The Impact of Study Abroad on the Acquisition of Sociopragmatic Variation Patterns
The Case of Non-Native Speaker English Teachers
Introducing the concept of ‘loci of learning’, the book provides a compelling insight into the relationship between the duration of study abroad and the intensity and diversity of access to the target language. It then proceeds to explore the impact of varying degrees of intensity and diversity of language contact on the development of sociopragmatic variation patterns through a micro-analysis of recorded learner discourse. Finally, it maps the correlation between these linguistic patterns and the enactment of a compound identity.
Linking ethnographic and quantitative data with extensive examples of learner discourse, the author offers a unique perspective on non-native speaker teachers of English. By turning the focus of study abroad research onto this group, who are not only learners but also disseminators of the language, this book fills a significant gap in current scholarship.
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the author(s)/editor(s)
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Chapter 1: Introduction: Aims and Scope of the Book
- Study Abroad as a Learning Context
- Trajectory of Study Abroad Research
- Loci of Learning
- Study Abroad and Loci of Learning
- Summary
- Chapter 2: ‘The art of the analysis of the unsaid’: An Investigation of Pragmatics
- Defining Pragmatics
- Analysis of Pragmatics
- You Wouldn’t Pass the Salt – From Accusation to Request: Pragmatics in Second Language Acquisition
- Sociopragmatic Competence
- Factors Underpinning the Acquisition of Sociopragmatic Competence
- Summary
- Chapter 3: Identity and the Second Language User: How Can I Still Be Me?
- Theoretical Considerations: A Poststructuralist View
- Providing a Framework for Identity
- Identity and Second Language Acquisition: Statistics and Stories
- Beyond Gender
- Synthesis
- Chapter 4: The Study
- Broadening the Scope of Study Abroad Research
- The Study: Methodology
- Analytical Frameworks
- Mapping Language to Identity: Establishing a Framework
- Chapter 5: Language Teacher as Learner: Constructing a Profile
- The Non-Native Speaker English Teacher: Establishing a Profile
- Contact with English in the Target Language Community
- Duration Matters
- Intensity of Contact with Native and Non-Native Speakers vs. Accumulated Length of Stay
- Intergroup Comparison
- The Impact of Intensity of Contact on Exposure to Loci of Learning
- Intergroup Comparison
- Media-Based Locus
- Intergroup Comparison
- Conclusion
- Chapter 6: ‘Are you ok?’: The Use of (Sub)Strategies to Index Sociopragmatic Variation
- Results: Conventionality vs. Directness
- Intergroup Comparison of Strategies
- Summary
- Chapter 7: You Can Take the Teacher Out of the Classroom, But … : Indexing Identity
- Speaker/Hearer Orientation
- Intergroup Comparison of the Indexing of Identity through Speaker/Hearer Orientation and Modality
- Indexing Identity through Solidary and Nonsolidary Moves
- Summary
- Chapter 8: Towards an Understanding of the Interplay between Duration of Study Abroad, Interaction with Loci of Learning and the Emergence of Core Identity
- Sociopragmatic Variation and the Discourse of Primarily Foreign Language (FL) Learners
- How Variation is Realised in Discourse
- Degrees of Cross-Contextuality and Their Impact on Variation Patterns
- Identity Enactment and Interaction with Loci of Learning
- The Interplay Between Study Abroad, Identity and Language
- Implications of the Research
- References
- Index
- Series Index
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First and foremost, it is imperative to extend my greatest thanks to the wonderful non-native speaking English teachers from all over Europe who not only endured the relentless rain of a typical Irish summer with a smile, but who also responded to my constant questions and recordings with openness and enthusiasm.
A special thanks also goes to Martin Howard for his invaluable advice, guidance and intellectual support – not to mention numerous cups of tea.
Of course no acknowledgement page would be complete without mentioning my family. Thank you for putting up with my preoccupations over the span of this project and especially the mess that ensued. I promise that I will tidy up the mounds of paper that have taken over the house. Someday.
Finally, a great big thank you to the staff at Peter Lang and in particular to Christabel for her kind words and help.
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- Pages
- XIV, 296
- Publication Year
- 2014
- 9783035306255
- 9783035394801
- 9783035394818
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783034317023
- 10.3726/978-3-0353-0625-5
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2014 (July)
- Keywords
- identity development diversity intensity
- Published
- Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2014. XIV, 296 pp., 25 fig. and 43 tables
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG