
Power and Imagination

Studies in Politics and Literature

by Leonidas Donskis (Author)
©2008 Monographs XVI, 170 Pages
Series: New Studies in Aesthetics, Volume 39


Classical and modern literature often reveal more about the organized world’s forms of power and authority structures than do works of political philosophy. What are the origins of political consciousness? How does our understanding of political power and its exercise originate in literature? Why do the early manifestations of political and religious tolerance appear in utopian literature, rather than in philosophical treatises? Is it possible to do fictionally what others tend to do academically and theoretically? Exploring these questions allows Leonidas Donskis to analyze the relationship between power and imagination, politics and literature, and the principles of reality and imagination.


XVI, 170
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2008 (May)
Politische Philosophie Geschichte Philosophy Political theory History of ideas Literary theory Utopian study Literatur Social criticism
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2008. XVI, 170 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Leonidas Donskis (Author)

The Author: Leonidas Donskis is a Lithuanian philosopher, essayist, and critic. He received his first doctorate in philosophy from Vilnius University, Lithuania, and later earned his second doctorate in social and moral philosophy from the University of Helsinki, Finland. His main scholarly interests lie in philosophy of culture, philosophy of literature, philosophy of the social sciences, civilization theory, political theory, and history of ideas. He has researched and lectured in the United States, Great Britain, and continental Europe. Currently, Donskis serves as Professor and Dean of Vytautas Magnus University School of Political Science and Diplomacy in Kaunas, Lithuania. In addition, he acts as Docent of Social and Moral Philosophy at the University of Helsinki. Donskis is the author of eleven books, including The End of Ideology and Utopia?; Identity and Freedom; Forms of Hatred; and Loyalty, Dissent, and Betrayal.


Title: Power and Imagination