
Translation and Interpreting

Convergence, Contact and Interaction

by Eugenia Dal Fovo (Volume editor) Paola Gentile (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection XII, 296 Pages


A glance at the current state of the profession reveals a varied scenario in which Translation and Interpreting (T&I) constitute two interlingual processes usually performed by the same person in the same communicative situation or in different situations within the same set of relations and contacts. Although both practices call for somewhat different communicative competences, they are often seen as a single entity in the eyes of the public at large. T&I are thus found in relations of overlap, hybridity and contiguity and can be effected variously in professional practices and translation processes and strategies. Yet, when it comes to research, T&I have long been regarded as two separate fields of study. This book aims to address this gap by providing insights into theoretical and methodological approaches that can help integrate both fields into one and the same discipline. Each of the contributions in this volume offers innovative perspectives on T&I by focusing on topics that cover areas as diverse as training methods, identity perception, use of English as lingua franca, T&I strategies, T&I in specific speech communities, and the socio-professional status of translators and interpreters.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • This eBook can be cited
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Acknowledgements
  • Preface (Eugenia Dal Fovo / Paola Gentile)
  • Introduction Translation and Interpreting: Convergence, Contact and Interaction (Eugenia Dal Fovo / Paola Gentile)
  • Part I New Trends in Research on Translation and Interpreting
  • 1 Public Service Interpreting and Translation: Some Convergences and Trends at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century (Carmen Valero-Garcés)
  • 2 ITELF: (E)merging Interests in Interpreting and Translation Studies (Michaela Albl-Mikasa / Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow)
  • 3 The Concept of Strategies in Translation and Interpreting Studies: Shared and Dissimilar Features (Alessandra Riccardi)
  • Part II Evolution of Translation and Interpreting Professions
  • 4 Occupation as Part of our Identity: A Pilot Study on Translators’ and Interpreters’ Visual Narratives (Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez)
  • 5 Legal Interpreting and Translation in Belgium: A Crossover Profession (Emmanuelle Gallez / Franciska Vanoverberghe)
  • 6 Locating Translation and Interpreting in a Speech Community: Locating the Speech Community in Translation and Interpreting Studies (Jim Hlavac)
  • Part III From Real Life to the Classroom: New Challenges for Translation and Interpreting Trainers (and Trainees)
  • 7 Enriching Translator Training with Interpreting Tasks: Bringing Sight Translation into the Translation Classroom (Nataša Hirci / Tamara Mikolič Južnič / Agnes Pisanski Peterlin)
  • 8 Training Future T&I Practisearchers: Joint Training Experiments for T&I Students (Eugenia Dal Fovo)
  • 9 Training Translators and Interpreters for a Digitised and Globalised World: Wikipedia, Lingua Francas and Critical Thinking (Simo K. Määttä)
  • Notes on Contributors
  • Index
  • Series index

and Interpreting

Convergence, Contact
and Interaction

Eugenia Dal Fovo and Paola Gentile (eds)


Oxford • Bern • Berlin • Bruxelles • New York • Wien

About the book

A glance at the current state of the profession reveals a varied scenario in which Translation and Interpreting (T&I) constitute two interlingual processes usually performed by the same person in the same communicative situation or in different situations within the same set of relations and contacts. Although both practices call for somewhat different communicative competences, they are often seen as a single entity in the eyes of the public at large. T&I are thus found in relations of overlap, hybridity and contiguity and can be effected variously in professional practices and translation processes and strategies. Yet, when it comes to research, T&I have long been regarded as two separate fields of study. This book aims to address this gap by providing insights into theoretical and methodological approaches that can help integrate both fields into one and the same discipline. Each of the contributions in this volume offers innovative perspectives on T&I by focusing on topics that cover areas as diverse as training methods, identity perception, use of English as lingua franca, T&I strategies, T&I in specific speech communities, and the socio-professional status of translators and interpreters.


List of Figures

List of Tables


Eugenia Dal Fovo and Paola Gentile


Eugenia Dal Fovo and Paola Gentile

Introduction Translation and Interpreting: Convergence, Contact and Interaction

Part I New Trends in Research on Translation and Interpreting

Carmen Valero-Garcés

1 Public Service Interpreting and Translation: Some Convergences and Trends at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century

Michaela Albl-Mikasa and Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow

2 ITELF: (E)merging Interests in Interpreting and Translation Studies←v | vi→

Alessandra Riccardi

3 The Concept of Strategies in Translation and Interpreting Studies: Shared and Dissimilar Features

Part II Evolution of Translation and Interpreting Professions

Raquel Lázaro Gutiérrez

4 Occupation as Part of our Identity: A Pilot Study on Translators’ and Interpreters’ Visual Narratives

Emmanuelle Gallez and Franciska Vanoverberghe

5 Legal Interpreting and Translation in Belgium: A Crossover Profession

Jim Hlavac

6 Locating Translation and Interpreting in a Speech Community: Locating the Speech Community in Translation and Interpreting Studies

Part III From Real Life to the Classroom: New Challenges for Translation and Interpreting Trainers (and Trainees)


7 Enriching Translator Training with Interpreting Tasks: Bringing Sight Translation into the Translation Classroom

Eugenia Dal Fovo

8 Training Future T&I Practisearchers: Joint Training Experiments for T&I Students←vi | vii→

Simo K. Määttä

9 Training Translators and Interpreters for a Digitised and Globalised World: Wikipedia, Lingua Francas and Critical Thinking

Notes on Contributors

Index←vii | viii→ ←viii | ix→


Figure 4.1. Answers on training

Figure 4.2. Professional interpreters and translators

Figure 4.3. Statute of professional interpreters and translators

Figure 4.4. Statute of non-professional translators and interpreters

Figure 4.5. Time performing T&I activities professionally

Figure 4.6. Domain (i.e. settings) in which the respondents work

Figure 4.7. Example of answer to question 5

Figure 4.8. Line between translator and interpreter

Figure 4.9. Manifestation of feelings (Respondent 1: female, four years of working experience, MA Degree)

Figure 4.10. Feelings and double identity (Respondent 7: female, six years of working experience, BA Degree, sworn translator and interpreter)

Figure 4.11. Multitasking (Respondent 2: female, four years of working experience, BA Degree)

Figure 4.12. Several languages (Respondent 4: female, five years of working experience, MA Degree)

Figure 4.13. Use of new technology (Respondent 17: female, three years of working experience, BA Degree in Spanish language and literature)

Figure 4.14. Invisibility (Respondent 5: male, six months of working experience, MA Degree)

Figure 4.15. Doubts (Respondent 13: female, two years of working experience, MA level)←ix | x→

Figure 4.16. Stress (Respondent 16: female, seven years of working experience, MA Degree)

Figure 4.17. Neutral alignment (Respondent 14: female, five years of working experience, BA Degree)

Figure 4.18. Alignment with the less powerful party (Respondent 12: female, three years of working experience, MA Degree)

Figure 4.19. Alignment with the powerful party (Respondent 10: female, three years of working experience, BA Degree)

Figure 5.1. Professional activities in legal settings


XII, 296
Publication Year
ISBN (Softcover)
Publication date
2019 (June)
Convergence, Contact and Interaction in Translation and Interpreting Studies Current and Future Developments Translation & Interpreting training Translation & Interpreting studies Translation & Interpreting
Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, New York, Wien, 2019. XII, 296 pp., 29 fig. b/w, 16 tables
Product Safety
Peter Lang Group AG

Biographical notes

Eugenia Dal Fovo (Volume editor) Paola Gentile (Volume editor)

Eugenia Dal Fovo is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Legal, Language, Interpreting and Translation Studies, University of Trieste. She obtained her PhD in Interpreting and Translation Studies from the University of Trieste. Paola Gentile is currently a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven. She obtained her PhD in Interpreting and Translation Studies from the University of Trieste.


Title: Translation and Interpreting