
Rewriting the Feeding of Five Thousand

John 6.1-15 as a Test Case for Johannine Dependence on the Synoptic Gospels

by Steven A. Hunt (Author)
©2011 Monographs XX, 316 Pages
Series: Studies in Biblical Literature, Volume 125


Rewriting the Feeding of Five Thousand reveals the connection between John and the Synoptics with a focus on John 6.1-15. Statistical analyses establish the percentages of verbal and word order agreement between John 6.1-15 and the Synoptic parallels. An analysis of contextual agreements between the narratives in John and the Synoptics facilitates observing the percentage of agreement between them on a verse-by-verse basis, the average percentage of agreement between them, and the average percentage of agreement between them when Johannine material without parallel in the Synoptics is excluded from the data. Furthermore, this book analyzes the Matthean and Lukan redaction of Mark in their versions of the feeding of the five thousand and their influence on the Johannine narrative, as well as how John’s narrative can be understood as a thorough rewriting of the Synoptic accounts.


XX, 316
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2011 (June)
Religion, Gospels, John, Synoptic Gospels, Redacti Religion Gospels John Redaction Criticism Literary Relationships Synoptic Gospels
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2011. XX, 316 pp., num. tables
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Steven A. Hunt (Author)

Steven A. Hunt received his PhD from the University of Sheffield. He is Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts. Focusing on the New Testament, he specializes in narrative approaches to the Gospel of John and socio-rhetorical approaches to the letters of Paul. His most recent publications include articles on John’s characterization of Nicodemus, Lazarus, Abraham, and Jesus.


Title: Rewriting the Feeding of Five Thousand