
Global Dialectics in Intercultural Communication

Case Studies

by Jolanta A. Drzewiecka (Volume editor) Thomas K. Nakayama (Volume editor)
©2018 Textbook XX, 302 Pages


This book is an edited collection of case studies of contemporary issues in culture and communication around the world. Framed around a dialectical approach to intercultural communication, this collection offers a useful framework for thinking about contemporary research in this area. It offers in-depth cultural information about a broad range of specific cases in different places around the world. It is an ideal book to use in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in culture and communication, global communication and intercultural communication courses. Scholars interested in contemporary work in intercultural communication will find this collection essential in mapping the state of the art in this area.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the author
  • About the book
  • Advance Praise for Global Dialectics in Intercultural Communication
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Contributors
  • Introduction: Thinking Dialectically about Intercultural Communication on a Global Scale (Jolanta A. Drzewiecka / Thomas K. Nakayama)
  • Migration
  • Chapter One: The Destructiveness of Distance: Unfaithful Husbands and Absent Mothers in Domestic Migrant Worker Narratives (Hans J. Ladegaard)
  • Chapter Two: Eden Recouped: White South Africans in Tanzania and Zambia (Melissa Steyn)
  • Chapter Three: Swiss Media and Migration (Heinz Bonfadelli / Mustafa Ideli / Andrea Piga)
  • Situated Cultural Practices
  • Chapter Four: Meanings of Health among Transgender Sex Workers in Singapore: A Culture-Centered Approach (Mohan J. Dutta / Dyah Pitaloka / Dazzelyn Zapata)
  • Chapter Five: Thanatopolitical Spaces and Symbolic Counterterrorism at the National September 11 Memorial and Museum (Marouf Hasian / Nicholas Paliewicz)
  • Chapter Six: Glocalization and Popular Media: The Case of Akosua Political Cartoons (Joseph Oduro-Frimpong)
  • Chapter Seven: The Silesians in a Global Perspective: Communication with the Dominant Group in the Local and National Context (Maria Szmeja)
  • Chapter Eight: Communicative Forms of Indigenous Dwelling: The Digitalization of the Forest and Native Net-Activism in Brazil (Eliete da Silva Pereira / Massimo Di Felice)
  • Strategic Communications in Crisis
  • Chapter Nine: Telling the Story of Ebola: Cosmopolitan Communication as a Framework for Public Relations in Local–Global Contexts (Nilanjana Bardhan)
  • Chapter Ten: The Sinking of a Ferry, Sinking of Public Confidence: A Comparative Analysis of Government Crisis Management Cases (Moon J. Lee)
  • Environmental and Social Justice
  • Chapter Eleven: Environmental Nonprofit Organizations and Networked Publics: Case Studies of Water Sustainability (Rahul Mitra)
  • Chapter Twelve: Production of the Internal Other in World Risk Society: Nuclear Power, Fukushima, and the Logic of Colonization (Etsuko Kinefuchi)
  • Chapter Thirteen: What’s New about Global Social Justice Movements? (Shiv Ganesh)
  • Series index

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Figure 3.1:Media and Migration: Media Reality, Media Use, Media Effects. Adapted and Modified from Bonfadelli et al. (2010, p. 409).
Figure 3.2:Thematic References in Articles by Language Region.
Figure 3.3:Overall Assessment of Articles by Newspaper Language and Newspaper Genre.
Figure 3.4:Media Resonance Toward the Issue of Refugees from Syrian War.
Figure 3.5:Context of Migration Coverage.
Figure 3.6:Bias in Migration Coverage
Figure 6.1:Peoples Power.
Figure 6.2:Sheep Matter.
Figure 6.3:Supreme Warning.
Figure 6.4:Martrys: Memories….
Figure 6.5:Check-Up Return Show.
Figure 6.6:I’m Fit Woaaa!!! Balo Atta.
Figure 6.7:Change Petrol Wahala.
Figure 6.8:Boom’s Crucifixion.
Figure 7.1:Klara by Joanna Furgalińska (2016).
Figure 7.2:A Manifestation to Support for Ethnolect Codification (Wojnar, 2016). ← ix | x →
Figure 7.3:A Group of Activists Manifesting the Will of the Autonomy for the Region in Front of the Monument to the Silesian Uprisings (Wojnar, 2016).
Figure 7.4:A Silesian Flag (www.autonomia.pl).
Figure 7.5:The Eagle as the Emblem of the Silesian Region (Łukasz Wojnar Stowarzyszenie Osób Narodowości Śląskiej—The Association of the Population of a Silesian Origin).
Figure 7.6:The Map of Two Neighboring Countries: Poland and Germany, Silesia Is Still Embedded in Poland but Is Being Torn Out (www.lospolski.pl).
Figure 7.7:The Emblem of Poland: A White Eagle on a Red Background (www.prezydent.pl).

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Table 3.1:Number of Articles with Migration Topics in Analyzed Newspapers
Table 3.2:Appearance of Actors
Table 3.3:Communication Status of Main and Secondary Actors by Language Region
Table 3.4:Analyzed News Programs of Swiss Radio and Television SRF
Table 3.5:Coverage of Migration in National News of Swiss Radio and Television ← xi | xii →

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Nilanjana Bardhan is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Southern Illinois University—Carbondale, USA. Her research interests span intercultural/transnational communication, postcolonial theory, and the communicative construction of identity in human and mediated environments. She also conducts research in the area of public relations, specifically in global contexts. She has published articles in the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Mass Communication & Society, Communication Education, Communication Quarterly, Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, International Journal of Strategic Communication, Journal of Communication Management, and the Journal of Health Communication. She is the coeditor of the books Public Relations in Global Cultural Contexts: Multi-paradigmatic Perspectives and Identity Research and Communication: Intercultural Reflections and Future Directions. She is coauthor of Cultivating Cosmopolitanism for Intercultural Communication: Communicating as Global Citizens.

Heinz Bonfadelli is professor emeritus at the Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zürich. He conducted research and published on uses and effects of mass media in fields such as children and media, health campaigns, environmental communication, media and migration. ← xiii | xiv →

Massimo Di Felice is a sociologist with a PhD in Communication. He is professor of Theory of Digital Communication in the School of Arts and Communication, University of São Paulo (ECA/USP). He is coordinator of ATOPOS (ECA/USP), a research center that develops interdisciplinary and international studies on social changes promoted by the advent of new digital communication technologies. He is also a Visiting Professor at Libera Universitàdi Lingue e comunicazione (IULM) in Milan and visiting professor at the University of Cordoba in Argentina, and Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3. He is the author of eight books, including: “Paisagens Pós-urbanas—o fim da experiência urbana e as formas comunicativas do Habitar” [Post-Urban Landscapes—the end of the urban experience and communicative forms of dwelling] (São Paulos, Annablume, 2009), translated into Spanish, Italian, and French. “Redes digitais e sustentabilidade” [Digital networks and sustainability] (São Paulos, Annablume, 2009), and “Pós-humanismo: as relações entre o homem e a técnica na época das redes” [Post-Humanism: the relationship between man and technology at the time of the networks] (São Paulo, Difusão, 2010). His new book published in Italian: “Net-attivismo: dell’azione sociale all’atto connettivo” [Net-activism: of social action to the connective action] (Rome, Edizioni estemporanee, 2017). He is also the author of articles published in Brazil and Europe.

Jolanta A. Drzewiecka is Assistant Professor at Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland. She recently moved to Switzerland after teaching in the US for many years. She teaches courses on intercultural communication and globalization. Her research concentrates on cultural identities, representations of immigrants, nationalism, and public memory in transnational contexts. She has published her work in journals such as Communication Theory, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies.

Mohan J. Dutta is Provost’s Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Communications and New Media at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Adjunct Professor at the Interactive Digital Media Institute (IDMI) at NUS, and Courtesy Professor of Communication at Purdue University. At NUS, he is the Founding Director of the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), where he leads 19 culture-centered projects spread across 7 countries exploring marginalization in contemporary health care, health care inequalities, the intersections of poverty and health experiences at the margins, political economy of global health policies, and other topics. He has published in Communication Theory, Health Communication, and the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, among others. ← xiv | xv →

Shiv Ganesh is Professor of Communication at Massey University’s School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing. His work examines communicative dynamics involved in collective action in the context of globalization and digital technology. His work appears in such journals as Communication Monographs, Communication Research and Practice, Communication Theory, Human Relations, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Applied Research Communication, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Management Communication Quarterly, Media, Culture & Society, Organization Studies, and Women’s Studies in Communication.

Marouf Hasian, Jr. is a full professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. His areas of interest include critical cultural studies, law and rhetoric, postcolonial studies, and critical memory studies. Professor Hasian is the author of 14 books on varied critical topics, ranging from Holocaust and genocide studies to medical humanitarianism. His work appears also in journals such as Rhetoric and Public Affairs, The Quarterly Journal of Speech, Critical Studies in Media Communication, and Communication Inquiry.

Mustafa Ideli is PhD candidate in sociology and communication science at the University of Zürich. His dissertation project focuses on migrants and media from Turkey in Switzerland.

Etsuko Kinefuchi (Ph.D., Arizona State University, 2001) is an associate professor of Communication Studies at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her current research examines culture and communication from a critical, cultural-ecological perspective. Her work appeared in various communication and culture journals and edited books, including Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, Critical Studies in Media Communication, Communication, Culture, and Critique, Howard Journal of Communications, and The Blackwell Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication.

Hans J. Ladegaard studied at Odense University, Denmark and Cambridge University, England. He is Professor and Head of the Department of English at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include intercultural communication, language attitudes and stereotypes, language and gender, narratives of migration, and pragmatics and discourse analysis. He has been involved in research on domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong and overseas for the past eight years. His book on the life stories of domestic migrant workers in Hong Kong will be published by Routledge in 2016. He is coeditor and review editor of Pragmatics & Society (John Benjamins). ← xv | xvi →

Moon J. Lee (Ph.D., 2001, University of Florida) is an associate professor in the Department of Public Relations at the University of Florida. Lee’s research focuses primarily on media effects, development and evaluation of media technologies, health communication and promotion, and public relations research. Lee has published in top-tier refereed journals in various disciplines, such as Journal of Health Communication, Health Communication, Journal of Educational Computing Research, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Mass Communication & Society, Journal of Communication Management, Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, and Journal of Social Psychology.

Rahul Mitra (PhD, Purdue University) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Wayne State University (USA). His research focuses on the communicative implications of organizing sustainably, and topics of study include: sustainable business, corporate social responsibility, leadership, career/work discourses, and organizing for social change. He has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals, such as Human Relations, Environmental Communication, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, and Management Communication Quarterly, and his work has also appeared in several edited scholarly books.

Thomas K. Nakayama (Ph.D., University of Iowa) is professor of Communication Studies at Northeastern University. He is a fellow of the International Association of Intercultural Research, a former Libra Professor at the University of Maine, and a former Fulbrighter at the Université de Mons in Belgium. He is coauthor of Intercultural Communication in Contexts, Experiencing Intercultural Communication, Human Communication in Society and Communication in Society. He is coeditor of Whiteness: The Communication of Social Identity and The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication. He is the founding editor of the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.

Joseph Oduro-Frimpong is an Assistant Professor at Ashesi University. His research examines contemporary Ghanaian public culture and its relationship to understanding contemporary Ghanaian social life and political concerns. His works appear in International Journal of Communication, African Studies Review and the edited volumes: Popular Culture in Africa: The Episteme of the Everyday and Encyclopedia of Social Movements Media.

Nicholas Paliewicz is an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville, Department of Communication. His research interests include rhetoric and argumentation, critical memory studies, and environmental communication. He is ← xvi | xvii → published in journals such as Argumentation and Advocacy, Western Journal of Communication, and Popular Communication.

Eliete da Silva Pereira is a historian and has an MA in the Social Sciences from Research Center and Graduate of the Americas (CEPPAC) University of Brasilia (Brazil), PhD in Communications from the School of Arts and Communication, University of São Paulo (ECA/USP), where she is researcher at the International Research Center ATOPOS ECA-USP, and coordinator of line of research “Tekó: digitization of local knowledge”. She is author of the book Ciborgues indígen@s.br: a presença nativa no ciberespaço [Indigenous cyborgs.br: native presence in cyberspace] (Annablume, 2012) and she published the article “Indians on the Network: Notes about Brazilian Indigenous Cyberactivism” in the International Journal of Communication (2013).

Andrea Piga, PhD, wrote her dissertation on the topic of media and integration of migrants from Italy in Switzerland. She is working at the department of program strategy and audience research of the Public Broadcasting SRF in Zürich.

Dyah Pitaloka is Lecturer at the Department of Indonesian Studies, the University of Sydney. Prior to joining the University of Sydney, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Culture-Centered Approach to Research and Evaluation (CARE), Department of Communication and New Media, National University of Singapore (NUS). Her research centers on health communication and culture, marginalization in contemporary health care, the meanings of health in the realms of marginalized experiences in highly underserved communities in Southeast Asia particularly Indonesia and Singapore, and the ways in which participatory culture-centered processes and strategies are organized in marginalized contexts to coinitiate structural and social changes. Currently she is working on her book exploring the influence of culture and traditions in diabetes management among poor village women in Central Java, Indonesia.

Melissa Steyn holds the South African National Research Chair in Critical Diversity Studies, and is the founding director of the Wits Centre for Diversity Studies. Her work engages with intersecting hegemonic social formations, and includes the publication of five (co)edited books on race, culture, gender, and sexuality. She is best known for her publications on whiteness and white identity in post-apartheid South Africa. Her book, Whiteness Just Isn’t What It Used to Be: White Identity in a Changing South Africa (2001, SUNY Press) won the 2002 Outstanding Scholarship Award in International and Intercultural Communication from the National Communication Association (USA). Melissa was featured as one of Routledge’s Sociology Super Authors for 2013. ← xvii | xviii →

Maria Szmeja, Dr hab., is a professor of sociology at AGH, University of Science and Technology in Kraków and is a sociologist. She completed her PhD at Jagiellonian University, Kraków. She is interested in ethnic problems: ethnic identity, ethnic minorities, national development, borderland groups, communication between minorities and dominant group in society. She has published books, Starzy i nowi mieszkańcy Opolszczyzny (1997) and Niemcy? Polacy? Ślązacy! (2000) and research articles in English in journals such as Polish Sociological Review and Journal of Borderland Studies.


XX, 302
Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2018 (January)
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2018. XX, 302 pp., 19 b/w ill., 2 colored ill., 5 tables
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Jolanta A. Drzewiecka (Volume editor) Thomas K. Nakayama (Volume editor)

Jolanta A. Drzewiecka (Ph.D., Arizona State University) is Assistant Professor of Intercultural Communication at Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland. Her work focuses on migrant belonging, nationalism, and public memory. She has published in Communication Theory, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Critical Studies in Media Communication, and other journals. Thomas K. Nakayama (Ph.D., University of Iowa) is Professor of Communication Studies at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. His works include Intercultural Communication in Contexts, Experiencing Intercultural Communication, and The Handbook of Critical Intercultural Communication. He was the founding editor of the Journal of International and Intercultural Communication.


Title: Global Dialectics in Intercultural Communication