
Confessions of Love

The Ambiguities of Greek "Eros</I> and Latin "Caritas</I>

by Craig J. N. de Paulo (Volume editor) Bernhardt Blumenthal (Volume editor) Catherine Conroy de Paulo (Volume editor)
©2011 Monographs XIV, 246 Pages
Series: American University Studies , Volume 310


Confessions of Love: The Ambiguities of Greek ‘Eros’ and Latin ‘Caritas’ includes a collection of essays by internationally renowned scholars such as Phillip Cary, Roland Teske, and Leonid Rudnytzky, tackling some historic, controversial «confessions» of love. Inspired by the Augustinian tradition, this volume focuses on the ambiguous nature of love, especially with regard to some of the conflicting aspects of Greek eros and its ancient Latin rival, caritas, in great thinkers like Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Marsilio Ficino, Freud, and Max Scheler. This volume will be of interest to humanities, philosophy, theology, history, and classics departments seeking a new way to approach the Western tradition through the historic controversy in the West over eros and caritas. Finally, its focus on the retrieval and disclosure of sensuality and eroticism in these great texts will also be of special interest to postmodernism and hermeneutics.


XIV, 246
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2011 (July)
conflicting aspects of Greek eros and its ancient Latin rival, caritas Augustine Freud and Max Scheler the retrieval and disclosure ofsensuality and eroticism the ambiguous nature of love Thomas Aquinas Freud and Max Scheler. the retrieval and disclosure ofsensuality and eroticism conflicting aspects of Greek eros and its ancient Latin rival caritas. Augustine Marsilio Ficino
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2011. XIV, 246 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Craig J. N. de Paulo (Volume editor) Bernhardt Blumenthal (Volume editor) Catherine Conroy de Paulo (Volume editor)

Craig J. N. de Paulo is a distinguished scholar in Augustine and the Augustinian tradition. Some of his books include The Influence of Augustine on Heidegger: The Emergence of an Augustinian Phenomenology, Ambiguity in the Western Mind, Being and Conversion as well as a forthcoming book titled Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions and the Lust for Power. Bernhardt Blumenthal is Professor of German at La Salle University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Catherine Conroy de Paulo is Lecturer in English Composition at Pennsylvania State University. Patrick A. Messina is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Gwynedd-Mercy College in Pennsylvania. Leonid Rudnytzky is Professor Emeritus of Slavic Languages at La Salle University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Title: Confessions of Love