Translation Labyrinth (Daniele Orlando)
  • 1. Background
  • 2. QUALETRA: an EU project on legal translation
  • 3. The QUALETRA WS 3 Survey
  • 3.1. Programme type
  • 3.2. Languages
  • 3.3. Competences
  • 4. Conclusions
  • References
  • The Profile of The Ideal Greek Legal Interpreter (Stefanos Vlachopoulos / Pericles Tangas / Themistocles Gogas / Eleftheria Dogoriti / Freideriki Batsalia / Nikitas Hatzimihail / Theodoros Vyzas / Christos Katsis / Ekaterini Florou / Anna Chita / Georgios
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Theoretical framework
  • 2.1. Simultaneous interpreting vs Consecutive interpreting
  • 3. The legal framework in Greece
  • 4. The foreigners’ perspective
  • 4.1. Description of the sample
  • 4.2. Results
  • 5. The Greek authorities’ perspective
  • 5.1. Results
  • 6. Outcome
  • 7. Towards the profile of the ideal legal interpreter in Greece: measures to be taken and suggested tactics
  • Reference
  • Workshop on Human-Machine Interaction in Translation
  • What can Linguistics do for Translation Technology? (Andy Stauder)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. MT and CAT: Solutions or Problems?
  • 3. Linguistics to the rescue – but how?
  • 4. Back to the future
  • 5. Conclusion
  • References
  • A Brief State of the Art of Translation Technology (Michael Ustaszewski)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Translation Technology
  • 2.1. Translation Memory Systems
  • 2.2. Machine Translation
  • 2.3. Convergence of Translation Memory Systems and Machine Translation
  • 3. Outlook
  • References
  • DIRETRA, a Customizable Direct Translation System: First Sketches (Alëna Aksënova / Marina Ermolaeva)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Morphological parsing
  • 3. Correspondence mapping
  • 4. Synthesis
  • 5. Future work
  • 6. Abbreviations
  • References
  • Extracting Terminology by Language Independent Methods (Sanja Seljan / Ivan Dunđer / Hrvoje Stančić)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Research
  • 2.1. Dataset
  • 2.2. Methods and Tools
  • 2.2.1. Digitisation
  • 2.2.2. Terminology extraction
  • 2.2.3. Reference List
  • 3. Results and Analysis
  • 3.1. Filtering
  • 3.2. Evaluation of tools
  • 4. Conclusion
  • References
  • Computer-Aided Translation
  • Are Classical Principles of Corpus Compiling Applicable to Parallel Corpora of Literary Texts? (Mikhail Mikhailov)
  • References
  • CAT in the Cloud: Some Implications for Translator Training (Andrew Rothwell)
  • 1. Why teach CAT?
  • 2. Classic CAT skills
  • 3. Cloud-based CAT
  • 4. Teaching CAT in the Cloud
  • 5. Conclusions
  • References
  • Verwendbarkeit von Sprachkorpora für die Übersetzung und für die Übersetzungsforschung (Olívia Seidl-Péch)
  • 1. Benötigen Übersetzungsexperten (noch) Sprachkorpora?
  • 1.1. Inwiefern ist das Web ein sinnvoll nutzbares Korpus?
  • 1.2. Herkömmliche translatorische Hilfsmittel
  • 1.3. Moderne translatorische Hilfsmittel
  • 2. Sprachkorpora bei der übersetzerischen Tätigkeit
  • 2.1. Beispiel für Nutzen von Sprachkorpora
  • 3. Anwendungsgebiete von Korpora in der Übersetzungsforschung
  • 3.1. Abweichung der zielsprachlichen TP von der muttersprachlichen TP
  • 3.2. Das Projekt „Lexical Cohesion in Hungarian“
  • 3.2.1. Das Korpus
  • 3.2.2. Benutzung sprachtechnologischer Hilfsmittel
  • 3.3. Ergebnisse
  • 4. Schlussfolgerungen
  • Literatur
  • Communicative Effectiveness of Controlled Machine Translation (Chung-ling Shih)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Controlled MT and its Advantages Supported by the Register Concepts
  • 3. Methodology
  • 3.1. Analytical Samples
  • 3.2. Research Methods
  • 4. Findings and Discussions
  • 4.1. Differences between Controlled and uncontrolled Web Source Texts
  • 4.2. The Audience’s Reception of the Multi-Thematic and Concise MT Output
  • 5. Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
  • Specialized Translation
  • Kollokationen in juristischen Fachtexten im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Finnisch: Kulturspezifik und translatorisches Management (Annikki Liimatainen)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Grundlegende Begriffe der Untersuchung
  • 3. Die grundsätzliche Systemgebundenheit juristischer Termini
  • 4. Kollokationen im Text und im Wörterbuch
  • 5. Zusammenfassung
  • Literatur
  • Translation in the Law: between Freedom and Convention (Tinka Reichmann)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Relational Aspects on Different Levels
  • 2.1. Terminology
  • 2.1.1. Change of Terminology without Change of Rights
  • 2.1.2. Change of Terminology with Change of Rights
  • 2.2. Individual Texts and Text Genres
  • 2.3. Textual Networks
  • 2.3.1. Research on Textual Networks
  • 2.3.2. Research on Textual Networks in the Legal Field
  • 3. Institutional Dimension
  • 4. Perspectives for Translation
  • References
  • ¿Cuándo y cómo mejorar un texto de salida? Nuevas reflexiones acerca de un antiguo problema traductológico (Christian Vicente)
  • Introducción
  • 1. ¿Qué significa “mejorar” el texto de salida de una traducción?
  • 2. ¿Cuáles son los problemas de orden “filosófico” que esta actividad plantea?
  • 3. ¿Cuáles son las ventajas y los peligros derivados de la “mejora” de un texto de salida? Análisis de ejemplos reales
  • 4. Conclusión
  • Bibliografía
  • Terminology
  • Synonymy in Medical Terminology – a Challenge in Translation (Renáta Panocová)
  • 1. Synonymy in English medical terminology
  • 2. Comparison with Slovak equivalents
  • 3. Conclusions
  • References
  • Einheitlichkeit der Terminologie – ein streng zu verfolgendes Ziel oder nur ein Wunschtraum? Erfahrungen aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Übersetzungsbüros und dem Fremdsprachlichen Fachsprachenunterricht (Łukasz Solarz)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Fachsprachenauffassung – Definitionen der Fachsprachen
  • 3. Termini und Terminologienormung
  • 4. Forschungsmethodik und Forschungsziel
  • Bibliografie
  • The Innsbruck Terminology Database on a New Platform (Martina Spornberger / Irmgard Rieder / Pius ten Hacken)
  • 1. Some Key Data about ITDB
  • 2. User Interfaces
  • 3. ITDB compared to IATE and Wikipedia
  • 4. Conclusion
  • References
  • Zur praxisbezogenen Terminologiearbeit in der universitären translatorischen Ausbildung (Oľga Wrede / Jozef Štefčík)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Terminologiearbeit in Praxis und Lehre
  • 3. Firmeninterne Terminologiearbeit – Ergebnisse einer Umfrage
  • 4. Fazit
  • Literatur
  • Audivisual Translation
  • Translation Quality Assessment: Guidelines for the Evaluation of Persian Subtitles Regarding the Omission of Interpersonal Elements of Language (Yasamin Khosravani / Sabine Bastian)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1. Translation Quality Assessment History
  • 2. Importance of Evaluation
  • 3. Appraisal theory: general idea
  • 4. Interpersonal metafunction
  • 5. Appraisal and Translation Studies
  • 6. Methodology
  • 6.1. Data Collection
  • 6.2. Data Analysis
  • 7. Conclusion and Results
  • References
  • Lost in Translation or not? The Use of Relay Among Croatian Subtitlers (Vedrana Čemerin)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 1.1. Methodology
  • 1.2. The sample
  • 2. The use of relay
  • 2.1. Relay and quality
  • 3. Conclusion
  • References
  • New Forms of Translation for Stage Productions in Intercultural Communication (Linda Dewolf)
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Norms of Censorship in Dubbing from English into Persian (Hajar Khanmohammad / Mitra Amreza)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The notion of norms
  • 2.1. Toury’s classification of translational norms
  • 3. Censorship
  • 4. Audiovisual translation
  • 4.1. Dubbing
  • 5. Methodology
  • 5.1. Corpora
  • 5.2. Procedure
  • 5.3. Design of the study
  • 6. Results
  • 7. Conclusion
  • References
  • Interpreting
  • (Source) Texting ELF. Native and Non-Native English Speaker Discourse Production and Conference Interpreters’ Preference for the Native Speaker (Michaela Albl-Mikasa / Sandra Guggisberg / Fenja Talirz)
  • 1. ELF and Interpreting
  • 2. Source Texting – Data
  • 3. Source Texting – Results
  • 4. Interpreters’ Preference for Native English speakers
  • References
  • Éléments du discours susceptibles d’être automatisés en interprétation de conference (Mirjana Aleksoska-Chkatroska)
  • 1. Connaissances nécessaires dans les langues de travail de l’interprète
  • 2. Compétence discursive dans les langues de travail de l’interprète
  • Références
  • Culture-bound Elements in Simultaneous Conference Interpreting (Shima Asadi)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Theoretical framework
  • 3. Significance of the study
  • 4. Methodology
  • 5. Data Analysis, discussion and conclusion
  • References
  • Consecutive Interpreting Note-taking: Students’ and Interpreters’ Language Choice (Valentina Baselli)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methodology
  • 3. Results and discussion
  • 3.1. Results of Notes Taken by the Students
  • 3.2. Results of Notes Taken by the Professionals
  • 3.3. Observations
  • 4. Conclusions
  • References
  • Prekäres Gleichgewicht. Die Triade: Zuschreibungen, Allianzen, Dynamiken (Mascha Dabić)
  • 1. Einleitende Bemerkungen
  • 2. Kontext: Community Interpreting
  • 3. Die Triade
  • 3.1. Wer ist der/die Dritte?
  • 3.2. Dynamiken und Allianzen
  • 4. Abschließende Bemerkungen
  • Bibliographie
  • Process of Construction of a Questionnaire for a Gestalt Assessment of Television Broadcast Simultaneous Interpreting (Gregorio De Gregoris)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. First draft
  • 3. Second draft
  • 4. Third, fourth and fifth drafts
  • 5. Sixth draft and on-line version
  • References
  • Incorporación de las técnicas de mediación profesional en la interpretación en los Servicios Públicos (Agnieszka Mejnartowicz)
  • 1. Intérpretes en los SSPP y los mediadores interculturales en Barcelona: códigos éticos de la profesión
  • 2. Técnicas de mediación en el proceso de interpretación
  • Referencias bibliográficas
  • Simultaneous Interpreting into a “B Language”: Considerations for Trainers and Trainees (Kilian G. Seeber)
  • 1. Simultaneous interpreting and bilingualism
  • 2. Understanding and speaking one language
  • 3. Understanding and speaking two languages
  • 4. The simultaneous interpreting conundrum
  • 4.1. Interpreting with three or more languages
  • 4.2. The directionality debate
  • 4.2.1. Ideology
  • 4.2.2. Proficiency
  • 4.2.3. Processing
  • 5. Conclusion
  • References
  • Snapshots of Waveforms in Multitrack Digital Recordings: an Untapped Potential for the Assessment of Simultaneous Interpreters (María Gracia Torres Díaz)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The Assessment of Simultaneous Interpreting Performance
  • 3. Assessment: Present and Past
  • 4. Different Criteria for Assessing the Interpreting Performances of Students
  • 5. Assessing the Forgotten Prosodic Features of the Interpreter’s Delivery
  • References
  • Affective Factors in an In-class Consecutive Interpreting Test: a Student Self-Reflection-Based Study into Interpreting Trainee’s Perceived and Actual Affective Factors (Marcin Walczyński)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Interpreting performance-affecting factors
  • 3. Affective factors in an in-class consecutive test: study description and the analysis of results
  • 3.1. Study description
  • 3.2. Students’ perceived affective factors disclosed in a self-reflection sheet
  • 3.3. Students’ actual affective factors disclosed in a self-reflection sheet
  • 4. Conclusions and implications for interpreting training
  • References
  • Translation Practice
  • Tandemübersetzungen: Was sie sind und wie sie gemacht werden (Urška P. Černe)
  • 0. Definition eines Übersetzertandems
  • 1. Unterschiede je nach Bereich
  • 2. Fragestellung
  • 3. Tandemkonstellationen
  • 3.1. Komplementäre translatorische Kompetenzen – Klassische Konstellation: Einer übersetzt in die Nicht-Muttersprache oder L2/L3/L4
  • 3.1.1. Historisches Beispiel: Der Übersetzer Lin Shu (林紓, 1852–1924)
  • 3.2. Vergleichbare translatorische Kompetenzen
  • 4. Zusammenfassung
  • References
  • Sprachmittlung und Sprachprüfung: Bewertung der mündlichen Prüfung im Griechischen Staatszertifikat KPG (Anna Chita / Katerina Florou / Konstantina Koufala)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Translation versus Sprachmittlung
  • 3. Griechisches Staatszertifikat für Sprachen
  • Literaturvezeichnis
  • Griechische Literatur
  • Internetquellen
  • Intercultural Competence of Translators and Interpreters from the Point of View of Translation Agencies (Márta Lesznyák / Mária Bakti)
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Research questions and methods
  • 2.1. Research questions
  • 2.2. Sample and Data collection methods
  • 3. Results
  • 3.1. The findings of the project’s previous phases
  • 3.2. Results – text analysis
  • 3.3. The findings of the questionnaire
  • 4. Summary
  • Acknowledgments
  • References
  • Traduttore giurato o traduzione asseverata? Polonia e Italia a confronto (Claudio Salmeri)
  • 1. In Polonia
  • 2. In Italia
  • Bibliografia
  • Die Selbstdarstellung von KonferenzdolmetscherInnen in den Social Media: Eine vergleichende Diskursanalyse anhand ausgewählter Beispiele (Susi Winkler / Michaela Feigl)
  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Forschungsstand
  • 3. Vergleichende Diskursanalyse
  • 3.1. Zusammensetzung des Untersuchungskorpus
  • 3.2. Methodik der Untersuchung
  • 3.3. Auswertung
  • 4. Schlussfolgerungen
  • Bibliografie

Lew N. Zybatow / Andy Stauder /
Michael Ustaszewski (eds.)

Translation Studies and
Translation Practice: Proceedings
of the 2nd International
TRANSLATA Conference, 2014

Part 1

About the author

Lew N. Zybatow is Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Innsbruck.

Andy Stauder holds a postdoctoral research and teaching position at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Innsbruck.

Michael Ustaszewski is Assistant Professor at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Innsbruck.

About the book

TRANSLATA II was the second in a series of triennial conferences on Translation and Interpreting Studies, held at the University of Innsbruck. The series is conceptualized as a forum for Translation Studies research. The contributions to this volume focus on humo(u)r translation, legal translation, and human-machine interaction in translation. The contributors also regard computer-aided translation, specialised translation, terminology as well as audiovisual translation and professional aspects in translation and interpreting.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.

Inhaltsverzeichnis – Table of Contents

Vorwort der Herausgeber

Tilmann Märk

Grußwort des Rektors der Universität Innsbruck

Gerhard Pisek

Welcome Address by the Dean of Studies of the Faculty of Humanities 2 of the University of Innsbruck

Lew Zybatow

Opening and Welcome Address

Plenarvorträge / Plenary Lectures

Gyde Hansen

Komparative Linguistik als interdisziplinäre Verbündete der Translation

Pius ten Hacken

Translation, Theory, and the History of Machine Translation

Lew Zybatow

Towards an Optimality Theory of Translation

Workshop on Humo(u)r Translation

Margherita Dore

Camilleri’s Humour Travels to the UK and the USA

Kwiryna Proczkowska

American Sitcoms and Their Wordy Scripts as a Challenge for the Translator

Marjolijn Storm

‘Nicht-Fry-Sein’ Ulrich Blumenbach’s German Translations of Stephen Fry’s Works ←V | VI→

Patrick Zabalbeascoa

A Tale of Two Lolitas. A Story of Taboo and Point of View

Workshop on Legal Translation

Gerhard Edelmann

Qualitätssicherung von Übersetzungsleistungen durch Integrierung des Fachwissens in die Ausbildung

Anastasios Ioannidis & Zoi Resta

The transposition of Directive 2010/64/EU and Legal, Institutional and Actual Deficiencies of Court Interpreting in Greece

Barnabás Novák & Tímea Drinóczi

L’interprete traduttore nel procedimento penale ungherese alla luce delle direttive europee

Daniele Orlando

Tying Quality and Training: an Ariadne’s Thread out of
the Legal Translation Labyrinth

Stefanos Vlachopoulos, Pericles Tangas, Themistocles Gogas, Eleftheria Dogoriti, Freideriki Batsalia, Nikitas Hatzimihail, Theodoros Vyzas, Christos Katsis, Ekaterini Florou, Anna Chita, Georgios Iseris, Spiros Dragomanovits

The Profile of The Ideal Greek Legal Interpreter

Workshop on Human-Machine Interaction in Translation

Andy Stauder

What can Linguistics do for Translation Technology?

Michael Ustaszewski

A Brief State of the Art of Translation Technology

Alëna Aksënova & Marina Ermolaeva

DIRETRA, a Customizable Direct Translation System: First Sketches

Sanja Seljan, Ivan Dunđer & Hrvoje Stančić

Extracting Terminology by Language Independent Methods ←VI | VII→

Computer-Aided Translation

Mikhail Mikhailov

Are Classical Principles of Corpus Compiling Applicable to Parallel Corpora of Literary Texts?

Andrew Rothwell

CAT in the Cloud: Some Implications for Translator Training

Olívia Seidl-Péch

Verwendbarkeit von Sprachkorpora für die Übersetzung und für die Übersetzungsforschung

Chung-ling Shih

Communicative Effectiveness of Controlled Machine Translation

Specialized Translation

Annikki Liimatainen

Kollokationen in juristischen Fachtexten im Sprachenpaar Deutsch-Finnisch: Kulturspezifik und translatorisches Management

Tinka Reichmann

Translation in the Law: between Freedom and Convention

Christian Vicente

¿Cuándo y cómo mejorar un texto de salida? Nuevas reflexiones acerca de un antiguo problema traductológico


Renáta Panocová

Synonymy in Medical Terminology – a Challenge in Translation

Łukasz Solarz

Einheitlichkeit der Terminologie – ein streng zu verfolgendes Ziel oder nur ein Wunschtraum? Erfahrungen aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Übersetzungsbüros und dem Fremdsprachlichen Fachsprachenunterricht ←VII | VIII→

Martina Spornberger, Irmgard Rieder & Pius ten Hacken

The Innsbruck Terminology Database on a New Platform

Oľga Wrede & Jozef Štefčík

Zur praxisbezogenen Terminologiearbeit in der universitären translatorischen Ausbildung

Audivisual Translation

Yasamin Khosravani & Sabine Bastian

Translation Quality Assessment: Guidelines for the Evaluation of Persian Subtitles Regarding the Omission of Interpersonal Elements of Language

Vedrana Čemerin

Lost in Translation or not? The Use of Relay Among Croatian Subtitlers

Linda Dewolf

New Forms of Translation for Stage Productions in Intercultural Communication

Hajar Khanmohammad & Mitra Amreza

Norms of Censorship in Dubbing from English into Persian


Michaela Albl-Mikasa, Sandra Guggisberg & Fenja Talirz

(Source) Texting ELF. Native and Non-Native English Speaker
Discourse Production and Conference Interpreters
for the Native Speaker

Mirjana Aleksoska-Chkatroska

Éléments du discours susceptibles d’être automatisés en interprétation de conference

Shima Asadi

Culture-bound Elements in Simultaneous Conference Interpreting ←VIII | IX→

Valentina Baselli

Consecutive Interpreting Note-taking: Students’ and Interpreters’ Language Choice

Mascha Dabić

Prekäres Gleichgewicht. Die Triade: Zuschreibungen, Allianzen, Dynamiken

Gregorio De Gregoris

Process of Construction of a Questionnaire for a Gestalt Assessment of Television Broadcast Simultaneous Interpreting

Agnieszka Mejnartowicz

Incorporación de las técnicas de mediación profesional en la interpretación en los Servicios Públicos

Kilian G. Seeber

Simultaneous Interpreting into a “B Language”: Considerations for Trainers and Trainees

María Gracia Torres Díaz

Snapshots of Waveforms in Multitrack Digital Recordings: an Untapped Potential for the Assessment of Simultaneous Interpreters

Marcin Walczyński

Affective Factors in an In-class Consecutive Interpreting Test: a Student Self-Reflection-Based Study into Interpreting Trainee’s Perceived and Actual Affective Factors

Translation Practice

Urška P. Černe

Tandemübersetzungen: Was sie sind und wie sie gemacht werden

Anna Chita, Katerina Florou & Konstantina Koufala

Sprachmittlung und Sprachprüfung: Bewertung der mündlichen Prüfung im Griechischen Staatszertifikat KPG ←IX | X→

Márta Lesznyák & Mária Bakti

Intercultural Competence of Translators and Interpreters from the Point of View of Translation Agencies

Claudio Salmeri

Traduttore giurato o traduzione asseverata? Polonia e Italia a confronto

Susi Winkler & Michaela Feigl

Die Selbstdarstellung von KonferenzdolmetscherInnen in den Social Media: Eine vergleichende Diskursanalyse anhand ausgewählter Beispiele

←X | XI→


XXII, 383
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2017 (March)
Translationswissenschaft Übersetzungswissenschaft Dolmetschwissenschaft Translationstechnologien Fachübersetzen Audiovisuelle Translation
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. XXII, 383 pp., 15 b/w ill., 25 b/w tables

Biographical notes

Lew N. Zybatow (Volume editor) Andy Stauder (Volume editor) Michael Ustaszewski (Volume editor)

Lew N. Zybatow is Professor of Translation Studies at the University of Innsbruck. Andy Stauder holds a postdoctoral research and teaching position at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Innsbruck. Michael Ustaszewski is Assistant Professor at the Department of Translation Studies, University of Innsbruck.


Title: Translation Studies and Translation Practice: Proceedings of the 2nd International TRANSLATA Conference, 2014