
Intersecting Philosophical Planes

Philosophical Essays

by Bert Olivier (Author)
©2012 Monographs XV, 366 Pages


The philosophical essays collected here are predicated on the conviction that we live in a time when all-encompassing philosophical systems can no longer be seriously entertained as a true reflection of extant reality. Instead, an indefinite number of perspectives on – or discursive appropriations of – what is thought of as ‘reality’ are possible. Sometimes they diverge and sometimes they intersect in surprising ways, as these essays show. While the belief in an all-inclusive philosophical system is rejected, the author shows that every perspective displays a coherence and illuminating power of its own.
The collection is divided into two parts. The first considers philosophy, the individual and society, covering themes including the deleterious effects of capitalism on natural ecosystems, the modern conception of ‘immortality’ in Nietzsche’s thought, Lacan’s provocative interpretation of capitalist discourse, the current status of the humanities in universities, individual autonomy, the meaning of ‘identification’, global ‘terrorism’, and Plato’s philosophical self-subversion. The second part gathers together perspectives on the arts and society, with the author arguing that reflections on cinema, architecture and music never isolate these arts from social concerns, but demonstrate their interconnectedness.


XV, 366
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2012 (June)
continental philosophy demands of autonomy capitalism's effect on nature psychoanalytical perspective on capitalist discourse
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2012. XVI, 366 pp.
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Bert Olivier (Author)

Bert Olivier is Professor of Philosophy at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa. As well as philosophy, he engages in productive explorations of disciplines such as architectural and psychoanalytical theory and film studies. His published work covers a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary interests, from ancient Greek and modern philosophy to poststructuralism, psychoanalysis and the arts.


Title: Intersecting Philosophical Planes