
Innovation, Complexity and Policy

Contributions from 30 years of innovation policy research in Austria

by Matthias Weber (Volume editor)
©2017 Edited Collection 230 Pages


This book brings together a set of contributions that show the breadth and depth of the scientific work of Josef Fröhlich and his influence on Austrian research, technology and innovation (RTI) policy. It is edited in honour of the occasion of his retirement as Head of Innovation Systems Department at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. The contributors provide an overview of important issues of debate at the intersection of innovation studies and government policy, which have been pivotal for the modernisation and consolidation of the Austrian innovation system since the early 1990s.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editor
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Table of Contents
  • Foreword (Ingolf Schädler)
  • Foreword – A personal speech for Josef Fröhlich that has yet to be held: Complexity need not be complicated. (Wolf D. Prix)
  • Introduction (Matthias Weber)
  • The dynamics of innovation systems
  • RTI funding in Austria – Organisational structures and institutional change (Rupert Pichler)
  • Innovation Co-operation between industrial firms and universities in Austria: Key concepts and developments over time (Doris Schartinger / Bernhard Dachs)
  • Global firms and national innovation systems: the case of Austria (Bernhard Dachs / Georg Zahradnik)
  • Futures of research and innovation: transformative scenarios and the dilemma of research and innovation policy (Matthias Weber / Petra Schaper-Rinkel / Susanne Giesecke)
  • Tools and methods for the analysis ofcomplex systems
  • Bridging centrality: A new indicator to measure the positioning of actors in complex networks (Thomas Scherngell / Laurent Bergé / Iris Wanzenböck)
  • Agent-based Modelling in RTI Policy: Application to the Austrian biotechnology industry (Manfred Paier / Martina Dünser / Thomas Scherngell / Simon Martin)
  • Identifying research fronts: A science mapping exercise for security research (Edgar Schiebel)
  • Interventions in complex innovationsystems
  • The Austrian Competence Center Programmes: Past, present and future? (Michael Dinges / Karl-Heinz Leitner)
  • Innovation policy lab to design intervention in public procurement (Eva Buchinger)
  • The Austrian ScienceCenter-Network as an example for systemic intervention in science learning (Barbara Streicher / Margit Fischer / Wolfgang Czerny / Barbara Heller-Schuh)
  • Technology Experience: A framework for people driven innovation (Manfred Tscheligi)
  • Complextiy, acceleration, globalisation – A challenge for democratic governance (Ludwig Streit)
  • Authors

Matthias Weber (ed.)

Innovation, Complexity and Policy

Contributions from 30 years
of innovation policy research in Austria

About the editor

Matthias Weber is Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. He has experience in process engineering, political sciences and economics, and worked on innovation systems, strategic foresight, and STI policy.

About the book

This book brings together a set of contributions that show the breadth and depth of the scientific work of Josef Fröhlich and his influence on Austrian research, technology and innovation (RTI) policy. It is edited in honour of the occasion of his retirement as Head of Innovation Systems Department at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. The contributors provide an overview of important issues of debate at the intersection of innovation studies and government policy, which have been pivotal for the modernisation and consolidation of the Austrian innovation system since the early 1990s.

This eBook can be cited

This edition of the eBook can be cited. To enable this we have marked the start and end of a page. In cases where a word straddles a page break, the marker is placed inside the word at exactly the same position as in the physical book. This means that occasionally a word might be bifurcated by this marker.

Table of Contents

Ingolf Schädler


Wolf D. Prix

Foreword – A personal speech for Josef Fröhlich that has yet to be held: Complexity need not be complicated.

Matthias Weber


The dynamics of innovation systems

Rupert Pichler

RTI funding in Austria – Organisational structures and institutional change

Doris Schartinger, Bernhard Dachs

Innovation Co-operation between industrial firms and universities in Austria: Key concepts and developments over time

Bernhard Dachs, Georg Zahradnik

Global firms and national innovation systems: the case of Austria

Matthias Weber, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Susanne Giesecke

Futures of research and innovation: transformative scenarios and the dilemma of research and innovation policy

Tools and methods for the analysis of complex systems

Thomas Scherngell, Laurent Bergé, Iris Wanzenböck

Bridging centrality: A new indicator to measure the positioning of actors in complex networks

Manfred Paier, Martina Dünser, Thomas Scherngell, Simon Martin

Agent-based Modelling in RTI Policy: Application to the Austrian biotechnology industry←5 | 6→

Edgar Schiebel

Identifying research fronts: A science mapping exercise for security research

Interventions in complex innovation systems

Michael Dinges, Karl-Heinz Leitner

The Austrian Competence Center Programmes: Past, present and future?

Eva Buchinger

Innovation policy lab to design intervention in public procurement

Barbara Streicher, Margit Fischer, Wolfgang Czerny, Barbara Heller-Schuh

The Austrian ScienceCenter-Network as an example for systemic intervention in science learning

Manfred Tscheligi

Technology Experience: A framework for people driven innovation

Ludwig Streit

Complextiy, acceleration, globalisation – A challenge for democratic governance


←6 | 7→


Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2017 (June)
Research, Technology & Innovation Policy Foresight Innovation Systems Complexity Governance
Frankfurt am Main, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien, 2017. 230 pp., 9 b/w ill., 5 coloured ill., 22 tables

Biographical notes

Matthias Weber (Volume editor)

Matthias Weber is Head of Center for Innovation Systems and Policy at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna. He has experience in process engineering, political sciences and economics, and worked on innovation systems, strategic foresight, and STI policy.


Title: Innovation, Complexity and Policy