
Phonetics and Phonology in Action

by Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska (Volume editor) Marek Radomski (Volume editor)
©2019 Edited Collection 287 Pages


The present volume is a collection of 14 papers written by several international scholars who examine a variety of descriptive and theoretical issues topical in current phonetic and phonological research. This is done through a meticulous analysis of a rich body of data, often obtained experimentally, taken from such languages as Gothic, Sanskrit, Old Chinese, Malaylam, Japanese, Polish, Hungarian, English and Portuguese as well as through theoretical considerations which carry broader implications for the study of sound systems.

Table Of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • About the editors
  • About the book
  • Citability of the eBook
  • Contents
  • Biographical Notes
  • Contributors:
  • Editors:
  • Part One: Segmental issues
  • Branching Onsets and the OCP
  • Length and Reduplication of Branching Onsets
  • Mu:ving forward: /u:/-fronting and dark /l/ blocking in Standard Southern British English indicates the need for revised phonemic transcription
  • Adaptation of interdental fricatives in English loanwords into Russian. Established versus online loans
  • Alternants of the voiced velar plosive in novel masculine diminutives in Polish with the suffix –ek
  • Duration and phonological complexity:
  • Factors influencing interlanguage rhoticity: The case of Hungarian-accented English
  • /Obstruent + Liquid/ clusters in Western Nordic
  • Part Two: Prosody
  • On the relevance of the uneven moraic trochee foot in OT: trochaic lengthening and syncope
  • What can Old Chinese tonogenesis tell theoretical phonology about segments and tone?
  • Intonational Phonology of Malayalam
  • Final vs. no accent in interrogative melodies of Tokyo Japanese: Implications for tonal clash resolution
  • Speeded identification and discrimination of correct word stress in English by Polish learners
  • Prosodic prominence variation in English adjective-noun constructions:
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables

Biographical Notes


Katalin Balogné Bérces is Associate Professor in English Linguistics at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. Her field of research is English phonology, with special interest in its syllable structure and consonantal processes. Her books include Strict CV Phonology and the English Cross-Word Puzzle (2008), The Pronunciation of English (2006, with Szilárd Szentgyörgyi), Beginner’s English Dialectology (2008), and The Structure of English (2016).

Guillaume Enguehard is Assistant Professor at University of Orléans, France. His main research interest is theoretical phonology approached from a structuralist point of view. His work addresses the unification of various autosegmental notions. He has mainly published on stress and phonotactics.

Luke Green is a teacher of English language and linguistics at the Department of English and American studies at the University of Vienna, Austria, where he teaches introductory classes in English linguistics. In 2017 he co-founded the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics, where he currently functions as treasurer. His key research interests lie in the fields of phonetics, particularly recent sound changes in British English, as well as in phonology and morphosyntax. E-mail: luke.green@univie.ac.at

Hyun Kyung Hwang is a Research Scientist in the Laboratory for Language Development at RIKEN, Wako, Japan. Her primary research interests lie in the interfaces between prosody and syntax/semantics/information structure in Korean and Japanese. Her recent papers include Not all XPs affect prosody in Japanese (2016), Overriding syntactic islands with prosodically marked wh-scope in South Kyŏngsang Korean and two dialects of Japanese (2015) and Wh-intonation and Information Structure in South Kyeongsang Korean and Tokyo Japanese (2012).

Haike Jacobs is Professor of French Linguistics at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He is co-author of a widely used handbook of phonology (Understanding Phonology, with Carlos Gussenhoven), editor of several volumes on Romance linguistics and sound change, author of many articles in international journals (Linguistic Inquiry, Linguistic Review, Canadian Journal ←13 | 14→of Linguistics, Probus, Nordic Journal of Linguistics, Recherches linguistiques de Vincennes, Phonology).

Kateryna Laidler is a PhD student in the Phonetics and Phonology Unit of the English Department at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. Her major scientific interest lies within the field of phonology. She has presented results of her findings on phonological adaptation of Ukrainian and Russian words by English native speakers at APAP (2015) and LingBaW (2016) conferences and in published papers.

Xiaoliang Luo is an assistant professor at Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau) and lecturer at University of Orléans, France. He’s research covers theoretical phonology, Chinese phonology and morphology as well as epistemology. He has published articles in journals such as Histoire, Epistémologie, Langage and Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure. He is a member of the Société de linguistique de Paris, and serves as a scientific committee member of the international conferences French Phonology Network and Syllable.

Mahesh M is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in Madras, India. A doctoral degree holder in linguistics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, he has published several articles on phonetics and phonology. He is currently involved in developing prosodic rules for speech synthesis of Indian languages.

Mayuki Matsui is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan. Her primary research interests are neutralization, emergence, and transformation of phonological contrast at the interfaces of phonology, phonetics and psycholinguistics. Her recent publications include Acoustic manifestation of Russian word-final devoicing in utterance-medial position (2017), The impact of manner of articulation on the intelligibility of voicing contrast in noise: Cross-linguistic implications (2016), and Phonological symmetry, phonetic asymmetry, and the acoustic consequences of voicing in Russian (2016).

Grzegorz Michalski is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. His 2009 doctoral thesis focused on the interaction between phonology and other components of grammar in a modular setting, and tried to marry the cyclic approach to derivation with the representational apparatus of CVCV and Element Theory. His main interests are theoretical linguistics and the phonology of English and Polish.

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Heglyn Pimenta. is currently associated with the research unit Structures Formelles du Langage, Paris 8 University, France. She works on the phonology of Romance languages, recently focusing on the structure of Portuguese nasal and complex nuclei, hiatus and closed syllables. In her research, she takes into account diachronic evolution, synchronic data from both standard and non-standard varieties, and experimental data.

Ágnes Piukovics is a PhD student at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary. Her field of research is second/foreign language phonology and pronunciation acquisition, with a special focus on Hungarian-accented English.

Andrzej Porzuczek is Assistant Professor in the Institute of English, University of Silesia, Poland. His research areas comprise foreign language acquisition, interlanguage phonology and practical phonetics pedagogy. His recent publications include an English pronunciation coursebook for Polish learners (2013), a monograph on the temporal characteristics of Polish learner’s read English speech (2012) and several articles devoted to the prosodic aspects of Polish-accented English pronunciation and teaching practical English phonetics to Polish learners.

Arkadiusz Rojczyk is Assistant Professor in the Institute of English, University of Silesia, Poland. He specialises in speech production and perception. Most of his research concentrates on the acquisition of non-native speech. He has published a book Temporal and spectral parameters in perception of the voicing contrast in English and Polish (2010). Currently he is working on visual speech in the Facial Motion Capture technology.

Marcel Schlechtweg is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and lecturer in Linguistics at the University of Kassel, Germany. He works in the fields experimental psycholinguistics, phonetics, phonology, and morphology. His research interests include mental representation, processing and prosody of complex constructions, especially compounds and phrases. His doctoral dissertation Memorization and the Compound-Phrase Distinction appeared in the De Gruyter book series Studia Grammatica in 2018.

Laurence Voeltzel is an associated member of the Linguistic Laboratory in Nantes, France, whose work deals with the representation of segments and their integration within syllable structure. Her area of expertise is the morphophonology of Germanic languages, with a particular focus on Nordic languages. laurence.voeltzel@gmail.com

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Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska is Professor of English Linguistics and Chair of the Phonetics and Phonology Unit in the Department of English at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland. Her main research interests are phonology, phonetics, pronunciation pedagogy and gender linguistics. She has published 7 books, 5 edited volumes and over 100 papers, including The Phonology-Morphology Interface. Cycles, Levels and Words (1989 / 2018), Three Tiers in Polish and English Phonology (1995), Pronunciation in EFL Instruction: A Research-Based Approach (2015). She is editor of “SOUNDS – MEANING – COMMUNICATION. Landmarks in Phonetics, Phonology and Cognitive Linguistics” series in Peter Lang Verlag and an organizer of international biennial conferences Approaches to Phonetics and Phonology.

Marek Radomski is a research assistant in the Phonetics and Phonology Unit of the Department of English at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland. He has published on loanword phonology, Optimality Theory and foreign accent perception. He holds a PhD in phonology and his dissertation (Polish Consonant Clusters in the British Mouth. A Study in Online Loanword Adaptation) is currently being published by Peter Lang Verlag.

Guillaume Enguehard

Branching Onsets and the OCP

Abstract: In this paper, I propose a representation of branching onsets in Strict CV. I base my argument on the hypothesis that the periodicity between C- and V-positions results from a dissimilative process. After pointing out that the specific properties of branching onsets correspond to an absence of V position between two consonants, I argue that V becomes optional when consonants are distinct enough to be adjacent without violating the OCP.

Keywords: Strict CV, OCP, Branching Onset, Infrasegmental Government

1 Introduction

This analysis is part of a larger project (see Enguehard to appear, Luo & Enguehard submitted and Enguehard & Luo this volume) to develop a strict CV framework (Lowenstamm, 1996, Scheer 2004) without the lateral relations inherited from Government Phonology (Kaye et al. 1990). In this paper, I specifically focus on the representation of branching onsets. I argue that branching onsets are not conditioned by a specific lateral relation. They are conditioned by the OCP.

In Section 2, I introduce the conclusions of Enguehard (to appear) concerning the role of the OCP in the derivation of syllabic structures. In Section 3, I recall the general properties of branching onsets and the way these are usually represented in Strict CV. In Section 4, I show that the properties of branching onsets rationally correspond to the absence of an embedded V-position between two consonants. My claim is that this absence of V-position is possible if and only if two consonants are distinct enough to be adjacent without violating the OCP (e.g. an obstruent and a liquid).

2 Theoretical background

The content of this section is a reminder of Enguehard (to appear) addressing the role of the OCP in the derivation of: i. simple syllables, and ii. complex syllables.

2.1 Strict CV and the OCP

The original feature of Strict CV is the periodicity between non-nuclear and nuclear positions (C and V respectively). In order to account for some templatic phenomena, Lowenstamm (1996) proposes that the skeleton is built with a ←19 | 20→unique underlying CV syllable (1). Consequently, sequences like *CC and *VV are excluded.


Carvalho (2002:22–23) and Enguehard (to appear) propose an alternative to the traditional view in (1). They point out that the periodicity between C- and V-positions strongly echoes a well-known phonological constraint: the OCP (Leben 1973, McCarthy 1979, 1986) (2).


Obligatory Contour Principle (McCarthy 1986:208):

At the melodic level, adjacent identical elements are prohibited

Thus, they suggest that periodicity does not result from the repetition of a unique syllable. It results from a dissimilation between skeletal positions (3).1


Considering that such a dissimilation is derived from the definition of the OCP in (2), skeletal positions must be likened to melodic units. Such a claim was already explored in Jensen (1994), Szigetvári (2004), Nasukawa & Backley (2005), Pöchtrager (2006) and Passino (2017). In line with these studies, I assume that C- and V-positions correspond to melodic elements. C is a representation of the root node (Nasukawa & Backley 2005:83), and V is a representation of |A| (Nasukawa & Backley 2005:86). Thus, (3) and (4) are equivalent.


2.2 Government and the OCP

In Enguehard (to appear), I propose to extend the role of the OCP to the derivation of complex syllables. In Strict CV, these are represented with help of empty positions conditioned by lateral relations (Kaye et al. 1990).2 Pointing out that Government basically aims to prohibit a succession of two empty nuclei (5a) (see Footnote 2), I have been putting forward a reinterpretation of this prohibition as an OCP effect (5b).

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In the dedicated paper, I suggest a broader definition of the OCP in order to include Ø (6).3 Anecdotally, I now reserve my judgment on the real necessity of this reformulation. Indeed, it is worth mentioning that the distinction between Ø and elements is not unanimously acknowledged in Government Phonology. Absence of realization is sometimes represented with emptiness (e.g. | | in Backley 2011) and sometimes with a phonological element (e.g. |v°| in Kaye et al. 1985, |@| in Harris & Lindsey 1995). However, this topic is orthogonal to the present study.



Publication Year
ISBN (Hardcover)
Publication date
2019 (March)
Optimality Theory Government Phonology prosody loanword adaptation learner English syllable structure
Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien. 2019. 288 pp. 35 b/w fig., 32 b/w tab.

Biographical notes

Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska (Volume editor) Marek Radomski (Volume editor)

Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska, Chair of the Phonetics and Phonology Unit of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, has published extensively on English and Polish phonology, phonodidactics and gender linguistics. Marek Radomski, Assistant Professor in the Phonetics and Phonology Unit of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland, specializes in phonology, particularly in loanword adaptation.


Title: Phonetics and Phonology in Action