'Truthe is the beste'
A Festschrift in Honour of A.V.C. Schmidt
Table Of Contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- About the editors
- About the book
- This eBook can be cited
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- List of Published Works by A.V.C. Schmidt
- Introduction
- Punctuation in the B Version of Piers Plowman
- Terror, Horror and the Fear of God, or, Why There Is No Medieval Sublime
- Romance Patterns of Naming in Piers Plowman
- The Style of Prayer in Piers Plowman
- Malory’s Fyleloly: The Origin and Meaning of a Name
- Review. A Dictionary of Hiberno-English: The Irish Use of English (third edition)
- Dame Study’s Anatomical Curse: A Scatological Parody?
- Nebuchadnezzar and the Moral of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale
- Aicill in Piers Plowman?
- Chaucer’s Tellers and Tales and the Design of the Canterbury Tales
- Proverbs in Middle English Alliterative Poetry
- Julian of Norwich and Medieval English Visual Culture
- Notes on Contributors
- Index
- Series index
← vi | vii → Acknowledgments
We are indebted to Judith Schmidt for supplying us with the list of Carl Schmidt’s publications to date, a list that we hope will be added to in years of fruitful and happy retirement ahead. The superb professionalism of Andrea Greengrass, who compiled the Index, and Alessandra Anzani, who coordinated the production work on behalf of Peter Lang, might be taken for granted by anyone who has had the good fortune to work with them in the past, but assuredly it cannot be taken for granted in the production of books such as this and indeed it has been a blessing. Carl was a distinguished editor of Medium Aevum (1982–1988) and consequently we are delighted to acknowledge a donation of £500 from Medium Aevum to meet the costs of publication.
Nick wishes to express his gratitude to Richard Swinburne for help on the Septuagint and I wish here to add some personal debts on my own behalf. I am grateful to Dr Margret Fine-Davis of the Department of Sociology at Trinity for generously providing a home for my most important books and two aged computers (with their attendant files). This has indeed proved an essential resource for my continued scholarly work. The Chaucer Hub, which I founded in 2009 on my retirement, has benefited from its inception from the support of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies under its founding Director, Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey, and it is by a happy chance that the Festschrift for Carl Schmidt appears as the first of a new series established by the Centre under the title, Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. I have been helped also by my former pupil, Joanne Fitzpatrick, who consulted references and provided technical assistance for me even when engaged on her own dissertation on Trinity College Dublin MS 489, and sustained by the personal enthusiasm for Chaucer of another former pupil from the 1980s, Margaret Connolly, in informal tutorials on The Canterbury Tales in the Clyde Court Hotel in Dublin 4.
← vii | viii → We are indebted to the great scholars who have made this book possible by their own generosity added to erudition that fittingly accompanies the erudition of Carl Schmidt himself. It may not be out of place for us finally to acknowledge our own ‘buon maestro’, John Burrow, who guided us on our way as students at Oxford in the early 1960s. Some Festschrifts, no doubt, are prompted by a sense of scholarly duty, but this Festschrift has been prompted by both admiration and love.
Gerald Morgan
← viii | ix → Abbreviations
Sources and Works of Reference
Listed below are the texts cited throughout the present volume. In particular it is to be noted that Piers Plowman is cited from Schmidt’s Parallel-Text Edition (PPl) and Chaucer’s Works from The Riverside Chaucer (Benson). We refer to the fragments of the Canterbury Tales as I, II, III, etc. and to individual tales as, for example, the Knight’s Tale, that is, following the order of the Ellesmere MS and rejecting the Bradshaw Shift, but assuming that there are in reality only eight and not ten fragments.
- Pages
- XXII, 220
- Publication Year
- 2014
- 9783035306392
- 9783035398861
- 9783035398878
- ISBN (Softcover)
- 9783034317283
- 10.3726/978-3-0353-0639-2
- Language
- English
- Publication date
- 2014 (September)
- Keywords
- Chaucer legacy lifetime¿s work
- Published
- Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Wien, 2014. XXII, 220 pp.
- Product Safety
- Peter Lang Group AG