
New Empirical Industrial Organization and the Food System

by Harry M. Kaiser (Volume editor) Nobuhiro Suzuki (Volume editor)
©2006 Monographs XIV, 357 Pages


The new empirical industrial organization (NEIO) is a pioneering framework developed by economists to measure the degree of competitiveness of economic sectors. The primary contribution of NEIO is the generalization of perfect-competition and monopoly models to intermediate imperfect-competition models that can be empirically estimated. This framework has been applied to many sectors to provide policymakers dealing with antitrust issues with empirical evidence of market power throughout the marketing channel. This is the first book to provide a detailed, systematic overview of NEIO. The authors present a comprehensive synopsis of the theory and application of NEIO as well as selected case studies to the food sector.


XIV, 357
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2006 (May)
New empirical industrial organization Market structure Degree of market competition Food system Conjectural variations Industrieökonomie Unvollständige Konkurrenz Lebensmittelindustrie Empirische Forschung Aufsatzsammlung Oligopol
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, Oxford, Wien, 2006. XIV, 357 pp.

Biographical notes

Harry M. Kaiser (Volume editor) Nobuhiro Suzuki (Volume editor)

The Editors: Harry M. Kaiser received his Ph.D. in applied economics from the University of Minnesota. He is Professor of Applied Economics at Cornell University and Associate Editor of Agribusiness: An International Journal. Dr. Kaiser has written over eighty scholarly journal articles, three books, and numerous book chapters, and is a former editor of Agricultural and Resource Economics Review and a former associate editor of the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Dr. Kaiser has received over $5.5 million in research grants in the areas of agricultural marketing, quantitative methods, industrial organization, and policy. In 2002 he received the distinguished member award from the Northeastern Association of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and he is currently the president of that association as well as a former executive board director of the American Association of Agricultural Economics. Nobuhiro Suzuki received his Ph.D. in agricultural economics from the University of Tokyo. He is Professor of Agricultural Economics at Kyushu University, a member of the editorial board of Agribusiness: An International Journal, and a former editor-in-chief of Japanese Journal of Agricultural Economics. Dr. Suzuki has written over 60 scholarly journal articles, seven books, and many book chapters in the areas of agricultural policy, marketing, empirical industrial organization, and quantitative methods. He received the distinguished article and book awards from the Japanese Association of Agricultural Economics in 1995 and 2002, respectively.


Title: New Empirical Industrial Organization and the Food System